Bacon, hot dogs and processed meats cause cancer, WHO says

Relax! Have a nice big glass of whole milk to wash down that ham and eggs and whatnot in the morning, knowing full well in 10-12 years or so they'll announce such foods are harmless.

Now I've got a BLT Jones going.
Not that I ate these foods all that much..

Bacon, sausage and other processed meats are now ranked alongside cigarettes and asbestos as known carcinogens, the World Health Organization announced today. Processed meats cause cancer, and red meat likely causes cancer, the health agency says in a new report.

The new investigation involved 22 scientists who were invited by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer to assess the association between more than 16 types of cancer and the consumption of red meat and processed meat.

Bacon, hot dogs and processed meats cause cancer, WHO says

There's another good reason why I don't eat those foods.

People have the right to know what they're putting in their body so the can make an informed choice on what to eat.
Gee..... I guess that means that all of the people around the world that live, and have lived, to be 80 and 90 years old without ever having cancer, have never eaten processed meat, or red meat? Could this be true?

People have a right to know what they're putting in their body.

Yet we don't get the full truth of what is actually in the food we eat for the only reason that some already filthy rich people want to get even more rich so they bought enough politicians to pass laws that allow big business to not have to totally and properly label and tell us what's in the food they're selling us. Or to kill bills that require better and more truthful labeling of our food.

We have the right to all information so people can make the choice for themselves what to eat. I don't believe that a greedy CEO or executive has the right to tell anyone what to eat by withholding information from the consumer or outright lying to them.

If you want to fill your body with all that food go for it. No one is stopping you. However attitudes like yours prevents others who want to know be able to honestly know what is in the food they're eating.

It really doesn't matter what a minority of people who live that long around the world do or eat. It does matter what you eat. You aren't those people and those people didn't start out eating processed foods. They're old enough that they were born in and lived in a time when processed meats & foods didn't or rarely existed. They also didn't eat meat with all the chemicals that are in meat today. Unlike people of today who grew up eating those foods and will eat those foods for a lifetime.
Thanks to the global warming theory I no longer consider scientists to be the objective observers they pretend to be.

So I will continue to eat bacon to my heart's delight.

I'd rather live a short life with bacon, then a long life without it.
Last night a news crew was at Pinks hot dog stand. No one cared about this report.

The medical scare tactics aren't working any more.

First things are bad, then they are good, then they are bad again, then they may be good but also bad, and then they are so bad they are GOING TO KILL US ALL AAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Gee..... I guess that means that all of the people around the world that live, and have lived, to be 80 and 90 years old without ever having cancer, have never eaten processed meat, or red meat? Could this be true?

People have a right to know what they're putting in their body.

Yet we don't get the full truth of what is actually in the food we eat for the only reason that some already filthy rich people want to get even more rich so they bought enough politicians to pass laws that allow big business to not have to totally and properly label and tell us what's in the food they're selling us. Or to kill bills that require better and more truthful labeling of our food.

We have the right to all information so people can make the choice for themselves what to eat. I don't believe that a greedy CEO or executive has the right to tell anyone what to eat by withholding information from the consumer or outright lying to them.

If you want to fill your body with all that food go for it. No one is stopping you. However attitudes like yours prevents others who want to know be able to honestly know what is in the food they're eating.

It really doesn't matter what a minority of people who live that long around the world do or eat. It does matter what you eat. You aren't those people and those people didn't start out eating processed foods. They're old enough that they were born in and lived in a time when processed meats & foods didn't or rarely existed. They also didn't eat meat with all the chemicals that are in meat today. Unlike people of today who grew up eating those foods and will eat those foods for a lifetime.


Just saw on TV that the risk of colon cancer is 5% .. if you have a hot dog every day it goes to 6%.

That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics

That is correct I'm scheduled to have mine done by late next month. I rarely eat bacon or hotdog anyway but still as a precautionary I like to get it done. Just have to put up the prep ( go lite ) before the process.
Just saw on TV that the risk of colon cancer is 5% .. if you have a hot dog every day it goes to 6%.

That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics
Everytime a disease has a cure your chances of dying of cancer go up. Colorectal cancer does not mean caused by eating hot dogs and bacon. Vegans get colorectal cancer.

This study came to its conclusion by identifying 34,000 people out of 7.3 billion that they claim may have gotten cancer from eating processed meats. The numbers are too miniscule to have any relevance.

