Back to Square None: Netanyahu, Abbas to Resume ‘Peace Process’ that Never Was

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Does anyone believe this will go anywhere?

By Ramzy Baroud

The political peddlers, think-tank experts and media professionals are all back in full force. They want us to believe that US Secretary of State John Kerry has done what others have failed to do. On his sixth trip to the Middle East during his post, and following intense shuttle diplomacy likened to that of Henry Kissinger, Kerry managed to create a modest common space between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority (PA), thus securing their agreement to resume the so-called peace process.

The media is focusing a great deal on how the ‘breakthrough’ happened, not on why or whether or not it was really a ‘breakthrough’ in the first place. It is typical in these ‘breaking news’ dramas that the media inundates itself with excessive superfluous details, while paying little heed to the underlying logic behind the entire story.

For now, we know this: Kerry announced from Amman on July 19 that Palestinian and Israeli negotiators had put the groundwork in place to resume frozen peace talks. They have been frozen since 2010 because Israel refuses to stop illegal settlement construction in occupied Palestinian land. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to continue slicing up the West Bank, fully control and isolate occupied East Jerusalem, build illegal settlements, erect walls and cut down trees, while wining and dining in some fancy Washington retreat, talking about peace and such.

Back to Square None: Netanyahu, Abbas to Resume ?Peace Process? that Never Was | Palestine Chronicle
Does anyone believe this will go anywhere?

By Ramzy Baroud

The political peddlers, think-tank experts and media professionals are all back in full force. They want us to believe that US Secretary of State John Kerry has done what others have failed to do. On his sixth trip to the Middle East during his post, and following intense shuttle diplomacy likened to that of Henry Kissinger, Kerry managed to create a modest common space between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority (PA), thus securing their agreement to resume the so-called peace process.

The media is focusing a great deal on how the ‘breakthrough’ happened, not on why or whether or not it was really a ‘breakthrough’ in the first place. It is typical in these ‘breaking news’ dramas that the media inundates itself with excessive superfluous details, while paying little heed to the underlying logic behind the entire story.

For now, we know this: Kerry announced from Amman on July 19 that Palestinian and Israeli negotiators had put the groundwork in place to resume frozen peace talks. They have been frozen since 2010 because Israel refuses to stop illegal settlement construction in occupied Palestinian land. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to continue slicing up the West Bank, fully control and isolate occupied East Jerusalem, build illegal settlements, erect walls and cut down trees, while wining and dining in some fancy Washington retreat, talking about peace and such.

Back to Square None: Netanyahu, Abbas to Resume ?Peace Process? that Never Was | Palestine Chronicle

You get your news from the 'Palestine Chronicle?' No wonder you're confused.
The basic structure of the so called peace process is flawed. That is why it never has, and never will, work.
Does anyone believe this will go anywhere?

By Ramzy Baroud

The political peddlers, think-tank experts and media professionals are all back in full force. They want us to believe that US Secretary of State John Kerry has done what others have failed to do. On his sixth trip to the Middle East during his post, and following intense shuttle diplomacy likened to that of Henry Kissinger, Kerry managed to create a modest common space between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority (PA), thus securing their agreement to resume the so-called peace process.

The media is focusing a great deal on how the ‘breakthrough’ happened, not on why or whether or not it was really a ‘breakthrough’ in the first place. It is typical in these ‘breaking news’ dramas that the media inundates itself with excessive superfluous details, while paying little heed to the underlying logic behind the entire story.

For now, we know this: Kerry announced from Amman on July 19 that Palestinian and Israeli negotiators had put the groundwork in place to resume frozen peace talks. They have been frozen since 2010 because Israel refuses to stop illegal settlement construction in occupied Palestinian land. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to continue slicing up the West Bank, fully control and isolate occupied East Jerusalem, build illegal settlements, erect walls and cut down trees, while wining and dining in some fancy Washington retreat, talking about peace and such.

Back to Square None: Netanyahu, Abbas to Resume ?Peace Process? that Never Was | Palestine Chronicle

You get your news from the 'Palestine Chronicle?' No wonder you're confused.

Palestinian supporters and propaganda, anti- Israel websites go hand in hand
Yes, the Palestinians will once again NOT miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
The basic structure of the so called peace process is flawed. That is why it never has, and never will, work.
The reason it never works is because historical assumptions are made about the so called Palestine and the origins of the Palestinians that are incorrect.
Well golly gee. Do you thimk maybe that is due to all the Palestinian pre-conditions imposed upon Israel?

The basic structure of the so called peace process is flawed. That is why it never has, and never will, work.
Yes, the Palestinians will once again NOT miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
PA minister: New peace talks will help us conquer Israel later

There are more than a few in the Palestinian Authority who are upset over the pending renewal of peace talks with Israel. Hamas in particular believes the move to be a detriment to the Palestinian cause.

But Palestinian Authority Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash reassured everyone last week that the political peace process is just a ruse, and part of a larger scheme to defeat their enemy.

In a sermon delivered in the presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and broadcast on official Palestinian Authority TV, Al-Habbash compared the US-driven peace negotiations to the Hudaybiyyah Peace Treaty concluded between Islam's prophet Mohammed and the Quraish tribe of Mecca.

PA minister: New peace talks will help us conquer Israel later - Israel Today | Israel News
Yes, the Palestinians will once again NOT miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
PA minister: New peace talks will help us conquer Israel later

There are more than a few in the Palestinian Authority who are upset over the pending renewal of peace talks with Israel. Hamas in particular believes the move to be a detriment to the Palestinian cause.

But Palestinian Authority Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash reassured everyone last week that the political peace process is just a ruse, and part of a larger scheme to defeat their enemy.

In a sermon delivered in the presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and broadcast on official Palestinian Authority TV, Al-Habbash compared the US-driven peace negotiations to the Hudaybiyyah Peace Treaty concluded between Islam's prophet Mohammed and the Quraish tribe of Mecca.

PA minister: New peace talks will help us conquer Israel later - Israel Today | Israel News

Did any of us think any differently. Of course that is their goal, and a video I posted earlier today reiterates it. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't really have an inkling of the situation. Sad, but Israel has to bear all this in mind with regards to the negotiations.
Abbas is playing his cards at the UN...He knows that Israel plans to keep Jerusalem and the Settlements..He's no fool, keep the kool, the UN already has recognized the 67 Borders for the present Palestinian Observer State of Palestine and he knows that Full Membershipo is around the corner...

The EU is already Boycotting, Hawkins, Universities, Etc. South Africa its all going to fall at once.
In my mind...Logical next step if these peace talks fail...

Ok so its your opinion .

As I have posted many times: The greatest Weapon the Palestinians have is Peacefull Resistance to gain their Human Rights...Thus far, this Tactic has defeated all comers and Armies!
The Palestinians do not engage in peaceful resistance because most of their claims are unfounded and bogus. So they use murder and terror as a negotiating and bargaining chip. Besides, peaceful resistance and civility isn't part of their culture.
"Peaceful resistance." You mean like rocket missiles & massacres of Israeli's including the entire Israeli olympic team in Munich?

In my mind...Logical next step if these peace talks fail...

Ok so its your opinion .

As I have posted many times: The greatest Weapon the Palestinians have is Peacefull Resistance to gain their Human Rights...Thus far, this Tactic has defeated all comers and Armies!

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