Bad News, dims. Trump Approval Now At 50%

Mencken was complicated.

You, OTOH, are a simpleton

Mencken's vicious attacks on Republican Presidents Calvin Coolidge (“Nero fiddled, but Coolidge only snored”),[20] Warren Harding (“he writes the worst English that I have ever encountered”)[21] and Herbert Hoover (“a dud”)[22] made him a favorite of the literati, lionized throughout the publishing world. But when Mencken similarly lampooned the DemocratFranklin Roosevelt (“a fraud from snout to tail”),[23] whom he had supported in 1932,[24] he suddenly found himself a pariah, shunned by the establishment.[25] “[T]he New Deal might appear to offer just the sort of target [Mencken] loved,” wrote Alistair Cooke, but “the New Deal was Mencken's Waterloo, and Roosevelt his Wellington.” According to Cooke, “Mencken had a clear eye for the realities that conceived the Roosevelt period,” yet “it was the Roosevelt era that brought him to the mat." Cooke added that "The decline of his prestige was very swift,” so that by “the middle 1930's he all but abandoned the preoccupation of his palmy days, his self-chosen trade as 'a critic of ideas.'”[26]

Since the publication of Mencken's diaries in 1991, he has been lambasted as anti-Semitic, racist and "pro-Nazi."[27] He wrote:

“ The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack many of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display.[28]
In his diary, Mencken referred to “the Jews and whores who hang about the theatres and nightclubs”;[29] his publisher Alfred Knopf, wrote Mencken, “showed a certain amount of the obnoxious tactlessness of his race”;[30] George Jean Nathan, his former co-editor at The American Mercury, he wrote, had “a typically Jewish inferiority complex.”[31] Nathan commented, "I guess it would be right to say that [Mencken] never wholly liked Jews. He respected them, he was amused by them, he was even afraid of them, but he didn't like them. Maybe he even disliked them. I suppose that's anti-Semitism."[32]

The fact remains that you are proudly quoting Mencken who hated Republicans!

The more Democrats and progressives talk the more the US sees how vile they've become and the value in Trump.

I bet it's more than 50%. Democrats/progressives are more likely to respond.
The more Democrats and progressives talk the more the US sees how vile they've become and the value in Trump.

I bet it's more than 50%. Democrats/progressives are more likely to respond.

And the fact remains!

Here is the poll this video is based on:

QU Poll Release Detail

BTW - I do NOT agree with some of the comments in this video....I think they are going overboard a bit in their conclusions. And I am NOT a progressive (or a lib or con or communist or libertarian or anything else politically...thank goodness).
But they do present the poll reasonably well.
Plus...Ana is good looking. ;)

The Young Turks are a joke now.

Here is the poll this video is based on:

QU Poll Release Detail

BTW - I do NOT agree with some of the comments in this video....I think they are going overboard a bit in their conclusions. And I am NOT a progressive (or a lib or con or communist or libertarian or anything else politically...thank goodness).
But they do present the poll reasonably well.
Plus...Ana is good looking. ;)

The Young Turks are a joke now.

The Young Jerks are no more a joke than CNN, MSNBC, or even gasp FOX.

It's all kind of a "Mistake" that went wrong.

All we have to do is crush the “blue wave” and they are done.

I totally agree with that.

We beat back the 2018 'Blue wave' bullshit and dimocrap scum will need 10 years to recover. They WILL have to change their entire platform.

Wouldn't it be nice to have an actual, honest-to-God choice again?

Seriously, wouldn't it be nice to have the ability to vote for a political party that doesn't absolutely HATE America like dimocrap FILTH do??

In Europe, most of the liberals in Europe are actually MORE Patriotic than their Conservative counterparts.

And dimocrap scum? Don't say you are patriotic. You are not. You are scum.

They won’t change. They’ll simply label all Americans racist in order to justify more extreme social justice terrorism.

Prove it.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that all liberals are racist?

I guarantee you that you cannot provide one. Which mean your statement means nothing...just more Turmpbot hate spewing forth.

I didn’t say all liberals were racist. I said they will label all Americans racist, meaning conservatives. The far left fringe aren’t Americans, they are un-Americans. They’ve proven how much they hate this country in their actions. They are for open borders, they are for more Muslim immigration, they hate white people, they hate Christians, they hate capitalism.

The proof is already here for us to see. The fringe left attack conservatives, bully them, and get them fired just for having a different opinion than them. Social Justice Terrorism is a tactic they already use. If they lose another election, they will only ramp up their attacks. They’ve already gone all in with Islam, so I have no doubts they will flat out join with Islamic terrorists in order to attempt to destroy our country.

There is nothing more hateful, bitter, and despicable than regressives.

All we have to do is crush the “blue wave” and they are done.

I totally agree with that.

We beat back the 2018 'Blue wave' bullshit and dimocrap scum will need 10 years to recover. They WILL have to change their entire platform.

Wouldn't it be nice to have an actual, honest-to-God choice again?

Seriously, wouldn't it be nice to have the ability to vote for a political party that doesn't absolutely HATE America like dimocrap FILTH do??

