Ballooning Deficits? Spiking Interest Rates? It's The Republican Way

10.6 Trillion when Obama took office....18 trillion by 1/1/2015---thats with two years left in his term.

It hit 19.5 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2016---an increase of 1.42 trillion.

National debt up $1.42 trillion in FY 2016

Fiscal Year 2016 ended in September 2016.....meaning Obama had 5/12ths of a year to keep borrowing and spending...and hif he kept up his 2016 rate, he got over 20 trillion....

So, yes, he essentially DOUBLED the National DEBT.

Next comes Blame BOOOOSH time!

But, Bush is a Never-Trumper like yourself, so we can agree, Bush is a Dumb-Ass.

At the end of FY-2009, which is when Obama’s first budget became official he debt was 11.65 trillion. The total debt at the end of FY-17 was 20.24 trillion. That is a growth of 74%.

I am a never Trumper and I was a never Obamaer and a never Busher. That is the difference between you and I, I am consistent in my views while you cheer 186% added by Reagan and whine like a 13 year old about the 74% added by Obama’s.

Sent from my iPhone using
so basically your a never americaner.
10.6 Trillion when Obama took office....18 trillion by 1/1/2015---thats with two years left in his term.

It hit 19.5 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2016---an increase of 1.42 trillion.

National debt up $1.42 trillion in FY 2016

Fiscal Year 2016 ended in September 2016.....meaning Obama had 5/12ths of a year to keep borrowing and spending...and hif he kept up his 2016 rate, he got over 20 trillion....

So, yes, he essentially DOUBLED the National DEBT.

Next comes Blame BOOOOSH time!

But, Bush is a Never-Trumper like yourself, so we can agree, Bush is a Dumb-Ass.

At the end of FY-2009, which is when Obama’s first budget became official he debt was 11.65 trillion. The total debt at the end of FY-17 was 20.24 trillion. That is a growth of 74%.

I am a never Trumper and I was a never Obamaer and a never Busher. That is the difference between you and I, I am consistent in my views while you cheer 186% added by Reagan and whine like a 13 year old about the 74% added by Obama’s.

Sent from my iPhone using
so basically your a never americaner.

Just the opposite. Why would I support shitty presidents? I am supposed to be like you and just blindly follow someone because they are sitting in the White House? Sorry, that is not going to happen.

Bush II invaded a country that was no threat to the US and cost the lives of thousands of services members, as well as more than a half a million injured and will waste more than 7 trillion dollars, yet in your mind I am supposed to be a big fan of his? Yeah, fuck that, I lost friends and fellow Marines in his stupid war.

Obama was a piece of shit who accomplished little but adding to the debt and he managed to fuck up healthcare even worse than it already was. And I am supposed to be a fan of his? Fuck that.

Trump is putting us even deeper in debt and is trying to drive us into economic isolationism that will crash our economy in a New York minute and I am supposed to be like you and kiss his ass daily? Fuck that

Only in the mind of a zealot would putting the country before party be seen as never American
I just want to note that Trump is modeling his economic plans after Reagan...and Reagan got Reelected to a second term by winning 49 out of 50 states....and brought down Soviet Union in the process without firing a shot.

I will also note that when he was first elected he was called a knave and a fool, unfit for office, a moron who would get us into a nuclear war sure as hell.

I remember it well. Liberals were screaming at the sky in utter hysteria back then too.

The screaming made me content back then...and it makes me content today.

Soviet Union brought down without a shot. They collapsed economically. Just like we will collapse under all this debt.
10.6 Trillion when Obama took office....18 trillion by 1/1/2015---thats with two years left in his term.

It hit 19.5 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2016---an increase of 1.42 trillion.

National debt up $1.42 trillion in FY 2016

Fiscal Year 2016 ended in September 2016.....meaning Obama had 5/12ths of a year to keep borrowing and spending...and hif he kept up his 2016 rate, he got over 20 trillion....

So, yes, he essentially DOUBLED the National DEBT.

Next comes Blame BOOOOSH time!

But, Bush is a Never-Trumper like yourself, so we can agree, Bush is a Dumb-Ass.

