Bacon, hot dogs and processed meats cause cancer, WHO says

Since meat became a staple of our diet, our lifespan has increased.

This study is probably more about getting people to die earlier than anything else.
Yes you'll die earlier if you stop eating processed meat.


I've done very well thank you.

Other than birth, I've never spent a day in the hospital. I've never made 1/2 dozen health insurance claims in my life for a total amount of less than my deductibles, except once that covered $20.00.

And my last physical was excellent. And I eat fast food regularly since I travel 40k miles per year.

What's your point?

Oh, bacon is eaten 5 days per week.
There are societies that have never had bacon or processed meats. They have a life span of 40 years.

18% is really too low to consider the result reflective of anything.
Some group somewhere has founded a scheme, yet to be introduced, of a world tax for meat producers and eaters, due to this supposed increase of risk.

Right, because everything's a conspiracy.
My favorite part of this one: "a scheme, yet to be introduced". :lol:

Obviously the absence of evidence is a clear indication that somebody's hiding something. In a related story, red meat makes you paranoid.

Evidence? We don' need no steenking evidence....
There are societies that have never had bacon or processed meats. They have a life span of 40 years.

Cherrypicking fallacy. Dismissed.

And one study doesn't constitute cherry picking as well?

We have been through countless studies that pile on whatever food type is the current villain, only to have the study countered or debunked, or some new study come up saying the opposite.

After the butter bad, margarine good!, and then margarine bad, butter good! flip flop, I'm not listening to anyone about this crap.

Now time for an Irish breakfast.

There are societies that have never had bacon or processed meats. They have a life span of 40 years.

Cherrypicking fallacy. Dismissed.

And one study doesn't constitute cherry picking as well?

We have been through countless studies that pile on whatever food type is the current villain, only to have the study countered or debunked, or some new study come up saying the opposite.

After the butter bad, margarine good!, and then margarine bad, butter good! flip flop, I'm not listening to anyone about this crap.

Now time for an Irish breakfast.


"One study"? :rofl:

As noted in my first post here, this is in no way "new" info. How did I already know about this in the 1970s when I gave up red meat and pork for exactly this reason? Did I see into the future?

Of course it's cherrypicking - the poster trots out "there are societies" (never names or links them) "that have a lifespan of 40 years" and then picks out a single factor, among countless ones, upon which to hang a causation fallacy. If that ain't cherrypicking, grits ain't groceries.

Butter has never been "bad", ever. Of course it can be made bad with BST, but that's, again, the processing, not the product. Nor have eggs.

I had bacon, eggs and grits for breakfast this morning -- of course, it was turkey bacon with no nitrites, organic free-range eggs without antibiotics and organic non-GMO grits with non-BST butter. It's what we're forced to do with a cavalier food processing industry that doesn't seem to care who gets hurt in the pursuit of profit.

What the hell are those black things? :uhh:
Not that I ate these foods all that much..

Bacon, sausage and other processed meats are now ranked alongside cigarettes and asbestos as known carcinogens, the World Health Organization announced today. Processed meats cause cancer, and red meat likely causes cancer, the health agency says in a new report.

The new investigation involved 22 scientists who were invited by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer to assess the association between more than 16 types of cancer and the consumption of red meat and processed meat.

Bacon, hot dogs and processed meats cause cancer, WHO says

No they don't. As with smoking, for that kind of declarative statement to be true, everyone whoe ats them, or smokes should be getting cancer. Less than 10% of smokers get a cancer. And unless a study's been conducted where you force fed only these things to some test subjects their entire lives, you can't prove some food from amongst a massive list of things eaten, enviromental carcinogens exposed to, etc. was the tipping point cause.
We need the government to protect us!! Pass laws that outlaw these "bad" foods. It's for our own good.

Know what else causes cancer? Marichinno Cherries. Oh and your genes too. Cancer starts when you r genes are such that they determine it. Lifestyle factors are not responsible as the latest research proves. It's genetic.
There are societies that have never had bacon or processed meats. They have a life span of 40 years.

