
Ballet is a very exacting and demanding discipline.

I've seen Swan Lake a number of times. The first half is boring, the second half is some tripped out shit. :thup:

Yes it is. People don't realize the YEARS of training and dedication it takes to become a prima ballerina and to develop that level of flexibility and artistic skill. The professionals make it look so easy. Lol.

It's so nice that you appreciate it! :smile:
Well, it helps that the daughter has been dancing ballet for 15 years LOL. We've seen quite a few professional performances as well as all of hers. :)

We leave Wednesday for The Boston Conservatory where she's enrolled in the BFA/Dance program. She's recently decided to focus on more modern dance forms rather than ballet. She spent the summer at home teaching various classes at the local dance studio. She loves the teaching end of it too. :thup:
Ballet is a very exacting and demanding discipline.

I've seen Swan Lake a number of times. The first half is boring, the second half is some tripped out shit. :thup:

Yes it is. People don't realize the YEARS of training and dedication it takes to become a prima ballerina and to develop that level of flexibility and artistic skill. The professionals make it look so easy. Lol.

It's so nice that you appreciate it! :smile:
Well, it helps that the daughter has been dancing ballet for 15 years LOL. We've seen quite a few professional performances as well as all of hers. :)

We leave Wednesday for The Boston Conservatory where she's enrolled in the BFA/Dance program. She's recently decided to focus on more modern dance forms rather than ballet. She spent the summer at home teaching various classes at the local dance studio. She loves the teaching end of it too. :thup:

That is awesome, Mr. H! You must be so proud of your daughter!!! :smile:
Thanks. :)
This will be a lot tougher than when she was at boarding school the last couple years. It was half the distance away, and the Mrs. wasn't working outside the home.
Now we're looking at twice the distance, plus Mrs. is full time employed now. We won't see our tiny dancer again until Christmas. :(
Thanks. :)
This will be a lot tougher than when she was at boarding school the last couple years. It was half the distance away, and the Mrs. wasn't working outside the home.
Now we're looking at twice the distance, plus Mrs. is full time employed now. We won't see our tiny dancer again until Christmas. :(

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. It'll be twice as special when you do get together though.
I've searched Google images for Swan Lake and didn't see the one particular scene for which I was looking.

The dancers are arrange in a "V" formation, opening to the front of the stage. And they are all looking to the back of the stage. When I first saw that it just blew my mind. It gave me weepers in me peepers. Arrrrr....
Ballet is a very exacting and demanding discipline.

I've seen Swan Lake a number of times. The first half is boring, the second half is some tripped out shit. :thup:
at least with a Tchaikovsky ballet you have some great music to listen too...
Always looking on the bright side, 'arry.
You got your mother's eyes, 'arry.

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Ballet is a very exacting and demanding discipline.

I've seen Swan Lake a number of times. The first half is boring, the second half is some tripped out shit. :thup:
at least with a Tchaikovsky ballet you have some great music to listen too...
Always looking on the bright side, 'arry.
You got your mother's eyes, 'arry.

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I don't think I trust that baby! :D
My wife took a few years of ballet. Then she decked her instructor for being a pervert. Then he took a swing at her.

Then she knocked out half a dozen of his teeth and left him bleeding on the floor.
I've searched Google images for Swan Lake and didn't see the one particular scene for which I was looking.

The dancers are arrange in a "V" formation, opening to the front of the stage. And they are all looking to the back of the stage. When I first saw that it just blew my mind. It gave me weepers in me peepers. Arrrrr....

Did you try searching on YouTube? Do you remember who was the prima ballerina or orchestra in that particular ballet? There are so many versions of Swan Lake.

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