Back when the democrat party was sane

It is no more.

Harry Reid now disavows everything he stood for back then.

Very telling.

Both parties are an embarrassment right now.

The lunatics have taken over the asylum, from both ends.

And we're seeing what that looks like: Increased violence, increased hatred, increased insanity, increased talk of "civil war".

Really? When has the GOP embraced violence or advocated it like Maxine Waters telling her followers to chase Trump supporters out of restaurants? When have the embraced racism or advocated it as Maxine Waters embraces racists like Louis Farrakhan?

Now when I ask this, I'm not talking about the small segment of lunatic supporters, there is no getting people on either side like that, I'm talking about the RNC.

The RNC? Who knows.

But you would deny/diminish/avoid/ignore every example I gave you of Trump himself feeding into it. So I have no reason to bother.

I know. Your side is innocent, your side does nothing wrong, it's all the other side, blah, blah, blah.

Is it wrong for Trump to stand up to the caravan?

Is it wrong for Trump to stand up to race baiting in the DNC when all they do is talk about race as they accuse him of racism?

Is it wrong for the GOP to finally stand up to the media who for decades or longer have been in bed with the DNC?

Now I may take issue with the way he has done it. I would never have said that the media is the enemy of the people, but it was high time to call out media like CNN who were secretly giving Hillary the debate questions before the debate.

No, the issue is the GOP finally has someone that stands up to the Left, and now they are going crazy.

This point should be driven home with Harry Reid saying what he said with a completely different reaction to it, but apparently that missed you.

And yes, politics is divisive. That is what politics is all about. What makes me nervous is when both parties agree.

That is the time to run for cover.

It is no more.

Harry Reid now disavows everything he stood for back then.

Very telling.

Both parties are an embarrassment right now.

The lunatics have taken over the asylum, from both ends.

And we're seeing what that looks like: Increased violence, increased hatred, increased insanity, increased talk of "civil war".

Really? When has the GOP embraced violence or advocated it like Maxine Waters telling her followers to chase Trump supporters out of restaurants? When have the embraced racism or advocated it as Maxine Waters embraces racists like Louis Farrakhan?

Now when I ask this, I'm not talking about the small segment of lunatic supporters, there is no getting people on either side like that, I'm talking about the RNC.

The RNC? Who knows.

But you would deny/diminish/avoid/ignore every example I gave you of Trump himself feeding into it. So I have no reason to bother.

I know. Your side is innocent, your side does nothing wrong, it's all the other side, blah, blah, blah.

Is it wrong for Trump to stand up to the caravan?

Is it wrong for Trump to stand up to race baiting in the DNC when all they do is talk about race as they accuse him of racism?

Is it wrong for the GOP to finally stand up to the media who for decades or longer have been in bed with the DNC?

Now I may take issue with the way he has done it. I would never have said that the media is the enemy of the people, but it was high time to call out media like CNN who were secretly giving Hillary the debate questions before the debate.

No, the issue is the GOP finally has someone that stands up to the Left, and now they are going crazy.

This point should be driven home with Harry Reid saying what he said with a completely different reaction to it, but apparently that missed you.

And yes, politics is divisive. That is what politics is all about. What makes me nervous is when both parties agree.

That is the time to run for cover.

Everything ABOUT Trump is wrong.

He's a Carnival Barker

It is no more.

Harry Reid now disavows everything he stood for back then.

Very telling.

Both parties are an embarrassment right now.

The lunatics have taken over the asylum, from both ends.

And we're seeing what that looks like: Increased violence, increased hatred, increased insanity, increased talk of "civil war".

Really? When has the GOP embraced violence or advocated it like Maxine Waters telling her followers to chase Trump supporters out of restaurants? When have the embraced racism or advocated it as Maxine Waters embraces racists like Louis Farrakhan?

Now when I ask this, I'm not talking about the small segment of lunatic supporters, there is no getting people on either side like that, I'm talking about the RNC.

The RNC? Who knows.

But you would deny/diminish/avoid/ignore every example I gave you of Trump himself feeding into it. So I have no reason to bother.

I know. Your side is innocent, your side does nothing wrong, it's all the other side, blah, blah, blah.

Is it wrong for Trump to stand up to the caravan?

Is it wrong for Trump to stand up to race baiting in the DNC when all they do is talk about race as they accuse him of racism?

Is it wrong for the GOP to finally stand up to the media who for decades or longer have been in bed with the DNC?

Now I may take issue with the way he has done it. I would never have said that the media is the enemy of the people, but it was high time to call out media like CNN who were secretly giving Hillary the debate questions before the debate.

No, the issue is the GOP finally has someone that stands up to the Left, and now they are going crazy.

This point should be driven home with Harry Reid saying what he said with a completely different reaction to it, but apparently that missed you.

And yes, politics is divisive. That is what politics is all about. What makes me nervous is when both parties agree.

That is the time to run for cover.

Everything ABOUT Trump is wrong.

He's a Carnival Barker

/---/ And Hildabeast couldn't beat a Carnival Barker. WOWZA
Hillary tree witch.jpg
When has the GOP embraced violence


The Proud Boys

Defending the MAGA Bomber

When did the GOP embrace them?

