Bad year for the Liberals.

It's been an awesome year for liberals, your mass media examples are shitty meaningless distractions.
Zimmerman? HAHAHHAAHA ugh you are all at fault for making that into a political football where you felt you needed to " win" against the other party.

Duck? not really, you apparently where not paying attention to the overall message. Again another fail.

Obamacare...yeah that was some bad press..

So Pred you are 1 for 3.

Typical though you are part of the problem and nothing more.
Not only a bad year for the libs (forced to compromise on various bills and the budget) but also for the crushing of the TeaPs in Congress.

Hope blooms bright for America.
Every year is a good year for liberals

As long as they keep conservatives in their place
It's been an awesome year for liberals, your mass media examples are shitty meaningless distractions.

I guess this is how you liberals cope. It has always amazed me how liberals can deny what is real, and that is why one should not waste ones time arguing with them. I just point at them, laugh, and call them the idiots they are.
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It was certainly a bad year for Obama. And a very bad year for ObamaCare.

It was also a bad year for Ted Cruz.

But more importantly, a bad year for America.

Unless you are very rich. Then it was a great year.
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Zimmerman? HAHAHHAAHA ugh you are all at fault for making that into a political football where you felt you needed to " win" against the other party.

Duck? not really, you apparently where not paying attention to the overall message. Again another fail.

Obamacare...yeah that was some bad press..

So Pred you are 1 for 3.

Typical though you are part of the problem and nothing more.

Spin away moron, no one with a functioning brain cell is buying any of it.
The cat is out of the bag. Liberal policies sound nice but don't work. Obamacare will be liberalism's Waterloo.
It was certainly a bad year for Obama. And a very bad year for ObamaCare.

It was also a bad year for Ted Cruz.

But more importantly, a bad year for America.

Unless you are very rich. Then it was a great year.

A bad year for Obama is a bad year for most libs as well. It doesn't look like Ted Cruz is suffering at all.
They don't care. Fascists don't back down when people realize they're fascists. Obama continues to forge forward, despite being exposed, repeatedly, as a liar, a fascist pig, and a criminal.

People need to realize, these people don't STOP just because they are identified. They will not STOP until we stop them.
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Last time I checked Obama was still President and the ACA is still signing people up.

GOP had a record low approval rating and the Tea Party failed miserably on their attempts to shut down the government, destroy the economy and repeal the ACA.

So does than make it a bad year for conservatives too?
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

I don't see any issues in there that even are Liberal issues.

George Zimmerman - soap opera news, who the fuck cares...
Obama popularity - a constant, not a news story at all...
The ACA was never a "liberal" concept...
Phil Robertson - see #1

Total score: 0
Zimmerman? HAHAHHAAHA ugh you are all at fault for making that into a political football where you felt you needed to " win" against the other party.

Duck? not really, you apparently where not paying attention to the overall message. Again another fail.

Obamacare...yeah that was some bad press..

So Pred you are 1 for 3.

Typical though you are part of the problem and nothing more.

Spin away moron, no one with a functioning brain cell is buying any of it.
Again part of the problem. Not everything is a political football.
This is why people like you are bottom feeders.
It was certainly a bad year for Obama. And a very bad year for ObamaCare.

It was also a bad year for Ted Cruz.

But more importantly, a bad year for America.

Unless you are very rich. Then it was a great year.

A bad year for Obama is a bad year for most libs as well. It doesn't look like Ted Cruz is suffering at all.

Nobody buys this spin but bottom feeders.
How did the year go for Conservatives?

They tried to defund Obamacare........They failed
They shut down government.....Everyone was pissed at them
They blocked immigration reform...That one is going to hurt in 2014
Gay Marriage was approved in ten states
They had approval rates in the teens
Between George Zimmerman, obama's falling popularity, the Obamacare fiasco, the "Lie of the Year", and now Phil Robertson(Duck Dynasty)'s victory, it's been a bad year for the left. Richly deserved too.

Yes, and today brings a new poll. Guess it is time to expect frequent polls for election 2016.

A new CNN poll finds that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are essentially tied in a potential 2016 presidential matchup.

Christie gets the support of 48 percent of registered voters, a 2-point lead over Clinton's 46 percent, but one that is within the poll's 3-point margin of error.

The CNN poll is the third national poll this month to show the two current leading presidential prospects in a tie. A Public Policy Polling survey gave Christie 45 percent to Clinton's 42, and a Quinnipiac poll gave Christie 42 to Clinton's 41.

The close numbers at this early stage indicate that Christie could prove much more competitive against Clinton than other potential 2016 Republican contenders.

The next-closest Republican is Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the former vice presidential nominee whose star may have risen from his role in the recent bipartisan budget deal. Clinton leads him by 8 points in the poll.

more: Christie, Clinton tied in new presidential poll | TheHill
And 2014 brings FACTS on O-Care and hopefully the TP will allow a recovery...kiss your brainwashed butts good-bye lol. Ducks- only dingbats give a gd...

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