In Europe, most of the liberals in Europe are actually MORE Patriotic than their Conservative counterparts.

And dimocrap scum? Don't say you are patriotic. You are not. You are scum.

They won’t change. They’ll simply label all Americans racist in order to justify more extreme social justice terrorism.

This maybe largely a Democrat ploy, (From the kookiest of Democrats) but ultimately Republicans have been played, look at how many Republicans gasp, and deny being racist, look at how many Republicans gasp about Nazis, or the KKK when they are pressured on it.

Meanwhile Democrats, never have to deny being racist against Whites like the Black Panthers, or Nation of Islam, or Aztlan, and Democrats don't gasp about Soviets, or North Korea etc.
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This is significant because, frankly, polling numbers are skewed to the left because the people most likely to favor Trump are working and those who don't like him are most likely to be sitting home in front of the TV.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

In point of fact, at this identical time (Aug 1) of the Liar in Chief's tenure, he was 4 points below where Trump is.


And that was with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM slobbering all over obama and with them hammering Trump at every turn.


Meanwhile, they have dimocraps with a 6 point edge over Republicans for the Midterms.

But we're not even campaigning yet and the Media is constantly campaigning for dims, so.......

It was noted today that Mr. Trump's 3 point bump coincided with the President successfully getting through to Rush Limbaugh's program in honor of the Maha Rushdie's 30th anniversary of broadcast excellence.

Here is the poll this video is based on:

QU Poll Release Detail

BTW - I do NOT agree with some of the comments in this video....I think they are going overboard a bit in their conclusions. And I am NOT a progressive (or a lib or con or communist or libertarian or anything else politically...thank goodness).
But they do present the poll reasonably well.
Plus...Ana is good looking. ;)

The Young Turks are a joke now.

The Young Jerks are no more a joke than CNN, MSNBC, or even gasp FOX.

It's all kind of a "Mistake" that went wrong.

They are literally a joke that people laugh at to this day.

MSNBC actually was better than CNN on election night in 2016.

All we have to do is crush the “blue wave” and they are done.

I totally agree with that.

We beat back the 2018 'Blue wave' bullshit and dimocrap scum will need 10 years to recover. They WILL have to change their entire platform.

Wouldn't it be nice to have an actual, honest-to-God choice again?

Seriously, wouldn't it be nice to have the ability to vote for a political party that doesn't absolutely HATE America like dimocrap FILTH do??

In Europe, most of the liberals in Europe are actually MORE Patriotic than their Conservative counterparts.

And dimocrap scum? Don't say you are patriotic. You are not. You are scum.

They won’t change. They’ll simply label all Americans racist in order to justify more extreme social justice terrorism.

Prove it.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that all liberals are racist?

I guarantee you that you cannot provide one. Which mean your statement means nothing...just more Turmpbot hate spewing forth.

I didn’t say all liberals were racist. I said they will label all Americans racist, meaning conservatives. The far left fringe aren’t Americans, they are un-Americans. They’ve proven how much they hate this country in their actions. They are for open borders, they are for more Muslim immigration, they hate white people, they hate Christians, they hate capitalism.

The proof is already here for us to see. The fringe left attack conservatives, bully them, and get them fired just for having a different opinion than them. Social Justice Terrorism is a tactic they already use. If they lose another election, they will only ramp up their attacks. They’ve already gone all in with Islam, so I have no doubts they will flat out join with Islamic terrorists in order to attempt to destroy our country.

There is nothing more hateful, bitter, and despicable than regressives.

I apologize...I misread your post.

But there is no way you could prove what all ANY large group of people think or feel. It is IMPOSSIBLE. Completely impossible.

And to say 'there is nothing more hateful....than regressives'.

Again...TOTALLY impossible to prove.

You want to make the statement - go ahead. But making statements that are impossible to prove is silly and pointless. It impresses no one who did not already agree with you. It proves nothing, And changes no one's mind.

It is 100% pointless - except maybe to make you feel better.

And if that is the only reason you are doing it - then that speaks volumes about your character.
Actually ABC/Washington Post and IDB/TIPP were closest. They missed Clinton's popular vote win by 1.

Last I checked, we still don't elect POTUS through Popular Vote.

And they missed the Electoral College vote even worse.

And Ubercunt will NEVER be President.

Our Final 2016 Picks - Rasmussen Reports®


At last check the popular vote is the people voting. The people did not elect Trump. We'll see what happens in November.
NYC and California are marxist hellholes not AMERICAN yeah the REAL American people did elect President Trump. Get over it.

Eh, You have Rednecks down South, and we have Guido's in the NYC metro area, probably now-a-days the Guido is more likely to take care of Blacks, and Hispanics.

As far as "Marxist" vs "Trump" despite my Pawling voting Trump, average property taxes are emerging at perhaps nearly $10,000 for home-owners in Pawling as a "Republican town / village"
as opposed to NYC as Democrats, where average property taxes are about $4,000 for home-owners.

I mean we're more Marxist in Pawling, or they're more Marxist in NYC?

