Bachmann files paperwork to run.

Why would he denigrate her for such a noble thing? Because she is a Republican.
Why would he denigrate her for such a noble thing? Because she is a Republican.

I think it is because he is a filthy liberal. Liberals are scum.

These are the same tactics this losers use on Palin. They attack for a no good reason. They lie and they lie somemore.
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My folks were foster parents. They spent more on the child each month than they took in. They did it out of kindness, not out of finacial gains. This is something Dems can never understand. They always want something for nothing. My folks were good Christians who wanted to give a child a better life. My folks could only take in 1 child at a time, but over the course of my childhood, I had 8 foster brothers and sisters. All of which were eventually adopted and some of which I still have contact with.

Bachmann did not take in 23 foster kids becuase she needs the money. She did it for the same reason my parents did it, out of kindness.
Socialist Welfare Queen Moochele Bachman took money from the tax payer for each and every child, which is what CON$ condemn every other welfare mother for, even though welfare does not cover all the child's expenses. CON$ accuse them of having more children just to get more money from the government, so I am merely giving CON$ a taste of their own medicine.
When CON$ take money from the government to support children they are "saints," but if anyone else does it they are Socialist leeches being charitable with other people's money.

You are one dumb MF'er.

She did not give birth to these children like an irresponsible slut. She is actually taking care of someone else’s unwanted child. This is a charitable act.

Why would you denigrate her for such a noble thing? Besides, I told you those children cost her more than she takes in.

You are a real scumbag?
Moochele is charitable with other people's money.
Moochele is taking care of other people's children with other people's money, exactly what you CON$ condemn Libs for doing. You CON$ whine that Libs are charitable with other people's money, just like saint Moochele. I'm just applying CON$ervative scumbag "logic" to CON$. For some strange reason you CON$ can't live up to your own scumbag standards.

CON$ can dish it out but whine like little crybabies when it bites them in their hypocritical scumbag asses.
Socialist Welfare Queen Moochele Bachman took money from the tax payer for each and every child, which is what CON$ condemn every other welfare mother for, even though welfare does not cover all the child's expenses. CON$ accuse them of having more children just to get more money from the government, so I am merely giving CON$ a taste of their own medicine.
When CON$ take money from the government to support children they are "saints," but if anyone else does it they are Socialist leeches being charitable with other people's money.

You are one dumb MF'er.

She did not give birth to these children like an irresponsible slut. She is actually taking care of someone else’s unwanted child. This is a charitable act.

Why would you denigrate her for such a noble thing? Besides, I told you those children cost her more than she takes in.

You are a real scumbag?
Moochele is charitable with other people's money.
Moochele is taking care of other people's children with other people's money, exactly what you CON$ condemn Libs for doing. You CON$ whine that Libs are charitable with other people's money, just like saint Moochele. I'm just applying CON$ervative scumbag "logic" to CON$. For some strange reason you CON$ can't live up to your own scumbag standards.

CON$ can dish it out but whine like little crybabies when it bites them in their hypocritical scumbag asses.

Ed, I swear, if you had a brain you'd be dangerous. :cuckoo:
Yes, lefties - There will be Palin type persecution of Bachmann. The left wing media will tell more lies, the left wing comedy shows will tell more jokes, the left wing websites will flame her. That is what they do.

But Bachmann is squeaky clean, just like Palin. Can you imagine if we went through 13,000 of Obama's emails? That piece of sh*t would have to step down...oh wait, Dems don't step down. They have no shame.

Be sure to point out some of those "lies".

Because you never seem to back up any of the shit you post.
Yes, lefties - There will be Palin type persecution of Bachmann. The left wing media will tell more lies, the left wing comedy shows will tell more jokes, the left wing websites will flame her. That is what they do.

But Bachmann is squeaky clean, just like Palin. Can you imagine if we went through 13,000 of Obama's emails? That piece of sh*t would have to step down...oh wait, Dems don't step down. They have no shame.
:eusa_boohoo: Play that CON$ervative Perpetual Victim Card, you little whining crybaby. :boohoo:
Dipshits on the left have spent all their capital attacking Palin instead of Bachmann now they've have nothing on either.

