Bad Parents = mentally disturbed killers

I have long posted here a connection to young men who kill others, are from single parent homes. Divorce, and those years leading up to it, can alter the course of a developing brain which on the average takes 20 years, to complete. Often a few more. Children have different coping skills and many are more sensitive than others and they withdraw feeling lost and helpless while many turn to a lifestyle that accepts them and welcomes them into their darkness, goals and agendas.

Hear this! Mercer, the OR killer POSTED on his social networking site...."anyone living in the NW don't go to school that day."

That should have been reported to authorities as soon as anyone read it. Possibly a massacre could have been prevented.

Blame the GOP, they cut funding to the Patriot Act, which monitored information like that flowing in the public!!
If your son has access to guns and he acts odd especially in social situations and hasn't gotten laid by the time he's in his 20's, start investigating.
The problems of this country are due to progressive spending and unnecessary laws and regulations... We are to the point of no return.

We had a model NOT to follow EUROPE... Like idiots we did anyway.

See hope and change
The problems of this country are due to progressive spending and unnecessary laws and regulations... We are to the point of no return.

We had a model NOT to follow EUROPE... Like idiots we did anyway.

See hope and change

Uh, the sky chicken little hasn't fallen, the tooth fairy will still leave you a dollar and Santa Clause, if you're a good kid, will visit this Xmas. You people need to get a grip, the black man got this....chill out!!
The problems of this country are due to progressive spending and unnecessary laws and regulations... We are to the point of no return.

We had a model NOT to follow EUROPE... Like idiots we did anyway.

See hope and change

Uh, the sky chicken little hasn't fallen, the tooth fairy will still leave you a dollar and Santa Clause, if you're a good kid, will visit this Xmas. You people need to get a grip, the black man got this....chill out!!
Da black man gonna have a little white guy from Russia take it all from him.
Simple answer... Breakdown of the traditional American family.

A village(Hillary) has nothing to do with it...

You nailed it.

We are a nation full of lazy shitbags too caught up in themselves to actually raise their kids.
When a parent turns their mentally ill children in to law enforcement for fear they might be a danger to themselves or others, the kid gets 15 years in prison...not much of an incentive, is it.

Behind bars for just thinking?

Blaec Lammers was convicted of first-degree assault and armed criminal action for talking to investigators about shooting up a Bolivar Walmart or a movie theater in November 2012. He was sentenced to 15 years.

His mother had told law enforcement that he had access to guns and might not be taking his medications. She was concerned he might be planning to kill himself.

Blaec Lammers was unarmed when police found him at Sonic. He did not shoot, hurt or threaten anyone. He was convicted based on statements he made during an interview with investigators.

Blaec Lammers suffers from anti-social personality disorder, borderline personality disorder and autism. He said he told investigators what he believed they wanted to hear.​
The problems of this country are due to progressive spending and unnecessary laws and regulations... We are to the point of no return.

We had a model NOT to follow EUROPE... Like idiots we did anyway.

See hope and change

Uh, the sky chicken little hasn't fallen, the tooth fairy will still leave you a dollar and Santa Clause, if you're a good kid, will visit this Xmas. You people need to get a grip, the black man got this....chill out!!

Hope and change???
.... people wonder why a Country should live by Christian Godly principles. This is why. Broken homes, lenient parenting, all thought to really not matter and to protect "fragile" ego's has only led to teens and young adults clueless about their identity and unable to deal with adverse situations and circumstances.

We are at the point now that we can't fix the damage, so, now we are trying to control people to "keep them from themselves" and others.....

There goes freedom.....

Yep. That's the ticket. Play arm chair psychologist and search for anything else to blame outside of lack of mental health care. It's much cheaper that way, innit? And then we feel really, really smart about it.

We all know, white people are mental ill when they wage hell and nigga's are just animals....all I was trying to imply is that as parents we need to look for warning signs in our kids, the signals are there.

Don't even go there.

There are NO resources. You don't get it.
.... people wonder why a Country should live by Christian Godly principles. This is why. Broken homes, lenient parenting, all thought to really not matter and to protect "fragile" ego's has only led to teens and young adults clueless about their identity and unable to deal with adverse situations and circumstances.

We are at the point now that we can't fix the damage, so, now we are trying to control people to "keep them from themselves" and others.....

There goes freedom.....

Yep. That's the ticket. Play arm chair psychologist and search for anything else to blame outside of lack of mental health care. It's much cheaper that way, innit? And then we feel really, really smart about it.

We all know, white people are mental ill when they wage hell and nigga's are just animals....all I was trying to imply is that as parents we need to look for warning signs in our kids, the signals are there.

Don't even go there.

There are NO resources. You don't get it.
.... people wonder why a Country should live by Christian Godly principles. This is why. Broken homes, lenient parenting, all thought to really not matter and to protect "fragile" ego's has only led to teens and young adults clueless about their identity and unable to deal with adverse situations and circumstances.

We are at the point now that we can't fix the damage, so, now we are trying to control people to "keep them from themselves" and others.....

There goes freedom.....

Yep. That's the ticket. Play arm chair psychologist and search for anything else to blame outside of lack of mental health care. It's much cheaper that way, innit? And then we feel really, really smart about it.

We all know, white people are mental ill when they wage hell and nigga's are just animals....all I was trying to imply is that as parents we need to look for warning signs in our kids, the signals are there.

Don't even go there.

There are NO resources. You don't get it.

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