At the end of FY-2009, which is when Obama’s first budget became official he debt was 11.65 trillion. The total debt at the end of FY-17 was 20.24 trillion. That is a growth of 74%.

I am a never Trumper and I was a never Obamaer and a never Busher. That is the difference between you and I, I am consistent in my views while you cheer 186% added by Reagan and whine like a 13 year old about the 74% added by Obama’s.

Sent from my iPhone using
so basically your a never americaner.

Just the opposite. Why would I support shitty presidents? I am supposed to be like you and just blindly follow someone because they are sitting in the White House? Sorry, that is not going to happen.

Bush II invaded a country that was no threat to the US and cost the lives of thousands of services members, as well as more than a half a million injured and will waste more than 7 trillion dollars, yet in your mind I am supposed to be a big fan of his? Yeah, fuck that, I lost friends and fellow Marines in his stupid war.

Obama was a piece of shit who accomplished little but adding to the debt and he managed to fuck up healthcare even worse than it already was. And I am supposed to be a fan of his? Fuck that.

Trump is putting us even deeper in debt and is trying to drive us into economic isolationism that will crash our economy in a New York minute and I am supposed to be like you and kiss his ass daily? Fuck that

Only in the mind of a zealot would putting the country before party be seen as never American
so since you're a never democrater and a never republicanater, and those two parties have held office for almost a century, It seems you don't have a country.
so since you're a never democrater and a never republicanater, and those two parties have held office for almost a century, It seems you don't have a country.

Or he did until the GOP sold out completely to the cause of Zionism in 1998....
10.6 Trillion when Obama took office....18 trillion by 1/1/2015---thats with two years left in his term.

It hit 19.5 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2016---an increase of 1.42 trillion.

National debt up $1.42 trillion in FY 2016

Fiscal Year 2016 ended in September 2016.....meaning Obama had 5/12ths of a year to keep borrowing and spending...and hif he kept up his 2016 rate, he got over 20 trillion....

So, yes, he essentially DOUBLED the National DEBT.

Next comes Blame BOOOOSH time!

But, Bush is a Never-Trumper like yourself, so we can agree, Bush is a Dumb-Ass.

At the end of FY-2009, which is when Obama’s first budget became official he debt was 11.65 trillion. The total debt at the end of FY-17 was 20.24 trillion. That is a growth of 74%.

I am a never Trumper and I was a never Obamaer and a never Busher. That is the difference between you and I, I am consistent in my views while you cheer 186% added by Reagan and whine like a 13 year old about the 74% added by Obama’s.

Sent from my iPhone using
so basically your a never americaner.

Just the opposite. Why would I support shitty presidents? I am supposed to be like you and just blindly follow someone because they are sitting in the White House? Sorry, that is not going to happen.

Bush II invaded a country that was no threat to the US and cost the lives of thousands of services members, as well as more than a half a million injured and will waste more than 7 trillion dollars, yet in your mind I am supposed to be a big fan of his? Yeah, fuck that, I lost friends and fellow Marines in his stupid war.

Obama was a piece of shit who accomplished little but adding to the debt and he managed to fuck up healthcare even worse than it already was. And I am supposed to be a fan of his? Fuck that.

Trump is putting us even deeper in debt and is trying to drive us into economic isolationism that will crash our economy in a New York minute and I am supposed to be like you and kiss his ass daily? Fuck that

Only in the mind of a zealot would putting the country before party be seen as never American
so since you're a never democrater and a never republicanater, and those two parties have held office for almost a century, It seems you don't have a country.

So, your loyalty is to your party, thanks for openly admitting that.

Mine is to the country and the constitution, the things I spent 20 years defending. I do not need to be loyal to a political party to have a country, this is my country because I am loyal to it.
but why did Trump sign it?


What choice did he have?

Why did Clinton sign Newt's budgets, at the time Clinton was screaming bloody murder and that those budgets would ruin everything.... now he takes credit for them....
Trump is putting us even deeper in debt

Trump tried to cut spending.

The "Republican" Congress refused.

Reagan tried the same thing, and the Crook/Klansman Dem Congress wouldn't let him either....


