Ballooning Deficits? Spiking Interest Rates? It's The Republican Way

... and Dem Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, a Klansman you loved and supported...

I was a diehard, straight ticket Repub during the days of Reagan. It was him and Bush I that drove me from the party as they added 230% to the debt in 12 years between them.
At the end of FY-2009, which is when Obama’s first budget became official he debt was 11.65 trillion. The total debt at the end of FY-17 was 20.24 trillion. That is a growth of 74%.

I am a never Trumper and I was a never Obamaer and a never Busher. That is the difference between you and I, I am consistent in my views while you cheer 186% added by Reagan and whine like a 13 year old about the 74% added by Obama’s.

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so basically your a never americaner.

Just the opposite. Why would I support shitty presidents? I am supposed to be like you and just blindly follow someone because they are sitting in the White House? Sorry, that is not going to happen.

Bush II invaded a country that was no threat to the US and cost the lives of thousands of services members, as well as more than a half a million injured and will waste more than 7 trillion dollars, yet in your mind I am supposed to be a big fan of his? Yeah, fuck that, I lost friends and fellow Marines in his stupid war.

Obama was a piece of shit who accomplished little but adding to the debt and he managed to fuck up healthcare even worse than it already was. And I am supposed to be a fan of his? Fuck that.

Trump is putting us even deeper in debt and is trying to drive us into economic isolationism that will crash our economy in a New York minute and I am supposed to be like you and kiss his ass daily? Fuck that

Only in the mind of a zealot would putting the country before party be seen as never American
so since you're a never democrater and a never republicanater, and those two parties have held office for almost a century, It seems you don't have a country.

So, your loyalty is to your party, thanks for openly admitting that.

Mine is to the country and the constitution, the things I spent 20 years defending. I do not need to be loyal to a political party to have a country, this is my country because I am loyal to it.
wow, you must be a frog to leap that far.

You are the one that said I did not have a country since I do not express loyalty to either party. how else could it be taken?
so basically your a never americaner.

Just the opposite. Why would I support shitty presidents? I am supposed to be like you and just blindly follow someone because they are sitting in the White House? Sorry, that is not going to happen.

Bush II invaded a country that was no threat to the US and cost the lives of thousands of services members, as well as more than a half a million injured and will waste more than 7 trillion dollars, yet in your mind I am supposed to be a big fan of his? Yeah, fuck that, I lost friends and fellow Marines in his stupid war.

Obama was a piece of shit who accomplished little but adding to the debt and he managed to fuck up healthcare even worse than it already was. And I am supposed to be a fan of his? Fuck that.

Trump is putting us even deeper in debt and is trying to drive us into economic isolationism that will crash our economy in a New York minute and I am supposed to be like you and kiss his ass daily? Fuck that

Only in the mind of a zealot would putting the country before party be seen as never American
so since you're a never democrater and a never republicanater, and those two parties have held office for almost a century, It seems you don't have a country.

So, your loyalty is to your party, thanks for openly admitting that.

Mine is to the country and the constitution, the things I spent 20 years defending. I do not need to be loyal to a political party to have a country, this is my country because I am loyal to it.
wow, you must be a frog to leap that far.

You are the one that said I did not have a country since I do not express loyalty to either party. how else could it be taken?
what is a country without laws? BLM and Antifa and BLM and Antifa.......
Democrat have lost their taste for big spending?


Ah well....another symptom of their decline.
I was a diehard, straight ticket Repub during the days of Reagan. It was him and Bush I that drove me from the party as they added 230% to the debt in 12 years between them.

Really, so you LOVED NEWT GINGRICH, the greatest modern US budget hero.... really the ONLY HERO of the US budget in the past 30 years....


You are just another punk assed liar who gets a government check and only cares about that government check....
Just the opposite. Why would I support shitty presidents? I am supposed to be like you and just blindly follow someone because they are sitting in the White House? Sorry, that is not going to happen.

Bush II invaded a country that was no threat to the US and cost the lives of thousands of services members, as well as more than a half a million injured and will waste more than 7 trillion dollars, yet in your mind I am supposed to be a big fan of his? Yeah, fuck that, I lost friends and fellow Marines in his stupid war.