Cherrypicking fallacy. Dismissed.

And one study doesn't constitute cherry picking as well?

We have been through countless studies that pile on whatever food type is the current villain, only to have the study countered or debunked, or some new study come up saying the opposite.

After the butter bad, margarine good!, and then margarine bad, butter good! flip flop, I'm not listening to anyone about this crap.

Now time for an Irish breakfast.


"One study"? :rofl:

As noted in my first post here, this is in no way "new" info. How did I already know about this in the 1970s when I gave up red meat and pork for exactly this reason? Did I see into the future?

Of course it's cherrypicking - the poster trots out "there are societies" (never names or links them) "that have a lifespan of 40 years" and then picks out a single factor, among countless ones, upon which to hang a causation fallacy. If that ain't cherrypicking, grits ain't groceries.

Butter has never been "bad", ever. Of course it can be made bad with BST, but that's, again, the processing, not the product. Nor have eggs.

I had bacon, eggs and grits for breakfast this morning -- of course, it was turkey bacon with no nitrites, organic free-range eggs without antibiotics and organic non-GMO grits with non-BST butter. It's what we're forced to do with a cavalier food processing industry that doesn't seem to care who gets hurt in the pursuit of profit.

What the hell are those black things? :uhh:

Black pudding, a type of sausage with blood an oats mixed in with the offal.
There are societies that have never had bacon or processed meats. They have a life span of 40 years.

Cherrypicking fallacy. Dismissed.

And one study doesn't constitute cherry picking as well?

We have been through countless studies that pile on whatever food type is the current villain, only to have the study countered or debunked, or some new study come up saying the opposite.

After the butter bad, margarine good!, and then margarine bad, butter good! flip flop, I'm not listening to anyone about this crap.

Now time for an Irish breakfast.


"One study"? :rofl:

As noted in my first post here, this is in no way "new" info. How did I already know about this in the 1970s when I gave up red meat and pork for exactly this reason? Did I see into the future?

Of course it's cherrypicking - the poster trots out "there are societies" (never names or links them) "that have a lifespan of 40 years" and then picks out a single factor, among countless ones, upon which to hang a causation fallacy. If that ain't cherrypicking, grits ain't groceries.

Butter has never been "bad", ever. Of course it can be made bad with BST, but that's, again, the processing, not the product. Nor have eggs.

I had bacon, eggs and grits for breakfast this morning -- of course, it was turkey bacon with no nitrites, organic free-range eggs without antibiotics and organic non-GMO grits with non-BST butter. It's what we're forced to do with a cavalier food processing industry that doesn't seem to care who gets hurt in the pursuit of profit.

What the hell are those black things? :uhh:

Black pudding, a type of sausage with blood an oats mixed in with the offal.

type of sausage is amusing. It IS blood. Fried blood. :)
Know what else causes cancer? Marichinno Cherries. Oh and your genes too. Cancer starts when you r genes are such that they determine it. Lifestyle factors are not responsible as the latest research proves. It's genetic.

^^ Smoker script. Essential for denialists.
Last edited:
There are societies that have never had bacon or processed meats. They have a life span of 40 years.

Cherrypicking fallacy. Dismissed.

And one study doesn't constitute cherry picking as well?

We have been through countless studies that pile on whatever food type is the current villain, only to have the study countered or debunked, or some new study come up saying the opposite.

After the butter bad, margarine good!, and then margarine bad, butter good! flip flop, I'm not listening to anyone about this crap.

Now time for an Irish breakfast.


"One study"? :rofl:

As noted in my first post here, this is in no way "new" info. How did I already know about this in the 1970s when I gave up red meat and pork for exactly this reason? Did I see into the future?

Of course it's cherrypicking - the poster trots out "there are societies" (never names or links them) "that have a lifespan of 40 years" and then picks out a single factor, among countless ones, upon which to hang a causation fallacy. If that ain't cherrypicking, grits ain't groceries.

Butter has never been "bad", ever. Of course it can be made bad with BST, but that's, again, the processing, not the product. Nor have eggs.