Trump condemned them. The media spun it, however, to make Americans think that he did embrace them

It brings me back to how they treated Sarah Palin. I think aside from Trump, the treatment of Sarah was far worse than anything I've ever seen in my life. To date, when I ask people about her, they say how stupid she was, and when I ask why, they always tell me that she said she could see Russia from her front porch.

Funny thing, she never said that, SNL did a skit with her saying that but she never did.

This is how the media is so disingenuous and partisan. They do nothing to correct these misconceptions, nor do they care about the people they are helping to destroy.
/----/ "I seem to remember when Republicans thought fucking Porn Stars was a bad thing. "
No straight guy thinks that is a bad thing - maybe you libtard guys who can't decide which bathroom to use do - but not normal people.

Really? Funny, I seem to remember when you guys INSISTED on impeaching Clinton over a blow job.

Strikes me that Stormy Daniels (who was exploited at a fairly young age, she made her first film at 20, and made 152 of them.) is hardly an example of Republican Womanhood and virtue...

Come on, if you found out that Bill Clinton had paid off a porn star, you'd be screaming it from the rafters.
/----/ "I seem to remember when Republicans thought fucking Porn Stars was a bad thing. "
No straight guy thinks that is a bad thing - maybe you libtard guys who can't decide which bathroom to use do - but not normal people.

Really? Funny, I seem to remember when you guys INSISTED on impeaching Clinton over a blow job.

Strikes me that Stormy Daniels (who was exploited at a fairly young age, she made her first film at 20, and made 152 of them.) is hardly an example of Republican Womanhood and virtue...

Come on, if you found out that Bill Clinton had paid off a porn star, you'd be screaming it from the rafters.
/—-/ No, we insisted on impeaching Clinton for perjury and he was. Hildabeast said the BJ was none of our business and was time to And your commit about Stormy hardly being Republican womanhood is a Strawman argument
Is it wrong for Trump to stand up to the caravan?

The Trumpy is standing up to the caravan - supposedly at the southern border right now, but doing what, exactly? You sure about that?

Over the recent years, about 50,000 people are being detected, or presenting themselves to the authorities, at the southern border on average. Per month. So, the 4,000 or 7,000 people slowly walking north represent about three or four days worth of arrivals, and they are still a month away from the U.S. border. But, right now, it's essential that, in UpIsDownistan, Trumpletons are urged hyperventilate about the invading hordes, troops are moved to counter the threat to the survival of the Republic.

It isn't just wrong, it's ludicrous, and even more ludicrous is not to see through this entirely transparent electioneering ploy.


Even while insisting that the Democrats have lost it, Goobers can't quite avoid presenting evidence for how far they're gone, and how their own displacement is the real cause of their conviction that those who stayed within the confines of reality are "way out there" - from their perspective.

It is no more.

Harry Reid now disavows everything he stood for back then.

Very telling.

When the Trump GOP stops mailing bombs to people, mowing down people with cars and guns, and wanting to suspend Constitutional can talk about sanity from the right
Is it wrong for Trump to stand up to the caravan?

The Trumpy is standing up to the caravan - supposedly at the southern border right now, but doing what, exactly? You sure about that?

Over the recent years, about 50,000 people are being detected, or presenting themselves to the authorities, at the southern border on average. Per month. So, the 4,000 or 7,000 people slowly walking north represent about three or four days worth of arrivals, and they are still a month away from the U.S. border. But, right now, it's essential that, in UpIsDownistan, Trumpletons are urged hyperventilate about the invading hordes, troops are moved to counter the threat to the survival of the Republic.

It isn't just wrong, it's ludicrous, and even more ludicrous is not to see through this entirely transparent electioneering ploy.


Even while insisting that the Democrats have lost it, Goobers can't quite avoid presenting evidence for how far they're gone, and how their own displacement is the real cause of their conviction that those who stayed within the confines of reality are "way out there" - from their perspective.
/-----/ Sorry Tinkerbell - hope the rest of your day os better.
Trump train.jpg
/—-/ No, we insisted on impeaching Clinton for perjury and he was. Hildabeast said the BJ was none of our business and was time to And your commit about Stormy hardly being Republican womanhood is a Strawman argument

Yawn, you guys could care less if he lied about the affair... you were upset about the affair. the supposed perjury was just something that you could hang your hat on.

So Clinton gets a beej from an intern, no biggie...

Trump gets a beej from Stormy Daniels, pays her $130K to keep quiet, and that's no big deal to you guys.
/—-/ No, we insisted on impeaching Clinton for perjury and he was. Hildabeast said the BJ was none of our business and was time to And your commit about Stormy hardly being Republican womanhood is a Strawman argument

Yawn, you guys could care less if he lied about the affair... you were upset about the affair. the supposed perjury was just something that you could hang your hat on.

So Clinton gets a beej from an intern, no biggie...

Trump gets a beej from Stormy Daniels, pays her $130K to keep quiet, and that's no big deal to you guys.
Did Trump boink Stormy in the Oval Office?

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