You are basing the 7.3 billions which is the population of the whole planet. I recommend use the country where you primarily live. Because other countries have different diets based what is available or they can afford. Some countries do not eat pork or beef. Most feed their domestically animals with organic vegetables.
For the most industrialized and richest country in the world, we surely have high incidences of cancer. Diet? Chemicals in the environment? Smokers? Take your pick
Just saw on TV that the risk of colon cancer is 5% .. if you have a hot dog every day it goes to 6%.

That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics
Everytime a disease has a cure your chances of dying of cancer go up. Colorectal cancer does not mean caused by eating hot dogs and bacon. Vegans get colorectal cancer.

This study came to its conclusion by identifying 34,000 people out of 7.3 billion that they claim may have gotten cancer from eating processed meats. The numbers are too miniscule to have any relevance.

You are basing the 7.3 billions which is the population of the whole planet. I recommend use the country where you primarily live. Because other countries have different diets based what is available or they can afford. Some countries do not eat pork or beef. Most feed their domestically animals with organic vegetables.
The study was based on world population.
For the most industrialized and richest country in the world, we surely have high incidences of cancer. Diet? Chemicals in the environment? Smokers? Take your pick
In much of the world people die earlier. The fewer overall causes of death the more deaths from cancer there are.
Just saw on TV that the risk of colon cancer is 5% .. if you have a hot dog every day it goes to 6%.

That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics
Everytime a disease has a cure your chances of dying of cancer go up. Colorectal cancer does not mean caused by eating hot dogs and bacon. Vegans get colorectal cancer.

This study came to its conclusion by identifying 34,000 people out of 7.3 billion that they claim may have gotten cancer from eating processed meats. The numbers are too miniscule to have any relevance.

vegans have the lowest cancer rates across the board.
Just saw on TV that the risk of colon cancer is 5% .. if you have a hot dog every day it goes to 6%.

That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics

That is correct I'm scheduled to have mine done by late next month. I rarely eat bacon or hotdog anyway but still as a precautionary I like to get it done. Just have to put up the prep ( go lite ) before the process.
Ooh! I got ten more years to go. :p
20 years ago whole milk was a direct route to cancer and heart disease. A more recent study said the prior study was all wrong. Whole milk is okay.

Saccharine was a killer, until it was oops, that was wrong. Eggs were bad, until they weren't bad any more.

Then there was the experiment. Can the public be manipulated into hysteria over nothing. The alar scare.

These fools will have to come up with something better than a statidic of 34,000.

Whole milk is designed to grow a baby calf into a 2,000 lb cow. Just saying.
Thanks to the global warming theory I no longer consider scientists to be the objective observers they pretend to be.

So I will continue to eat bacon to my heart's delight.

I'd rather live a short life with bacon, then a long life without it.
Last night a news crew was at Pinks hot dog stand. No one cared about this report.

The medical scare tactics aren't working any more.

First things are bad, then they are good, then they are bad again, then they may be good but also bad, and then they are so bad they are GOING TO KILL US ALL AAAAAAAAAA!!!!

I have a feeling that you are very unhealthy.
Just saw on TV that the risk of colon cancer is 5% .. if you have a hot dog every day it goes to 6%.

That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics
Everytime a disease has a cure your chances of dying of cancer go up. Colorectal cancer does not mean caused by eating hot dogs and bacon. Vegans get colorectal cancer.

This study came to its conclusion by identifying 34,000 people out of 7.3 billion that they claim may have gotten cancer from eating processed meats. The numbers are too miniscule to have any relevance.

vegans have the lowest cancer rates across the board.

For once, I agree.
That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics
Everytime a disease has a cure your chances of dying of cancer go up. Colorectal cancer does not mean caused by eating hot dogs and bacon. Vegans get colorectal cancer.

This study came to its conclusion by identifying 34,000 people out of 7.3 billion that they claim may have gotten cancer from eating processed meats. The numbers are too miniscule to have any relevance.

vegans have the lowest cancer rates across the board.

For once, I agree.

youd be surprised. You'd consider me far right but i love animals and respect the environment and would help anyone in need.
It's not the meat. It's the BUNZ !
Thanks to the global warming theory I no longer consider scientists to be the objective observers they pretend to be.

So I will continue to eat bacon to my heart's delight.

I'd rather live a short life with bacon, then a long life without it.
Last night a news crew was at Pinks hot dog stand. No one cared about this report.

The medical scare tactics aren't working any more.

First things are bad, then they are good, then they are bad again, then they may be good but also bad, and then they are so bad they are GOING TO KILL US ALL AAAAAAAAAA!!!!

I have a feeling that you are very unhealthy.

Not really. On the upcurve of the overweight/lose weight cycle, but in general, slightly high blood pressure is my only major issue.

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