I had bacon, eggs and grits for breakfast this morning -- of course, it was turkey bacon with no nitrites, organic free-range eggs without antibiotics and organic non-GMO grits with non-BST butter. It's what we're forced to do with a cavalier food processing industry that doesn't seem to care who gets hurt in the pursuit of profit.

What the hell are those black things? :uhh:

Black pudding, a type of sausage with blood an oats mixed in with the offal.

So you're saying it's "bloody offal".
That was already my impression. :eusa_shifty:
Know what else causes cancer? Marichinno Cherries. Oh and your genes too. Cancer starts when you r genes are such that they determine it. Lifestyle factors are not responsible as the latest research proves. It's genetic.

^^ Smoker script. :eusa_hand:

'Causes cancer.' Is false, doesn't take much intelligence to read things carefully and smell the crap. Carcinogens contribute to cancers. But we're exposed to hundreds of cancers in our industrialized societies, not everyone gets a cancer though. So when you read 'this causes cancer' should be asking how do you know it was 'a' that caused cancer and not 'b-z'?
There are societies that have never had bacon or processed meats. They have a life span of 40 years.

Cherrypicking fallacy. Dismissed.

And one study doesn't constitute cherry picking as well?

We have been through countless studies that pile on whatever food type is the current villain, only to have the study countered or debunked, or some new study come up saying the opposite.

After the butter bad, margarine good!, and then margarine bad, butter good! flip flop, I'm not listening to anyone about this crap.

Now time for an Irish breakfast.


"One study"? :rofl:

As noted in my first post here, this is in no way "new" info. How did I already know about this in the 1970s when I gave up red meat and pork for exactly this reason? Did I see into the future?

Of course it's cherrypicking - the poster trots out "there are societies" (never names or links them) "that have a lifespan of 40 years" and then picks out a single factor, among countless ones, upon which to hang a causation fallacy. If that ain't cherrypicking, grits ain't groceries.

Butter has never been "bad", ever. Of course it can be made bad with BST, but that's, again, the processing, not the product. Nor have eggs.

I had bacon, eggs and grits for breakfast this morning -- of course, it was turkey bacon with no nitrites, organic free-range eggs without antibiotics and organic non-GMO grits with non-BST butter. It's what we're forced to do with a cavalier food processing industry that doesn't seem to care who gets hurt in the pursuit of profit.

What the hell are those black things? :uhh:

Black pudding, a type of sausage with blood an oats mixed in with the offal.

type of sausage is amusing. It IS blood. Fried blood. :)

blood is like 4th on the ingredient list, and blood sausages have been part of almost every culture, except the ones that make it taboo.
There are societies that have never had bacon or processed meats. They have a life span of 40 years.

Cherrypicking fallacy. Dismissed.

And one study doesn't constitute cherry picking as well?

We have been through countless studies that pile on whatever food type is the current villain, only to have the study countered or debunked, or some new study come up saying the opposite.

After the butter bad, margarine good!, and then margarine bad, butter good! flip flop, I'm not listening to anyone about this crap.

Now time for an Irish breakfast.


"One study"? :rofl:

As noted in my first post here, this is in no way "new" info. How did I already know about this in the 1970s when I gave up red meat and pork for exactly this reason? Did I see into the future?

Of course it's cherrypicking - the poster trots out "there are societies" (never names or links them) "that have a lifespan of 40 years" and then picks out a single factor, among countless ones, upon which to hang a causation fallacy. If that ain't cherrypicking, grits ain't groceries.

Butter has never been "bad", ever. Of course it can be made bad with BST, but that's, again, the processing, not the product. Nor have eggs.

I had bacon, eggs and grits for breakfast this morning -- of course, it was turkey bacon with no nitrites, organic free-range eggs without antibiotics and organic non-GMO grits with non-BST butter. It's what we're forced to do with a cavalier food processing industry that doesn't seem to care who gets hurt in the pursuit of profit.

What the hell are those black things? :uhh:

Black pudding, a type of sausage with blood an oats mixed in with the offal.

