Back-Stabbing The Jews

nobody was stabbed in the back. israel did everything it could to sabotage the talks. they knew what was going on as they spied on the negotiations.
but this deal is good for everyone, everyone but those who have attained power based on beating the war with iran drum.

For you need a lesson in English usage, or one in ethics?

Here is the former.

  1. stab in the back, a. A betrayal of trust, an act of treachery, as in Voting against our bill at the last minute was a real stab in the back. It is also put as stab someone in the back, meaning “betray someone.” For example, Don't trust George; he's been known to stab his friends in theback.
  2. Stab in the back, a | Define Stab in the back, a at Dictionary ...,+a
the agreement doesn't betray anyone. israel might be upset, but they have not been betrayed.

^^^ Clearly ethically challenged ^^^
These people are getting a big shitsandwich.....and they keep asking for seconds.
Well apartheid was an American value for a long time, I can see how it would sympathise with Israeli values.

1. "apartheid" was never an American value ....although Progressives and Democrats worked tirelessly to make it so.

2. "apartheid" never one of Israel's, as its Arab citizens are the envy of the rest of the Arab world in both civil rights and in prosperity.

3. Waiting for you to say something that is true is like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
1 It was so for centuries. from three fifths in the constitution to segregation. Funny the blindness.

2 Apartheid is practised in the occupied territories, to the majority approval of Israelis. Oh the blindness.

Shared values I guess.
"The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology,...."
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama just eviscerated same....

...and lying fools swear 'did not...did not'

Raise your paw.
Following Raygun's effort with Pakistan. No one ever said US presidents are not world class hypocrites.
Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis hun :thup:

Racist much? That like me calling you an Oriental

Glad to help.

"Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis.", there isn't.

Low-lifes like you simply try to hide behind one or the other....

Isn't that the case? further correct your ignorance.....Oriental is furniture.
Asian refers to people.
wrong dummy. Jews can be Hasidic or atheists. Zionists are generally atheists because they are trying to establish a kingdom on earth which is not allowed in their texts.

You have a lot to learn Seoul grl

WTF ??? You should have stuck to you expertise on Orientals there Dotty.. Couldn't be more inexplicably wrong on most every word. There's a thread in Religion on Judaism and Zionism. Might be remedial education time..
Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis hun :thup:

Racist much? That like me calling you an Oriental

Glad to help.

"Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis.", there isn't.

Low-lifes like you simply try to hide behind one or the other....

Isn't that the case? further correct your ignorance.....Oriental is furniture.
Asian refers to people.
wrong dummy. Jews can be Hasidic or atheists. Zionists are generally atheists because they are trying to establish a kingdom on earth which is not allowed in their texts.

You have a lot to learn Seoul grl

WTF ??? You should have stuck to you expertise on Orientals there Dotty.. Couldn't be more inexplicably wrong on most every word. There's a thread in Religion on Judaism and Zionism. Might be remedial education time..
OP is broad brushing an entire group of people and you agree w/ her. Why am I not surprised.
Lumping all Jews together- American Jews, Israeli Jews, Hasidic Jews, & atheist Jews , older establ AIPAC Jews vs. Younger and more progressive J Street Jews makes PoliticalSpice look like a racist

Atheist Jews... Are those kinda like Atheist Muslims?? Or agnostic missionaries??
Lumping all Jews together- American Jews, Israeli Jews, Hasidic Jews, & atheist Jews , older establ AIPAC Jews vs. Younger and more progressive J Street Jews makes PoliticalSpice look like a racist

Atheist Jews... Are those kinda like Atheist Muslims?? Or agnostic missionaries??
There are plenty of non-practicing Jews. "Jew" is not a religion. You need to get out more.
Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis hun :thup:

Racist much? That like me calling you an Oriental

Glad to help.

"Theres a diff between Jews, Zionists &/or Israelis.", there isn't.

Low-lifes like you simply try to hide behind one or the other....

Isn't that the case? further correct your ignorance.....Oriental is furniture.
Asian refers to people.
wrong dummy. Jews can be Hasidic or atheists. Zionists are generally atheists because they are trying to establish a kingdom on earth which is not allowed in their texts.

