Bad News/Good News At DHS


Gold Member
Oct 17, 2010
The bad news is longer lines at air terminals due to finacial cuts because of sequester. The good news it TSA get's all new uniforms for employees at the cost of $1000 each. Now you know what's important to the traveling public, good lookin' TSA agents, screw the lines.
The Dems are going to blame the sequester for everything and they'll ensure that people "feel" the effect by deliberately cutting certain things. Meanwhile, they continue to spend like crazy, such as the $240 million to Egypt. Gee that might have paid for a few necessities to help us folks here at home.
The Dems are going to blame the sequester for everything and they'll ensure that people "feel" the effect by deliberately cutting certain things. Meanwhile, they continue to spend like crazy, such as the $240 million to Egypt. Gee that might have paid for a few necessities to help us folks here at home.

were they supposed to live with your dumbass sequester even before it went into effect?

didn't think so.
The bad news is longer lines at air terminals due to finacial cuts because of sequester. The good news it TSA get's all new uniforms for employees at the cost of $1000 each. Now you know what's important to the traveling public, good lookin' TSA agents, screw the lines.

All this as Dumbo Napalotano announces furloughs.. these folks are dumber than dumb.
Ame®icano;6907485 said:
New gloves too?

The US Gov't created Al Qaida and supports them in the Middle East. But Americans are so dumb they they believe it when the same corrupt, lying US Gov't says that Al Qaida may be hiding in their underwear!


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