But, keep in mind the reason people here vote Republican, and vote for good schools, a good library, good town parks, and village water, and village sewage.

Is because we're probably far more Socially Conservative than most of the country, as in most here love guns, but don't love Blacks, illegal immigrants, Muslim refugees, nor Abortion, and Gays. etc. etc..
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All we have to do is crush the “blue wave” and they are done.

I totally agree with that.

We beat back the 2018 'Blue wave' bullshit and dimocrap scum will need 10 years to recover. They WILL have to change their entire platform.

Wouldn't it be nice to have an actual, honest-to-God choice again?

Seriously, wouldn't it be nice to have the ability to vote for a political party that doesn't absolutely HATE America like dimocrap FILTH do??

In Europe, most of the liberals in Europe are actually MORE Patriotic than their Conservative counterparts.

And dimocrap scum? Don't say you are patriotic. You are not. You are scum.

They won’t change. They’ll simply label all Americans racist in order to justify more extreme social justice terrorism.

Prove it.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that all liberals are racist?

I guarantee you that you cannot provide one. Which mean your statement means nothing...just more Turmpbot hate spewing forth.

I didn’t say all liberals were racist. I said they will label all Americans racist, meaning conservatives. The far left fringe aren’t Americans, they are un-Americans. They’ve proven how much they hate this country in their actions. They are for open borders, they are for more Muslim immigration, they hate white people, they hate Christians, they hate capitalism.

The proof is already here for us to see. The fringe left attack conservatives, bully them, and get them fired just for having a different opinion than them. Social Justice Terrorism is a tactic they already use. If they lose another election, they will only ramp up their attacks. They’ve already gone all in with Islam, so I have no doubts they will flat out join with Islamic terrorists in order to attempt to destroy our country.

There is nothing more hateful, bitter, and despicable than regressives.

I apologize...I misread your post.

But there is no way you could prove what all ANY large group of people think or feel. It is IMPOSSIBLE. Completely impossible.

And to say 'there is nothing more hateful....than regressives'.

Again...TOTALLY impossible to prove.

You want to make the statement - go ahead. But making statements that are impossible to prove is silly and pointless. It impresses no one who did not already agree with you. It proves nothing, And changes no one's mind.

It is 100% pointless - except maybe to make you feel better.

And if that is the only reason you are doing it - then that speaks volumes about your character.

I would never waste my time and energy in an attempt to change the mind of regressives, since they have shown that they will ignore any and all facts that contradict their bias opinions.

I do however take the time to expose what the hateful left is really about, and what their Agenda is so my fellow patriots know what to expect from the regressive un-American left. Because I have found that once you accept what their real motives are, regressives are completely predictable.

Here is the poll this video is based on:

QU Poll Release Detail

BTW - I do NOT agree with some of the comments in this video....I think they are going overboard a bit in their conclusions. And I am NOT a progressive (or a lib or con or communist or libertarian or anything else politically...thank goodness).
But they do present the poll reasonably well.
Plus...Ana is good looking. ;)
Come on kid, you're a dyed-in-the-wool left-wing snowflake. Who are we kidding here?
This needs repeating:

'snicker' the RR is only the exception that proves the rule that the spread is a -9.3 at 43.5 to 52.8. Trump and the regressive Alt Right are in a shit pile.

Polling Data
Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 7/6 - 8/1 -- 43.5 52.8 -9.3
Economist/YouGov 7/29 - 7/31 1222 RV 43 53 -10
Rasmussen Reports 7/30 - 8/1 1500 LV 50 49 +1
Reuters/Ipsos 7/27 - 7/31 1571 RV 44 54 -10
Gallup 7/23 - 7/29 1500 A 40 55 -15
Harvard-Harris 7/24 - 7/25 1323 RV 45 55 -10
NPR/PBS/Marist 7/19 - 7/22 923 RV 41 51 -10
Quinnipiac 7/18 - 7/23 1177 RV 38 58 -20
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/15 - 7/18 900 RV 45 52 -7
FOX News 7/9 - 7/11 1007 RV 46 51 -5
Emerson 7/6 - 7/7 900 RV 43 50 -7
Prove it.
Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that all liberals are racist?
I guarantee you that you cannot provide one. Which mean your statement means nothing...just more Turmpbot hate spewing forth.
Your large bold print is a strawman piece of BS. The poster (THEHAWK) didn't say "all liberals are racist." YOU said that. He only said >> "They’ll simply label all Americans racist..." So why are you replying to him about liberals being racist ?

Then you went on to berate his statement, by saying it "means nothing" because of him not providing a link (to something that he didn't say >> "unbiased, factual proof that all liberals are racist?"

Incidentally, here's a little something for those who have any question about many liberals (but not all of them) being racist >>
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Only a racist would call affirmative action racist.

Nope, you don't get to redefine accepted terminology.
Only a racist would call affirmative action racist.

Nope, you don't get to redefine accepted terminology.

Granting favors because of skin color is not racist?

Slavery must have not been racist then...

What a moron. I bet, still pissed off that we freed your slaves.

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