You have a lot to learn Seoul grl

WTF ??? You should have stuck to you expertise on Orientals there Dotty.. Couldn't be more inexplicably wrong on most every word. There's a thread in Religion on Judaism and Zionism. Might be remedial education time..
OP is broad brushing an entire group of people and you agree w/ her. Why am I not surprised.

No I'm listening to her -- and shaking my head at your insistence on the absurd... Zionism was a form of Jewish Nationalism. Much like the Palestinian Nationalistic movement is today. Today it's political definition has more to do with the support of Israel's existence, since that miracle of a State already exists.

But RELIGIOUSLY --- Zionism is Biblical references to reconstructing a Jewish nation IN ISRAEL under theocratic rule. Something not likely to ever happen til the Next Messiah arrives. It is -- in biblical form -- inseparable from Judaism. Even tho Israel has restrained itself from satisfying the Orthodox Israelis with a Theocratic govt...
{N.B. This post was constructed prior to the announcement today, by this anti-American President, that he would veto any attempt to alter his endorsement of Iranian nuclear greater example could be found of back-stabbing the Jews.}


Head of Joint Chiefs said just last week ---- "Under no circumstances should we allow the lowering of conventional arms restrictions on Iran"... But who the heck is he to stand in the way of WW3..... Obama's legacy is gonna be an all-out war in the Mid-East. With some VERY STRANGE axis and ally choices to be made.

Obama wouldn't haven't a clue how to stop what he's set in motion...
Lumping all Jews together- American Jews, Israeli Jews, Hasidic Jews, & atheist Jews , older establ AIPAC Jews vs. Younger and more progressive J Street Jews makes PoliticalSpice look like a racist

Atheist Jews... Are those kinda like Atheist Muslims?? Or agnostic missionaries??
There are plenty of non-practicing Jews. "Jew" is not a religion. You need to get out more.

Don't want to parade this remedial session over P-Chick's important thread. But "non-practicing" does NOT in any way imply atheist.. I should know..
{N.B. This post was constructed prior to the announcement today, by this anti-American President, that he would veto any attempt to alter his endorsement of Iranian nuclear greater example could be found of back-stabbing the Jews.}


Head of Joint Chiefs said just last week ---- "Under no circumstances should we allow the lowering of conventional arms restrictions on Iran"... But who the heck is he to stand in the way of WW3..... Obama's legacy is gonna be an all-out war in the Mid-East. With some VERY STRANGE axis and ally choices to be made.

Obama wouldn't haven't a clue how to stop what he's set in motion...
what are your foreign policy bona fides? You vote for Bush II in 2004? Be honest.
Lumping all Jews together- American Jews, Israeli Jews, Hasidic Jews, & atheist Jews , older establ AIPAC Jews vs. Younger and more progressive J Street Jews makes PoliticalSpice look like a racist

Atheist Jews... Are those kinda like Atheist Muslims?? Or agnostic missionaries??
There are plenty of non-practicing Jews. "Jew" is not a religion. You need to get out more.

Don't want to parade this remedial session over P-Chick's important thread. But "non-practicing" does NOT in any way imply atheist.. I should know..
ok. Jews who are not religious. Understand now? Are you saying it isn't possible to be a Jew and not be religious?
nobody was stabbed in the back. israel did everything it could to sabotage the talks. they knew what was going on as they spied on the negotiations.
but this deal is good for everyone, everyone but those who have attained power based on beating the war with iran drum.

For you need a lesson in English usage, or one in ethics?

Here is the former.

  1. stab in the back, a. A betrayal of trust, an act of treachery, as in Voting against our bill at the last minute was a real stab in the back. It is also put as stab someone in the back, meaning “betray someone.” For example, Don't trust George; he's been known to stab his friends in theback.
  2. Stab in the back, a | Define Stab in the back, a at Dictionary ...,+a
the agreement doesn't betray anyone. israel might be upset, but they have not been betrayed.

