Back-Stabbing The Jews

dimocraps are the rebirth of the Nazis.

No, I'm not kidding.

Events will prove me out

Repugnants have not needed a rebirth, they have always been and remain Nazi scum.

You need to take notes on the following so a not to face the abject embarrassment produced by your post:

1. While communists were first, the Nazis sprang from the very same font: Karl Marx.

2. Every totalitarian view is an some variation of the above.....communism, Nazism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, fascism....

a. Communism, National Socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....all have a the central doctrine:
" all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature...." Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism"

3. Before WW II, the same folks who championed Progressivism, viewed fascism as a noble economic agenda, and praised Mussolini. It was the horrors of the Holocaust that required both the rapid retreat from associations with the term fascism, and the rebranding by John Dewey of progressivism as liberalism.

W.E.B.DuBois suggested that National Socialism seemed an excellent model for economic organization.

4. This is particularly important for you to laminate for your wallet: fools like you are what Lenin called "useful idiots."
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Yet, the lies tend to be successful.....

7. "....thanks to the NGOs, so many otherwise rational, liberal people in Europe and the United States now believe some version of the Palestinian Nakbah narrative. Depressing, because as long as that destructive historical myth is believed in the West, it’s hard to imagine Palestinian leaders ever conceding that their disagreement with Israel is about the consequences of the 1967 war, which are entirely negotiable, rather than the consequences of the 1948 war, which are non-negotiable.

"Being a human rights activist in our time is to be a persona, not a philosophy; it’s a fad, it’s a fashion. A human rights activist does not look for facts or logic; it’s about a certain dress code, ‘cool’ clothing, about language, diction, expressions and certain manners. No facts will persuade him.”
Undercover Jew by Fred Siegel and Sol Stern City Journal July 10 2015

"A human rights activist does not look for facts or logic... No facts will persuade him.”

Note how well that definition fits Liberals, as well.
Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis hun :thup:

Racist much? That like me calling you an Oriental

Glad to help.

"Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis.", there isn't.

Low-lifes like you simply try to hide behind one or the other....

Isn't that the case? further correct your ignorance.....Oriental is furniture.
Asian refers to people.
You ARE an Oriental
are you not Seoul grl?

Wasn't that great, the way I smacked you in the kisser with that MLK, jr. quote?

He really put you in your place, didn't he.

Wanna hear it again?
you didn't answer my question tinfoil grl
Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis hun :thup:

Racist much? That like me calling you an Oriental

Glad to help.

"Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis.", there isn't.

Low-lifes like you simply try to hide behind one or the other....

Isn't that the case? further correct your ignorance.....Oriental is furniture.
Asian refers to people.
You ARE an Oriental
are you not Seoul grl?

Wasn't that great, the way I smacked you in the kisser with that MLK, jr. quote?

He really put you in your place, didn't he.

Wanna hear it again?
you didn't answer my question tinfoil grl

Wasn't that great, the way I smacked you in the kisser with that MLK, jr. quote?

He really put you in your place, didn't he.

Wanna hear it again?
Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis hun :thup:

Racist much? That like me calling you an Oriental

Glad to help.

"Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis.", there isn't.

Low-lifes like you simply try to hide behind one or the other....

Isn't that the case? further correct your ignorance.....Oriental is furniture.
Asian refers to people.
You ARE an Oriental
are you not Seoul grl?

Wasn't that great, the way I smacked you in the kisser with that MLK, jr. quote?

He really put you in your place, didn't he.

Wanna hear it again?
you didn't answer my question tinfoil grl

Wasn't that great, the way I smacked you in the kisser with that MLK, jr. quote?

He really put you in your place, didn't he.

Wanna hear it again?
I was already aware of that quote Seoul grl. :yawn:
"Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis.", there isn't.

Low-lifes like you simply try to hide behind one or the other....

Isn't that the case? further correct your ignorance.....Oriental is furniture.
Asian refers to people.
You ARE an Oriental
are you not Seoul grl?

Wasn't that great, the way I smacked you in the kisser with that MLK, jr. quote?

He really put you in your place, didn't he.

Wanna hear it again?
you didn't answer my question tinfoil grl

Wasn't that great, the way I smacked you in the kisser with that MLK, jr. quote?

He really put you in your place, didn't he.

Wanna hear it again?
I was already aware of that quote Seoul grl. :yawn:

I think you're fibbing....

'else, why would you have posted this?
"Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis"

You mean you enjoy looking like a fool?

Here...let's do it again:

"It is painful to be called an anti-Semite by a deceased saint....
One of the young men present happened to make some remark against the Zionists. Dr. King snapped at him and said, "Don't talk like that! When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism!" a dinner party in Cambridge (as quoted by Seymour Martin Lipset in Encounter magazine, December 1969, p. 24)
Sorry Dr. King Did Not Consider You An Enlightened Anti-Zionist. Deal With It. Douglas Anthony Cooper

Know why I so easily make you look like a fool?

Right....'cause you're a fool.

The article cited goes on:
"If you pronounce the word "Zionism" with righteous contempt, however, you'll have to accept this cold brute fact: Martin Luther King clearly and unequivocally considered you a bigot."
Lumping all Jews together- American Jews, Israeli Jews, Hasidic Jews, & atheist Jews , older establ AIPAC Jews vs. Younger and more progressive J Street Jews makes PoliticalSpice look like a racist
Lumping all Jews together- American Jews, Israeli Jews, Hasidic Jews, & atheist Jews makes PoliticalSpice look like a racist

Too late...I already beat you like a rented mule.

