Zone1 Backlash Grows Over FBI Plans to Infiltrate Catholic Churches


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Backlash Grows Over FBI Plans to Infiltrate Catholic Churches

17 Apr 2023 ~~ By Eric Lendrum

As further revelations detail the extent of the FBI’s plans to send agents into Catholic churches for the purpose of infiltrating and spying on them, the bureau is now facing greater backlash from Republicans, Catholics, and FBI whistleblowers.
Just The News reports that Congressman Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) released a statement reacting to the latest revelations, voicing his support for the possibility of defunding the FBI.
“This was one of the most shocking things that I’ve seen,” said Congressman Biggs on Wednesday. “When you start finding out that they were trying to actually move in, to infiltrate, etc., you go, ‘What is their purpose?’ Do they think that if you’re an orthodox, believing and practicing Catholic, somehow that’s anti-American?”
f we’re not going to totally defund it and eliminate it — and then keep only those areas that truly support state and local law enforcement — then you’ve got to do a wholesale cleaning out of the FBI,” Biggs continued.
The latest in the ongoing FBI scandal was revealed by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who explained the latest evidence in a press release. Through a series of documents handed over to the committee by the FBI after an information request, Congressman Jordan said that “the FBI relied on information derived from at least one undercover employee and sought to use local religious organizations as ‘new avenues for tripwire and source development.'”
“In light of this information and the serious consequences for the free exercise of Americans’ First Amendment rights,” Jordan’s statement continued, “Chairman Jordan issued a subpoena today to FBI Director Wray for all documents related to the FBI’s actions.”
This is only the latest confirmed instance of the FBI attempting to infiltrate and spy on Catholic churches. Earlier this year, an internal FBI memo was leaked out of the Richmond Field Office revealing that the bureau was considering designating those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass as “extremists,” and again considered planting agents within certain churches.
The FBI released a statement in response to the Judiciary Committee’s subpoena request, while refusing to specifically acknowledge the Catholic scandal.
“The FBI recognizes the importance of congressional oversight,” the spokesman said, “and remains fully committed to cooperating with Congress’s oversight requests consistent with its constitutional and statutory responsibilities.”

I am convinced that the FBI/Stasi was infiltrating to spy on the churches. I think that they were probably trying to get a few participants in an operation that was planned by the FBI as a false flag op to demonize the churches as radical organizations. Probably something similar to the Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot.
Every day brings a new story of our government weaponization of agencies and over reach of their authority. It reeks of political fear and paranoia, turning on the citizens in an increasingly bizarre, aggressive and wholly un-American weaponization. As the citizen of a nation whose creed is:; government OF, BY and FOR the People, I am not feeling any warm fuzees towards my elected officials these days nor am I feeling all that charitable towards the bureaucrats and political appointees (all supposedly qualified and upstanding citizens in their own right) who seem hell bent on kissing politicians asses while intimidating and terrorizing normal, God fearing and lawful citizens. They are doing a fine imitation of the former Nazi Germany with their own version of the Gestapo and SS forces. Suddenly, we, the people, have become enemies of the state instead of citizens. A lot of us are passed the point of being uncomfortable with this growing treatment of us as terrorists, radicals or threats to our nation. We are now at the point where the elected government...which may or may not have been elected fraudulently.... thinks that power in this country flows from them instead of from the people. This is a dangerous mindset...and one that breeds tyrants and dictators if left unaddressed by the true source of all governmental citizens.
I find a quote going through my mind more and more often these days: "When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty". That was a quote from Thomas Jefferson the prime author of the Constitution. If we haven't reached that point yet...we are fast approaching it.
I bet all these raped alter boys have all been perpetrated by covert gay FBI agents sent by Biden posing as priests to give the church a bad name and close them down like the Boy Scouts. :smoke:

As further revelations detail the extent of the FBI’s plans to send agents into Catholic churches for the purpose of infiltrating and spying on them, the bureau is now facing greater backlash from Republicans, Catholics, and FBI whistleblowers.

seems to have had at least an impact -


on their christian cousins ... and been a force of good over evil.

Backlash Grows Over FBI Plans to Infiltrate Catholic Churches

17 Apr 2023 ~~ By Eric Lendrum

As further revelations detail the extent of the FBI’s plans to send agents into Catholic churches for the purpose of infiltrating and spying on them, the bureau is now facing greater backlash from Republicans, Catholics, and FBI whistleblowers.
Just The News reports that Congressman Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) released a statement reacting to the latest revelations, voicing his support for the possibility of defunding the FBI.
“This was one of the most shocking things that I’ve seen,” said Congressman Biggs on Wednesday. “When you start finding out that they were trying to actually move in, to infiltrate, etc., you go, ‘What is their purpose?’ Do they think that if you’re an orthodox, believing and practicing Catholic, somehow that’s anti-American?”
f we’re not going to totally defund it and eliminate it — and then keep only those areas that truly support state and local law enforcement — then you’ve got to do a wholesale cleaning out of the FBI,” Biggs continued.
The latest in the ongoing FBI scandal was revealed by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who explained the latest evidence in a press release. Through a series of documents handed over to the committee by the FBI after an information request, Congressman Jordan said that “the FBI relied on information derived from at least one undercover employee and sought to use local religious organizations as ‘new avenues for tripwire and source development.'”
“In light of this information and the serious consequences for the free exercise of Americans’ First Amendment rights,” Jordan’s statement continued, “Chairman Jordan issued a subpoena today to FBI Director Wray for all documents related to the FBI’s actions.”
This is only the latest confirmed instance of the FBI attempting to infiltrate and spy on Catholic churches. Earlier this year, an internal FBI memo was leaked out of the Richmond Field Office revealing that the bureau was considering designating those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass as “extremists,” and again considered planting agents within certain churches.
The FBI released a statement in response to the Judiciary Committee’s subpoena request, while refusing to specifically acknowledge the Catholic scandal.
“The FBI recognizes the importance of congressional oversight,” the spokesman said, “and remains fully committed to cooperating with Congress’s oversight requests consistent with its constitutional and statutory responsibilities.”

I am convinced that the FBI/Stasi was infiltrating to spy on the churches. I think that they were probably trying to get a few participants in an operation that was planned by the FBI as a false flag op to demonize the churches as radical organizations. Probably something similar to the Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot.
Every day brings a new story of our government weaponization of agencies and over reach of their authority. It reeks of political fear and paranoia, turning on the citizens in an increasingly bizarre, aggressive and wholly un-American weaponization. As the citizen of a nation whose creed is:; government OF, BY and FOR the People, I am not feeling any warm fuzees towards my elected officials these days nor am I feeling all that charitable towards the bureaucrats and political appointees (all supposedly qualified and upstanding citizens in their own right) who seem hell bent on kissing politicians asses while intimidating and terrorizing normal, God fearing and lawful citizens. They are doing a fine imitation of the former Nazi Germany with their own version of the Gestapo and SS forces. Suddenly, we, the people, have become enemies of the state instead of citizens. A lot of us are passed the point of being uncomfortable with this growing treatment of us as terrorists, radicals or threats to our nation. We are now at the point where the elected government...which may or may not have been elected fraudulently.... thinks that power in this country flows from them instead of from the people. This is a dangerous mindset...and one that breeds tyrants and dictators if left unaddressed by the true source of all governmental citizens.
I find a quote going through my mind more and more often these days: "When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty". That was a quote from Thomas Jefferson the prime author of the Constitution. If we haven't reached that point yet...we are fast approaching it.

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