Bacon, hot dogs and processed meats cause cancer, WHO says

muslims and jews don't eat pork but they still get cancer

They don't eat it for religious reasons, cloven hoof. It's not kosher. Pork is subjected to all the chemicals given to cattle, hence the same trickle down effect. Bacon, ham, and some pork chops are treated with nitrates and smoked. A higher percentage of the animal's meat is processed in this manner than with beef. Even though poke is considered by some as the "new white meat" the processing makes it more dangerous than its red meat counterpart.
Thanks to the global warming theory I no longer consider scientists to be the objective observers they pretend to be.

So I will continue to eat bacon to my heart's delight.

I'd rather live a short life with bacon, then a long life without it.
This is really just a little foundational work so that when the global authority say we will all be vegans to combat global warming we will all think it's for our own good.
Not that I ate these foods all that much..

Bacon, sausage and other processed meats are now ranked alongside cigarettes and asbestos as known carcinogens, the World Health Organization announced today. Processed meats cause cancer, and red meat likely causes cancer, the health agency says in a new report.

The new investigation involved 22 scientists who were invited by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer to assess the association between more than 16 types of cancer and the consumption of red meat and processed meat.

Bacon, hot dogs and processed meats cause cancer, WHO says
The report is bullshit which is not based on any sort of logical reasoning.
So next time you have that bacon and tomato sandwich, just remember it's on the same level as taking a deep breath of asbestos infested air.
Folks, I'm doing a long will it take before Obama is blamed for all this....100, 99, 98, 97...........

What the hell was wrong that it needs to be blamed on somebody, duncecap?

The fact that meat causes cancer...I don't see shit wrong with it, but you nuts who love ya bacon, might.
It's a fact that's much older than our president. It would be like blaming Obama for gravity. It's funny how you are the only one inserting the Affirmative Action president in all this while accusing US of being obsessed with him.
Thanks to the global warming theory I no longer consider scientists to be the objective observers they pretend to be.

So I will continue to eat bacon to my heart's delight.

I'd rather live a short life with bacon, then a long life without it.
Last night a news crew was at Pinks hot dog stand. No one cared about this report.

The medical scare tactics aren't working any more.
Just saw on TV that the risk of colon cancer is 5% .. if you have a hot dog every day it goes to 6%.

That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics
Just saw on TV that the risk of colon cancer is 5% .. if you have a hot dog every day it goes to 6%.

That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics
Everytime a disease has a cure your chances of dying of cancer go up. Colorectal cancer does not mean caused by eating hot dogs and bacon. Vegans get colorectal cancer.

This study came to its conclusion by identifying 34,000 people out of 7.3 billion that they claim may have gotten cancer from eating processed meats. The numbers are too miniscule to have any relevance.
Meanwhile, the people who're cutting out everything because of this study are still gonna get various cancers from all the flame retardants in their clothes and furniture, carpet, plastic food containers, etc.

Mitigating risk by reducing risk factors is good. But it's important to remember we have literally hundreds of carcinogens in our daily enviroment. Eliminating 1 or 2 isn't going to spare you if your genes say you're gonna get a cancer.
Just saw on TV that the risk of colon cancer is 5% .. if you have a hot dog every day it goes to 6%.

That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics
Everytime a disease has a cure your chances of dying of cancer go up. Colorectal cancer does not mean caused by eating hot dogs and bacon. Vegans get colorectal cancer.

This study came to its conclusion by identifying 34,000 people out of 7.3 billion that they claim may have gotten cancer from eating processed meats. The numbers are too miniscule to have any relevance.

I understand the study has no value to you, but it does to the rest of us who are trying to reduce the chance of cancer. And while nothing people can do guarantees protection from cancer, there has been billions of dollars poured into cancer research that has resulted in clear indicators on what risky behaviors to avoid. The China Study by T. Colin Campbell reveals the details of very thorough experiments that produced comprehensive and tangible results. So you can dismiss it if you like, but some of us want to know how to reduce our risks.
20 years ago whole milk was a direct route to cancer and heart disease. A more recent study said the prior study was all wrong. Whole milk is okay.

Saccharine was a killer, until it was oops, that was wrong. Eggs were bad, until they weren't bad any more.

Then there was the experiment. Can the public be manipulated into hysteria over nothing. The alar scare.

These fools will have to come up with something better than a statidic of 34,000.
Just saw on TV that the risk of colon cancer is 5% .. if you have a hot dog every day it goes to 6%.

That's one in twenty. Very high risk.
Its not one in 20. It's 34,000 out of 7.3 billion. That's a statistical no risk at all.
Nonsense. Every man over 50 is urged to get a colonoscopy because it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths.

CDC - Colorectal Cancer Statistics
Everytime a disease has a cure your chances of dying of cancer go up. Colorectal cancer does not mean caused by eating hot dogs and bacon. Vegans get colorectal cancer.

This study came to its conclusion by identifying 34,000 people out of 7.3 billion that they claim may have gotten cancer from eating processed meats. The numbers are too miniscule to have any relevance.

I understand the study has no value to you, but it does to the rest of us who are trying to reduce the chance of cancer. And while nothing people can do guarantees protection from cancer, there has been billions of dollars poured into cancer research that has resulted in clear indicators on what risky behaviors to avoid. The China Study by T. Colin Campbell reveals the details of very thorough experiments that produced comprehensive and tangible results. So you can dismiss it if you like, but some of us want to know how to reduce our risks.
You still don't know.
Not that I ate these foods all that much..

Bacon, sausage and other processed meats are now ranked alongside cigarettes and asbestos as known carcinogens, the World Health Organization announced today. Processed meats cause cancer, and red meat likely causes cancer, the health agency says in a new report.

The new investigation involved 22 scientists who were invited by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer to assess the association between more than 16 types of cancer and the consumption of red meat and processed meat.

Bacon, hot dogs and processed meats cause cancer, WHO says

No they don't. As with smoking, for that kind of declarative statement to be true, everyone whoe ats them, or smokes should be getting cancer. Less than 10% of smokers get a cancer. And unless a study's been conducted where you force fed only these things to some test subjects their entire lives, you can't prove some food from amongst a massive list of things eaten, enviromental carcinogens exposed to, etc. was the tipping point cause.

I don't think it's that simple. 10% of heavy smokers, former smokers, lifelong smokers or light smokers? Is there a difference between men and women? According to this there hasn't been an exact study in the U.S. but others have done studies.

What Percentage of Smokers Get Lung Cancer, Anyway?
In a 2006 European study, the risk of developing lung cancer was:

  • 0.2% for men who never smoked (0.4% for women)
  • 5.5% for male former smokers (2.6% in women)
  • 15.9% for current male smokers (9.5% for women)
  • 24.4% for male “heavy smokers” defined as smoking more than 5 cigarettes per day (18.5% for women)
An earlier Canadian study quoted the lifetime risk for male smokers at 17.2% (11.6% in women) versus only 1.3% in male non-smokers (1.4% in female non-smokers).

Those are substantial differences and that is only lung cancer. And I wouldn't consider 5 cigarettes per day to be a heavy smoker, I remember that being 1 - 2 packs per day. Moderate would be 10 or less cigarettes.

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