So you're saying it's "bloody offal".
That was already my impression. :eusa_shifty:

Puns are the primordial ooze of humor.

and it is quite tasty, I like mine with Chef's Sauce.
There are societies that have never had bacon or processed meats. They have a life span of 40 years.

Cherrypicking fallacy. Dismissed.

And one study doesn't constitute cherry picking as well?

We have been through countless studies that pile on whatever food type is the current villain, only to have the study countered or debunked, or some new study come up saying the opposite.

After the butter bad, margarine good!, and then margarine bad, butter good! flip flop, I'm not listening to anyone about this crap.

Now time for an Irish breakfast.


"One study"? :rofl:

As noted in my first post here, this is in no way "new" info. How did I already know about this in the 1970s when I gave up red meat and pork for exactly this reason? Did I see into the future?

Of course it's cherrypicking - the poster trots out "there are societies" (never names or links them) "that have a lifespan of 40 years" and then picks out a single factor, among countless ones, upon which to hang a causation fallacy. If that ain't cherrypicking, grits ain't groceries.

Butter has never been "bad", ever. Of course it can be made bad with BST, but that's, again, the processing, not the product. Nor have eggs.

I had bacon, eggs and grits for breakfast this morning -- of course, it was turkey bacon with no nitrites, organic free-range eggs without antibiotics and organic non-GMO grits with non-BST butter. It's what we're forced to do with a cavalier food processing industry that doesn't seem to care who gets hurt in the pursuit of profit.

What the hell are those black things? :uhh:

I believe they are blood sausage.

It's awful.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!! We're all going to die of cancer....if we don't burn up from gloBULL warming.

Ummm.... we're already dying of cancer. Check the stats. Duh.

But you know what, let's just keep dying and not bother to find out why. That's the ticket. :smoke:

Hmmmm ....either I live a full life and eat the good things I like and go out in another 10~ 30 years happy :)


Or watch my diet, eat food that sucks, live to 100 and someone has to change my diaper?

I pick door number One....
Nothing new in this latest study. I remember reading this back in the early 80s and, if I remember correctly, the book I read it in wasn't all that new. I'd love to find that book again.

Its also known that grilling is a causative factor in cancer and heart disease - also known for a long long time.

One would have to live in a cave to not know how bad processed meat is. The study includes red meat but I also remember an article published in the WSJ saying that chicken/turkey is really no more healthy than beef. Freaking bizarre that people think pealing off the skin will somehow make it healthier. Look up "fecal soup" and/or "shit soup".

And pork? WTF? I've recently read that its the new fave. When did we get THIS dumb and self destructive? Not to mention that it supports China because they own our pig producers and slaughterhouses and the carcasses are sent to China for processing. And they hire illegals to do the shitty work Americans don't want to do.

Anyone who is interested might want to read The China Study. Also factual and informative - anything by John Robbins (of Baskin-Robbins) or Kathy Freston.

Or not.

If you choose to eat shit, fine. What bothers me is that people actually feed their kids hot dogs, bacon, baloney, pepperoni, etc. Pizza could be a healthy food but not the way we prepare it these days.

Its like smoking. Everyone knows its bad for you but choose to do it anyway. Fine. As long as you don't force it on others, its your business. But again, its indefensible to smoke around children.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!! We're all going to die of cancer....if we don't burn up from gloBULL warming.

Ummm.... we're already dying of cancer. Check the stats. Duh.

But you know what, let's just keep dying and not bother to find out why. That's the ticket. :smoke:

Hmmmm ....either I live a full life and eat the good things I like and go out in another 10~ 30 years happy :)


Or watch my diet, eat food that sucks, live to 100 and someone has to change my diaper?

I pick door number One....

You won't be dying "happy" with cancer, heart disease, obesity, kidney and liver disease - all of which are associated with eating meat.

Which is not to say everyone who eats meat/smokes cigs will die miserable.

I do believe however that staying healthy will make my last years on the planet a lot happier. But that's just me.

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