Bagged: Rightwing Reactionary Rand Paul Caught on Audio

Procrustes Stretched

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Dec 1, 2008
Location: Nowhere
Bagged: Rightwing Reactionary Rand Paul Caught on Audio...strategizing on attempt(s) to score cheap political points while playing games... keepig the government shut down! :evil:
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Rand Paul: I think if we keep saying, ‘We wanted to defund it. We fought for that, but now we’re willing to compromise on this.’ I think … I know we don’t want to be here, but we’re going to win this, I think.
Paul: I just did CNN, and I just go over and over again, ‘We’re willing to compromise. We’re willing to negotiate.’ I don’t think [the Democrats have] poll tested, ‘we won’t negotiate.’ I think it’s awful for them to say that over and over again.
omg, they wore out Extremist I guess..

now it's, Reactionary....

good grief...from a partisan hack
You do of course realize that both sides are strategizing, right? Doing everything they can to make their side come out on top, making themselves the "hero" after making the general citizenry suffer as best they can...

Let's not pretend it only the dipshits who get caught on tape.

All the dipshits are doing it and we're all screwed...
Breaking: Politician caught making political calculations.

The naked truth is often uglier than one would imagine. The Tea Party leader who accuses others of things gets caught talking about poll testing and repeating a bs message over and over again? Sort of cuts the credibility of any argument he's making and worse, of any argument his poll tested followers are echoing. :eusa_shhh:

Then we get: “We’re very excited,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). “It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.” - on the government shutdown

Sort of undercuts any and all of the GOP arguments about who exactly is causing America pain

Revisit Obamacare or Social Security checks do not go out?
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After being told that there was a live mike on he went over and talked to the guy....
And the left says we gotcha....

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