The left is terrified of a Conservative Woman taking office they know that once it happens they'll have a terrible time trying to attack her
She can't win. John McCain lost the Moderate vote by 20 points and that cost him the election.

She'd lose it by 30. At least.

Sure she can. Obama is highly vulnerable... and even more so if the economy gets worse, which all indicators seem to be pointing that way. Not to mention his comment yesterday that he highly overestimated the "shovel ready" aspect of the stimulus.

He's in big trouble.
She can't win. John McCain lost the Moderate vote by 20 points and that cost him the election.

She'd lose it by 30. At least.

Sure she can. Obama is highly vulnerable... and even more so if the economy gets worse, which all indicators seem to be pointing that way. Not to mention his comment yesterday that he highly overestimated the "shovel ready" aspect of the stimulus.

He's in big trouble.

Michelle Bachmann would be 2012's Walter Mondale.
Well, at least she's easier on the eye than the beaknose manface Palin, I mean, if we're going to have endure one or the other of them on the airwaves.
I think Bachmann is the perfect candidate to run against Obama.

She has good conservative credentials and is something of an outsider. And, there is the added benefit of her being a woman. So I think she is well-suited to get the conservative message across especially to the fence-sitters (who are even more fed up than they were the last time).

I also think that, because of her strong Tea Party credentials, people will come out in droves to vote for her so she should have massive coat tails for those running down the ticket.

Indeed, so far, she is really the only one who inspires me even a little bit (and I’m not even a republican).
Well, at least she's easier on the eye than the beaknose manface Palin, I mean, if we're going to have endure one or the other of them on the airwaves.

After looking at Nasty Piglosi, Billary Clinton and Maxobscene Waters, both Palin and Bachmann are easy on the eyes.

Why are Democrat women so damn ugly?

Look at Michelle Obama...She looks like RuPaul
Well, at least she's easier on the eye than the beaknose manface Palin, I mean, if we're going to have endure one or the other of them on the airwaves.

After looking at Nasty Piglosi, Billary Clinton and Maxobscene Waters, both Palin and Bachmann are easy on the eyes.

Why are Democrat women so damn ugly?

Look at Michelle Obama...She looks like RuPaul

Your words in the brief time you've posted on this message board make you extremely ugly, A.C. Physical appearance aside, calling others MFers and using pejoratives proves you're profane, not profound.

I wonder how real conservatives feel about your kind of advocacy? Though I suspect you're more punk than thug, you are a disgusting and ignorant stain on this message board.
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The woman has also provided foster care for 23 children while taking care of five of her own.

...The woman is a saint.

The left would have just as soon aborted those children. She is taking care of them.
Moochele was a well paid for it by the government "saint."

My folks were foster parents. They spent more on the child each month than they took in. They did it out of kindness, not out of finacial gains. This is something Dems can never understand. They always want something for nothing. My folks were good Christians who wanted to give a child a better life. My folks could only take in 1 child at a time, but over the course of my childhood, I had 8 foster brothers and sisters. All of which were eventually adopted and some of which I still have contact with.

Bachmann did not take in 23 foster kids becuase she needs the money. She did it for the same reason my parents did it, out of kindness.

Ed is one sick leftist... so totally desperate to dismiss people that he will resort to bad mouthing foster carers to do it.

He's seriously creepy.... and not in the slightest bit 'cynical'.... in fact, I doubt he knows the meaning of the word.
Well, at least she's easier on the eye than the beaknose manface Palin, I mean, if we're going to have endure one or the other of them on the airwaves.

After looking at Nasty Piglosi, Billary Clinton and Maxobscene Waters, both Palin and Bachmann are easy on the eyes.

Why are Democrat women so damn ugly?

Look at Michelle Obama...She looks like RuPaul

Your words in the brief time you've posted on this message board make you extremely ugly, A.C. Physical appearance aside, calling others MFers and using pejoratives proves you're profane, not profound.

I wonder how real conservatives feel about your kind of advocacy? Though I suspect you're more punk than thug, you are a disgusting and ignorant stain on this message board.

And you are a smelly pile of liberal dog sh*t. No one cares what you think. Marxists all suck and that includes you and your San Fran boyfriend. So fvck off ass wipe!!!

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