Bad-Ass Christian Talk Radio? :)


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
I love it! :)

Bad Ass Christian Talk?

New Religious Format Seeks Audience

Today's All Access online edition contains an ad that had the Radio Equalizer just plain baffled:


<i>WOW! We still have not found the right guy, who does not sound like he works at Salem. For the last time... if you are a FLAME-THROWING AIR-TALENT who has personality and not a limp-wristed girly man sound, send you're Mp3 now to
[email protected] or [email protected]

Our national network targets christian men 25-54 "No chicks". We pay great not like the other so-called christian radio networks who pay low and bonus with God.

Working for CEN means you can quit the food stamp program you're on while you have been working at those other so-called christian broadcasting companies.</i>

Is this for real? My first thought: wondering if this was a fake ad placed by somebody with an agenda to make Christians look horrible.

The entire ad is a knock on Salem Communications, home to a number of low-rated Christian and secular talk stations. Salem's reputation for low pay is a common perception in the radio industry, whether true or not.

Salem's syndication arm features Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt and others.

I found the website for this outfit <a href="" target=_blank">here</a>. Here's what they say they're all about:

<i>At last count there were 72,653,213.5 (approximately) christian men in the United States alone. This is God's army.

Unfortunately his soldiers are unprepared for battle, trying to survive on a diet of commercial radio which drives them to distraction and away from God. With the current state of christian radio programming who could blame them?

There are chrisitian men ready to jump out of windows if they are forced to listen to another Amy Grant song or another preacher peddling prayer clothes and "prosperity". ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, WE'VE HAD IT!

CEN Talk Radio is here to whip God's army into shape by making available funny, intelligent, courageous, God-focused radio specifically designed for today's christian men.</i>

"No Chicks" seems to be their mantra.

There's a full list of <a href="" target=_blank">programs here</a>, but no indication of where it might be heard. Any stations carrying this? Is this for real, or am I being had?

Is there a big market for bad-ass Christian radio?
WOW! We still have not found the right guy, who does not sound like he works at Salem. For the last time... if you are a FLAME-THROWING AIR-TALENT who has personality and not a limp-wristed girly man sound, send you're Mp3 now to
[email protected] or [email protected]

uh...let them know it should be 'your' mp3. Not 'send You Are Mp3
There is a fellow named Bob George who has a great Christian radio show, but Salem won't carry him. I think they don't agree with his emphasis on the Crucified life/or teaching about the Cross in folk's life in the vain of a counseling ministry.

I think the guy is biblically "dead on".

Along with Salem, we've got good old Pastor Camping's Family Radio stations up here in the S.F. Bay Area.

Now Camping's an absolute looney. Here he owns Family Radio and he's preaching that all Christians should leave their churches, because all churches have become corrupted.

Other than him on the station, it's not a bad station to listen to for nice music and other ministries.

Salem is OK too, but again, I've learned some interesting things about how they aren't letting certain Christian radio programs on their station and it's not over tongues, or some crazy stuff like Hinn, Copeland, or Tilton either. It seems to be those that teach the centrality of the Cross in their teachings. Galatians 2:20 being center-most around their teaching.
Eightball, is Camping the guy who thinks Bush is too liberal and believes that God will destroy the wicked world with a giant fireball?
There are a ton of loonies on Bay Area radio.
Gabriella84 said:
Eightball, is Camping the guy who thinks Bush is too liberal and believes that God will destroy the wicked world with a giant fireball?
There are a ton of loonies on Bay Area radio.

I don't think Camping has made any political statements, but I can't say I know every word he's said.

As for the Bay Area having Loonies on the radio.....I wouldn't say it's any different than any other big city radio market.

Michael Savage is based in S.F. ., but I don't consider him a loonie.

It's all in your perspective. If you think conservative talk show hosts are loonies, then the S.F. bay area has few via 560 ksfo, 910 kNEW, or 1220 KNTC. Now the Bay area also has goold old Air America on a very weak station at AM 960, and a 50,000 watt liberal talk station on 810 KGO(ABC affilitate).

Now as for religious loonies. The rado ones are tame compared to the T.V. ones, like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, and their ilk.

Actually Hinn is currently being investigated by the IRS for not reporting income. He's reported to have atleast a $1million per year income. That sure doesn't jive with a biblical description of one called to preach the "good news" or gospel to the "lost". Hinn and his riches has been doing crusades in Africa and many other third world countries..............

Camping did stick his neck out a few years ago and predict the end of the world..........and of course like all false prophets.........he blew it big time. He has really lost "it", and his credibility is very low outside of Family Radio.
I agree. Michael Savage is no more of a loony than Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter and all the other demigods of conservative radio.

Anyone who feels Christian radio is tame has never heard it in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. I will always remember one summer visit I made to visit my cousin Dahlia. We were driving around, listening to this radio preacher. The good reverend decided that EVERYONE needed to stop what they were doing and give themselves to Jesus. If you are driving a car, pull over to the side of the road. If you are riding with someone else, or in a bus, tell them to pull over. If you are at work, hit the floor, jack.
Oh, and after you have giving yourself to God, send him a contribution. :blah2:
Gabriella84 said:
I agree. Michael Savage is no more of a loony than Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter and all the other demigods of conservative radio.

Anyone who feels Christian radio is tame has never heard it in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. I will always remember one summer visit I made to visit my cousin Dahlia. We were driving around, listening to this radio preacher. The good reverend decided that EVERYONE needed to stop what they were doing and give themselves to Jesus. If you are driving a car, pull over to the side of the road. If you are riding with someone else, or in a bus, tell them to pull over. If you are at work, hit the floor, jack.
Oh, and after you have giving yourself to God, send him a contribution. :blah2:

Can you name one "loony" thing about Hannity? No, really... please try...

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