Bad Hair VS Bad Liar? Moral Equals?

Trump should have followed in Dad's footsteps if he wanted respect...Proving that money can't buy you everything you lack...

Pretty much the smartest thing Drumpf has ever done was to pick a really really rich daddy. What he obviously lacks in intelligence, he more than makes up with ego. He can keep on screwing up, more bankruptcies, idiotic lawsuits, sending business to China, lying about Mexico/Mexicans ... He will still have enough money that not much will bring him down.

He's for the 1%. The rest of us are his serving staff. His main goal is to finish the destruction of the working class that the Bushes started. Because Obama has worked FOR the middle class, RWs like that Trump is against them, just as they like that he sends business to China because Obama wants regulations to punish that.
I don't trust politicians or the wealthy, they all have an agenda and it's usually all about controlling the masses and keeping them adding to their amassed fortunes...

Its all about taking from the working class and giving to the 1%. Trump is the quintessential 1%-er, inherited his wealth, takes business to China while pubs vote to put more money in corp pockets who do the same, screw over the little guy.

RWs love that. They're just lapping up the Trump lies and begging for more.

Note to RW nutters: If Drumpf doesn't get the nod, please oh please write him in. K?
What about the issue of Hillary being the top 1%? You forget that clown trash?

Being wealthy is not the issue.

Stealing from the working class to give to the wealthy is the issue.

But yes, I do agree that he is a clown.
show where Trump has stolen.
Al Gore HAS with his fake global warming and Hillary has out scammed him.

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