Bachmann in Interview: Obama "Worst President Ever"

Jimmy Carter is extremely happy today. No longer the worst president. I think Bachmann is right and I have never ever run into a person that has ever been happy with Obama as President. There is a lot of anger at him and bad sentiment. Obama doesn't stand a chance to get reelected because of all the heartache and destruction to the economy he has caused. His reaction to the oilspill was horrendous and his hiding of his past records will not help him in any way.


In a radio interview, USA House of Representative Michele Bachmann, (R/MI), in full agreement with talk radio show host Ben Shapiro has said that President Barak Obama is the worse USA President in American history

From the MinnPost website, Political Agenda Section:”SHAPIRO: Is President Obama better or worse than Jimmy Carter?

BACHMANN: Worse. Easily worse.

SHAPIRO: I agree. So far, you’d have to say he’s the worst president in United States history …
BACHMANN: No question. No question.

SHAPIRO: … with the possible exception of James Buchanan.

BACHMANN: And the thing is, here we are, people can’t wait until November. They’re practically lining up for polls now, they can’t wait to go out and vote. The only thing is people wish Barack Obama was up for re-election right now, because they’d honestly love to have a chance to throw him out of office. Everywhere I go, people ask me, “Michele, can we impeach the president?” They want a referendum on him. I also had someone today say, “There’s no way he’ll run for a second term. No way. No one would vote for him.” I don’t know if the White House understands how the floor has dropped out under support for this president.”
The GOP must so embarrassed by Michele Bachmann.

but you all on the left should be totally embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves for putting in a inexperienced, commie loving President.:lol:
There can no argument but that Ronald Reagan is the worst president in contemporary times in terms of overall negative accomplishments. He (inadvertently?) began the collapse of the middle class and the rise of an oligarchical plutocratic society that has led to financial collapse and military hubris that has caused so many unnecessary deaths, and so much debt. Bush Jr was not possible without the poor ideas and the loss of American values caused by Reagan's inept administration.

Anyone who can listen to Bachmann and take her seriously must be twelve or have the knowledge of a twelve year old. No offense to twelve year children meant.

"....there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country."

OpEdNews - Article: Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever?

Allen Barra: Allen Barra on the Myth of Ronald Reagan - Book Review - Truthdig

Ronald Reagan: Was He Really that Dumb? (a warning from history) - Democratic Underground

Ronald Reagan page

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He's nowhere near the worst.

He has a lot of damage to do before catching up to Woodrow Wilson, FDR or Lincoln.



'whistle, Dude's idea of a great president is to let Dude do whatever he wants. Dude does not care about the good of America or its citizens, only about himself.
LOL, look out Dude, you got the Jake on your ass now.

at least it gets him off mine for awhile.:lol:
Stephanie, you have been a quiet little libertarian for awhile, so I don't think about you.
He's nowhere near the worst.

He has a lot of damage to do before catching up to Woodrow Wilson, FDR or Lincoln.

How you can lump Abe in with those other two bastards is beyond me.

Worst Presidents: Wilson, FDR, Carter.

The jury is out on Obama...... it is far too early to judge whether he has entirely fucked up.
He's nowhere near the worst.

He has a lot of damage to do before catching up to Woodrow Wilson, FDR or Lincoln.

How you can lump Abe in with those other two bastards is beyond me.

Worst Presidents: Wilson, FDR, Carter.

The jury is out on Obama...... it is far too early to judge whether he has entirely fucked up.
Lincoln's ego ended up killing over 1/2 million troops on both sides and uncounted innocent civilians, that's how I can lump him in with those other two socialist stooges.

Carter was horribly inept, not malignant....IM not-at-all HO, mere incompetence doesn't stack up to the willfully ruinous.
Only a partisan hack or a Bubble Boy refuses to see his deficiencies.

Just sayin'.

Have some fire scarecrow? Where did I ever say Obama was perfect? Go find the post, or admit you were horribly wrong. Liar.

If you only had a brain.

Dee dee dee dee dee dum.

Boedicca, who once could argue logically and fairly, has descended to the wing nut variety of chattering chipmunk. Go find a nut, girl.
Carter isn't the worst president by far. That honor could go to more well-deserving blokes like Buchanan, Harding or Grant.
Give it another 2.5 years, and Obama will most likely break the record.
Carter isn't the worst president by far. That honor could go to more well-deserving blokes like Buchanan, Harding or Grant.
Harding was one of the greats.

Anyone who has Friday night poker parties at the White House is tops in my book.
I'm surprised Bachmann didn't declare the worst president ever to be the one who was responsible for

the Hoot-Smalley Act.:lol:

(lol, you forgot that already didn't you?)

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