Bad news for GOP: Democrat grassroots trouncing GOP grassroots in fundraising.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
In one of my posts from awhile back, I mentioned that I was skeptical the GOP (Grand Old Progressives) would win the senate, and even speculated the could lose the house in 2014. Well guess what? Democrat grassroots organizations are trouncing GOP grassroots fundraising by a margin of $46 million to $17 million.

Dems Trounce House GOP in Grass-Roots Donations

So, why is this happening? The Democrat party respects its constituency and delivers for them. The GOP on the other hand, constantly stabs their constituents in the back, lies to them, undermines them, and treats them with far less respect than they do the far-left Democrat party. The antics the establishment GOP used to get their candidate, Thad Cochran a tainted victory possibly could be the death blow to the GOP. Republican voters have had enough of the GOP establishment telling them to unite behind their establishment candidate, yet the same GOP has a completely different tude if a libertarian or conservative candidate wins. The establishment GOP have cut off their noses to spite their ugly faces. This is the party of the born loser, Karl Rove. We might be seeing the scratching of the surface....the beginning of the end of the GOP and sending it the way of the Whig party. Their constantly pissing on their voters looks like it is finally beginning to catch up with them. F*** the establishment GOP, proud to be a registered Libertarian.
Regardless of the fundraising numbers, polling shows the GOP on target to add to their House majority and Senate majority and break even on governorships. The DNC beat the RNC in fundraising in 2010 too and look how that turned out.

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