BTW....tossing in the word 'racist' may make the weak tremble.....but I'll simply continue to smash custard pies in your kisser.

And.....remember the last time you posted an intelligent, accurate post?

Me neither.
wonder why no one is posting in your thread PoliticalSpice :eusa_whistle:

I'll give you a hint dropout :up: they all know your threads are zany w/ a capital "Z" :rofl:
8. I would be unfair not to relate the positions of two Liberal stalwarts who don't toe the Obama line on Israel:

a. Bernie Sanders favors " American support for Israel and Israel's incursion into the Gaza Strip."

...“you have situation where Hamas is sending missiles into Israel,” adding that those rockets are often originating from populated areas."

b. " Liberals' darling Elizabeth Warren defends Israeli attacks on Gaza schools and hospitals Israel has the right to shell Palestinian hospitals and schools out of self defense as long as Hamas stores rocket launchers next to them, US Sen. Elizabeth Warren said during a town hall meeting in Massachusetts this week.

Warren, darling du jour of American liberals, defended her vote to sendmore defense fundingto Israel in the middle of its recent fierce offensive on Gaza, saying she believes civilian casualties are the“last thing Israel wants,”accordingto the Cape Cod Times.

"But when Hamas puts its rocket launchers next to hospitals, next to schools, they're using their civilian population to protect their military assets. And I believe Israel has a right, at that point, to defend itself,"she said."
Liberals darling Elizabeth Warren defends Israeli attacks on Gaza schools and hospitals RT USA

Seems not all Liberals are like the fools defending Obama's sell-out lying capitulation to Iran.
Oh.....and one more thing about the sort of people with whom Israel must addition to back-stabbers like Obama.

9. As the old but true axiom goes, 'if the Arabs put down their weapons there would be peace.....if the Jews put down their weapons there would be another Holocaust'.....

On August 23 and 24, 1929, Hebron became a bloody nightmare. House to house, Arab mobs went, bursting into every room looking for hiding Jews. Religious books and scrolls were burned or torn to shreds. The defenseless Jews were variously beheaded, castrated, their breasts and fingers sliced off, and in some cases their eyes plucked from their sockets. Infant or adult, man or woman—it mattered not. The carnage went on for hours, with the Arab policemen standing down—or joining in. Blood ran in streamlets down the narrow stone staircases outside the buildings. House to house, room by room, the savagery was repeated.

a. Not a single victim was simply killed. Each was mutilated and tortured in accordance with their identities, the specific information provided by local Arabs. The Jewish man who lent money to Arabs was sliced open and the IOUs burned in his body. The Jewish baker’s head was tied to the stove and then baked. A Jewish scholar who had studied Koranic philosophy for years was seized, his cranium cut open, and his brain extracted. Another man was nailed to a door. Some sixty-seven Jews were brutally murdered.

This was the state of relations- long before Hitler ever gained power. Rather than an anomaly, this was one a along line of ongoing massacres.
Edwin Black, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust."

10. “Our hatred for the Jews dates from God's condemnation of them for their persecution and rejection of Isa (Jesus) and their subsequent rejection of His chosen Prophet." He added "that for a Muslim to kill a Jew, or for him to be killed by a Jew ensures him an immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty."
November 23, 1937, Saudi Arabia's King Ibn Saud told British Colonel H.R.P. Dickson. Official British document, Foreign Office File No. 371/20822 E 7201/22/31; Elie Kedourie, Islam in the Modern World, (London: Mansell, 1980), pp. 69-72.
Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis hun :thup:

Racist much? That like me calling you an Oriental

Glad to help.

"Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis.", there isn't.

Low-lifes like you simply try to hide behind one or the other....

Isn't that the case? further correct your ignorance.....Oriental is furniture.
Asian refers to people.
wrong dummy. Jews can be Hasidic or atheists. Zionists are generally atheists because they are trying to establish a kingdom on earth which is not allowed in their texts.

You have a lot to learn Seoul grl
Really? keep to things you know about which is not very much.. "dummy"

{N.B. This post was constructed prior to the announcement today, by this anti-American President, that he would veto any attempt to alter his endorsement of Iranian nuclear greater example could be found of back-stabbing the Jews.}

EXACTLY, Repubs trying to gloss over uncomfortable facts. 'twas ever thus.

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nobody was stabbed in the back. israel did everything it could to sabotage the talks. they knew what was going on as they spied on the negotiations.
but this deal is good for everyone, everyone but those who have attained power based on beating the war with iran drum.

For you need a lesson in English usage, or one in ethics?

Here is the former.

  1. stab in the back, a. A betrayal of trust, an act of treachery, as in Voting against our bill at the last minute was a real stab in the back. It is also put as stab someone in the back, meaning “betray someone.” For example, Don't trust George; he's been known to stab his friends in theback.
  2. Stab in the back, a | Define Stab in the back, a at Dictionary ...,+a
the agreement doesn't betray anyone. israel might be upset, but they have not been betrayed.

^^^ Clearly ethically challenged ^^^

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