$100Bill f-n dollars to fund Hamas and Hesbollah and intervene and STAY in Iraq..
No controls on their proxies in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, etc.

An END to conventional arms embargo.

Very few actual controls on their RATE of enrichment. Which could be juggled to build a couple nukes within the next 5 years. AND the missiles to toss them pretty much around the world.

Nawwwww.. Things are gonna be chummy in the MidEast -- thanks to SKILL and Wisdom of J. Fraud Kerry and the Amateur in Chief.. Israel is just as secure as ever..

That must be why Israel is furiously talking with the Saudis and Egypt regarding the USA's abdication of leadership for stability in the Mid East.. And the nuclear arms race is on in the Mid East. What a jerk..
Last edited:
as opposed to the unsourced "opinion" above:

Iran Nuclear Deal Highlights The Good the Bad the Complicated - NBC News
The plan allows Iran to retain its nuclear program for purely peaceful purposes — including electricity and for medical treatments. Tehran has agreed to certain limits on all uranium enrichment and related research and development for the first eight years of the agreement.

"Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons," according to a text of the agreement released Tuesday.

Tehran also agreed to a "snap back" mechanism, under which sanctions would be reinstated if it violated the deal, according to the U.S.
Lumping all Jews together- American Jews, Israeli Jews, Hasidic Jews, & atheist Jews , older establ AIPAC Jews vs. Younger and more progressive J Street Jews makes PoliticalSpice look like a racist

Atheist Jews... Are those kinda like Atheist Muslims?? Or agnostic missionaries??
There are plenty of non-practicing Jews. "Jew" is not a religion. You need to get out more.

Drop it Dottie. The adults have a nuclear arms race and a potential WW3 to talk about here..
Lumping all Jews together- American Jews, Israeli Jews, Hasidic Jews, & atheist Jews , older establ AIPAC Jews vs. Younger and more progressive J Street Jews makes PoliticalSpice look like a racist

Atheist Jews... Are those kinda like Atheist Muslims?? Or agnostic missionaries??
There are plenty of non-practicing Jews. "Jew" is not a religion. You need to get out more.

Drop it Dottie. The adults have a nuclear arms race and a potential WW3 to talk about here..
so you post opinion, I post sourced, fact and you tell me to fuck off. Subjective much? :thup:


as opposed to the unsourced "opinion" above:

Iran Nuclear Deal Highlights The Good the Bad the Complicated - NBC News
The plan allows Iran to retain its nuclear program for purely peaceful purposes — including electricity and for medical treatments. Tehran has agreed to certain limits on all uranium enrichment and related research and development for the first eight years of the agreement.

"Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons," according to a text of the agreement released Tuesday.

Tehran also agreed to a "snap back" mechanism, under which sanctions would be reinstated if it violated the deal, according to the U.S.
Lumping all Jews together- American Jews, Israeli Jews, Hasidic Jews, & atheist Jews , older establ AIPAC Jews vs. Younger and more progressive J Street Jews makes PoliticalSpice look like a racist

Atheist Jews... Are those kinda like Atheist Muslims?? Or agnostic missionaries??
There are plenty of non-practicing Jews. "Jew" is not a religion. You need to get out more.

Drop it Dottie. The adults have a nuclear arms race and a potential WW3 to talk about here..
so you post opinion, I post sourced, fact and you tell me to fuck off. Nice to be a maude :thup:



So you don't know about the security talks that Egypt and Saudi and Jordan have had with Israel in past couple of months because of this desperate capitulation to Iran that your Dear Leader has arranged? You need me to walk you thru that also? Besides your confusion about Atheism and Jews without religion. I made NO opinions in that post. It's all in the news that you apparently don't consume.. Report me if you think any rules were violated..
Fuck the Jews. This is America.

Wow. You are a bigger idiot than I thought.

Putting Americans first over other countries equates to being an idiot?
I wouldn't have phrased it the way you did, but i'll agree that our foreign policy and international relations should not be dependent on the approval of any one nation - especially a nation that has a clear interest in sabotaging any productive discussions.

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