Typical leftist, trying to shout down truth without a molecule of evidence to support the "BS" charge....

Trump just submitted his next FY budget. Does it have more spending than than the previous FY or more? Simple question
Trump just signs the checks. Democrats voted for all sorts of social programs we can't afford and republicans caved in ironically to avoid the blame of another shutdown. They needn't have bothered..
Trump just signs the checks. Democrats voted for all sorts of social programs we can't afford and republicans caved in ironically to avoid the blame of another shutdown. They needn't have bothered..

The Republicans in Congress wouldn't cut spending if they had an absolute majority.

Today's GOP is for more spending and more government.

If you aren't, join the Libertarian Party, the only one that is for less government and less spending.
I can’t wait to see all of these new deficit reducing democrat hawks get in office and side with Paul and the other cost control Republicans.
Trump just submitted his next FY budget.

Trump requested spending cuts.

The Congress rejected them, specifically Paul Ryan.

Ditto for Reagan. His spending cut requests were blocked by Dem House Speaker Jim Wright, who went to prison, and Dem Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, a Klansman you loved and supported...

Trump's next year budget is what % increase spending from this year's?
Trump just submitted his next FY budget.

Trump requested spending cuts.

The Congress rejected them, specifically Paul Ryan.

Ditto for Reagan. His spending cut requests were blocked by Dem House Speaker Jim Wright, who went to prison, and Dem Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, a Klansman you loved and supported...

Trump's next year budget is what % increase spending from this year's?

Trump just submitted his next FY budget. Does it have more spending than than the previous FY or more? Simple question
I can’t wait to see all of these new deficit reducing democrat hawks get in office and side with Paul and the other cost control Republicans.

That will happen the same time we get some deficit reducing Repubs hawks get in office, about the same time that pigs fly and raindrops become gumdrops.

The last deficit reducing person in office was a guy named Calvin Coolidge.
10.6 Trillion when Obama took office....18 trillion by 1/1/2015---thats with two years left in his term.

It hit 19.5 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2016---an increase of 1.42 trillion.

National debt up $1.42 trillion in FY 2016

Fiscal Year 2016 ended in September 2016.....meaning Obama had 5/12ths of a year to keep borrowing and spending...and hif he kept up his 2016 rate, he got over 20 trillion....

So, yes, he essentially DOUBLED the National DEBT.

Next comes Blame BOOOOSH time!

But, Bush is a Never-Trumper like yourself, so we can agree, Bush is a Dumb-Ass.

At the end of FY-2009, which is when Obama’s first budget became official he debt was 11.65 trillion. The total debt at the end of FY-17 was 20.24 trillion. That is a growth of 74%.

I am a never Trumper and I was a never Obamaer and a never Busher. That is the difference between you and I, I am consistent in my views while you cheer 186% added by Reagan and whine like a 13 year old about the 74% added by Obama’s.

Sent from my iPhone using
so basically your a never americaner.

Just the opposite. Why would I support shitty presidents? I am supposed to be like you and just blindly follow someone because they are sitting in the White House? Sorry, that is not going to happen.

Bush II invaded a country that was no threat to the US and cost the lives of thousands of services members, as well as more than a half a million injured and will waste more than 7 trillion dollars, yet in your mind I am supposed to be a big fan of his? Yeah, fuck that, I lost friends and fellow Marines in his stupid war.

Obama was a piece of shit who accomplished little but adding to the debt and he managed to fuck up healthcare even worse than it already was. And I am supposed to be a fan of his? Fuck that.

Trump is putting us even deeper in debt and is trying to drive us into economic isolationism that will crash our economy in a New York minute and I am supposed to be like you and kiss his ass daily? Fuck that

Only in the mind of a zealot would putting the country before party be seen as never American
so since you're a never democrater and a never republicanater, and those two parties have held office for almost a century, It seems you don't have a country.

So, your loyalty is to your party, thanks for openly admitting that.

Mine is to the country and the constitution, the things I spent 20 years defending. I do not need to be loyal to a political party to have a country, this is my country because I am loyal to it.
wow, you must be a frog to leap that far.

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