Bachmann in Interview: Obama "Worst President Ever"


May 29, 2010
Jimmy Carter is extremely happy today. No longer the worst president. I think Bachmann is right and I have never ever run into a person that has ever been happy with Obama as President. There is a lot of anger at him and bad sentiment. Obama doesn't stand a chance to get reelected because of all the heartache and destruction to the economy he has caused. His reaction to the oilspill was horrendous and his hiding of his past records will not help him in any way.


In a radio interview, USA House of Representative Michele Bachmann, (R/MI), in full agreement with talk radio show host Ben Shapiro has said that President Barak Obama is the worse USA President in American history

From the MinnPost website, Political Agenda Section:”SHAPIRO: Is President Obama better or worse than Jimmy Carter?

BACHMANN: Worse. Easily worse.

SHAPIRO: I agree. So far, you’d have to say he’s the worst president in United States history …
BACHMANN: No question. No question.

SHAPIRO: … with the possible exception of James Buchanan.

BACHMANN: And the thing is, here we are, people can’t wait until November. They’re practically lining up for polls now, they can’t wait to go out and vote. The only thing is people wish Barack Obama was up for re-election right now, because they’d honestly love to have a chance to throw him out of office. Everywhere I go, people ask me, “Michele, can we impeach the president?” They want a referendum on him. I also had someone today say, “There’s no way he’ll run for a second term. No way. No one would vote for him.” I don’t know if the White House understands how the floor has dropped out under support for this president.”
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He's nowhere near the worst.

He has a lot of damage to do before catching up to Woodrow Wilson, FDR or Lincoln.
Bachmann is an idiot! I wouldn't listen to anything that loon has to say. She really needs to change her name to McCarthy.
Bachmann is an idiot! I wouldn't listen to anything that loon has to say. She really needs to change her name to McCarthy.
McCarthy was against communism and wanted to kick them out of the country. What was wrong with that?

Like Bachmann, he accused a lot of innocent people. And there is something wrong with wanting to kick people out of this country for their political beliefs. It is not illegal to be a communist.
He's nowhere near the worst.

He has a lot of damage to do before catching up to Woodrow Wilson, FDR or Lincoln.

It's only been 17 months (well, actually a tad less).
Only partisan hacks or those who don't know their history think Obama is the worst POTUS ever.
Only a partisan hack or a Bubble Boy refuses to see his deficiencies.

Just sayin'.
Only a partisan hack or a Bubble Boy refuses to see his deficiencies.

Just sayin'.

Have some fire scarecrow? Where did I ever say Obama was perfect? Go find the post, or admit you were horribly wrong. Liar.
I happen to think Obama is far from perfect, and oppose almost everything he has done, but I see no way that anyone can say he is the worst POTUS ever. I will say he is the worst president since Bush though.
I see the libertarian loons are flocking together. Whenever I need a good laugh, I come to watch their erratic flying about on the message board. They are laughable. Boedicca is in good form today: what a hoot.
What does the right plan to do when they have escalated the hysterical anti-Obama rhetoric to the height that it has nowhere else to go?
Obama is the best president we've had since Clinton, that at least is indisputable.:lol::lol::lol:
What does the right plan to do when they have escalated the hysterical anti-Obama rhetoric to the height that it has nowhere else to go?

What did you do after you escalated it to that level during the Bush era?
Jimmy Carter is extremely happy today. No longer the worst president. I think Bachmann is right and I have never ever run into a person that has ever been happy with Obama as President. There is a lot of anger at him and bad sentiment. Obama doesn't stand a chance to get reelected because of all the heartache and destruction to the economy he has caused. His reaction to the oilspill was horrendous and his hiding of his past records will not help him in any way.


In a radio interview, USA House of Representative Michele Bachmann, (R/MI), in full agreement with talk radio show host Ben Shapiro has said that President Barak Obama is the worse USA President in American history

From the MinnPost website, Political Agenda Section:”SHAPIRO: Is President Obama better or worse than Jimmy Carter?

BACHMANN: Worse. Easily worse.

SHAPIRO: I agree. So far, you’d have to say he’s the worst president in United States history …
BACHMANN: No question. No question.

SHAPIRO: … with the possible exception of James Buchanan.

BACHMANN: And the thing is, here we are, people can’t wait until November. They’re practically lining up for polls now, they can’t wait to go out and vote. The only thing is people wish Barack Obama was up for re-election right now, because they’d honestly love to have a chance to throw him out of office. Everywhere I go, people ask me, “Michele, can we impeach the president?” They want a referendum on him. I also had someone today say, “There’s no way he’ll run for a second term. No way. No one would vote for him.” I don’t know if the White House understands how the floor has dropped out under support for this president.”
The GOP must so embarrassed by Michele Bachmann.
Coming from Bachmann, that has to be considered a compliment.

God forbid she actually admired him
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He's nowhere near the worst.

He has a lot of damage to do before catching up to Woodrow Wilson, FDR or Lincoln.

On that I agree. Wilson fundamentally changed America's views on it's role in the world in regards to foreign policy.

The other two I would put up among the greatest, but that should be no surprise to you.

So, Dude, who do you count as being a "great" president and why?

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