Obama was a piece of shit who accomplished little but adding to the debt and he managed to fuck up healthcare even worse than it already was. And I am supposed to be a fan of his? Fuck that.

Trump is putting us even deeper in debt and is trying to drive us into economic isolationism that will crash our economy in a New York minute and I am supposed to be like you and kiss his ass daily? Fuck that

Only in the mind of a zealot would putting the country before party be seen as never American
so since you're a never democrater and a never republicanater, and those two parties have held office for almost a century, It seems you don't have a country.

So, your loyalty is to your party, thanks for openly admitting that.

Mine is to the country and the constitution, the things I spent 20 years defending. I do not need to be loyal to a political party to have a country, this is my country because I am loyal to it.
wow, you must be a frog to leap that far.

You are the one that said I did not have a country since I do not express loyalty to either party. how else could it be taken?
what is a country without laws? BLM and Antifa and BLM and Antifa.......

So, you equate party loyalty to following laws? Besides, it seems that BLM is just as loyal to their party as you are to yours.
I was a diehard, straight ticket Repub during the days of Reagan. It was him and Bush I that drove me from the party as they added 230% to the debt in 12 years between them.

Really, so you LOVED NEWT GINGRICH, the greatest modern US budget hero.... really the ONLY HERO of the US budget in the past 30 years....


You are just another punk assed liar who gets a government check and only cares about that government check....

Newt was a charlatan, nothing more.

There has not been a conservative in power since Calvin Coolidge.

I believed in Reagan and Bush I when he told me to read his lips. He was the last Repub I ever voted for, and only once. Tried the Dems once and voted for Slick Willy his first time and have not voted for a Dem or a Repub since then.

I do get a government check, two technically. One from DFAS for my retirement from the Marine Corps and one from the VA that offsets some of the retirement as tax free as a thanks from the government for my disability.

You are just pisssed because I called your lie about Trump trying to cut spending. you are just one more moronic zealot.
I can’t wait to see all of these new deficit reducing democrat hawks get in office and side with Paul and the other cost control Republicans.

That will happen the same time we get some deficit reducing Repubs hawks get in office, about the same time that pigs fly and raindrops become gumdrops.

The last deficit reducing person in office was a guy named Calvin Coolidge.
Actually it may happen next year. Follow me here. There are quite a few Republicans ready to cut spending because 20 trillion in debt is not good. Now you get some democrats in there wanting to make cuts not because they really care about the deficit but they hate anything Trump. Now the only question remains where are the cuts made? And I’m thinking they will make some cuts because finally there will be uniting factor for all of them although coming from different angles. And Trump walks off with the deficit reductions he promised.

Mick Mulvaney loves him some deficit, when it comes with corporate tax cuts.

Once upon a time, Republicans said that deficits and a balanced budget were the most important things in the world. But that was when the president was a black man and they had to come up with some justification for trying to block his every move other than racism. So they called it fiscal responsibility. Now that he's gone and one of their own is occupying the oval office, fiscal responsibility is out the window and they're okay with that and the recession it could bring. Because they got their tax cuts.

The U.S. will post a larger budget deficit this year and could see a "spike" in interest rates as a result, but lower deficits are possible over time based on sustained economic growth from Donald Trump's tax cuts, said Budget Director Mick Mulvaney.
Mulvaney spoke on "Fox News Sunday," a day before the White House is expected to release 2019 spending proposals—and after weeks in which financial markets have been spooked by prospects for rising inflation tied to higher deficits and lower taxes.

"This is not a fiscal stimulus; it's not a sugar high," Mulvaney said on of the president's economic program, including the $1.5 trillion tax cut passed in late 2017.

"If we can keep the economy humming and generate more money for you and me and for everybody else, then government takes in more money and that’s how we hope to be able to keep the debt under control," Mulvaney said.

There's not a self-respecting economist out there who sees economic growth coming out of those tax cuts. A Morgan Stanley analysis forecasts that just 13 percent of the tax cuts to corporations will trickle down to employees in the form of bonuses, raises and employee benefits. That's opposed to 43 percent which "will end up in the hands of investors in the form of stock buybacks and dividends."

The administration's updated budget proposals, to be released this week, reinforces the screw-the-99 percent ethos that drove that tax cuts bill. It would balloon the defense budget and spend billions on "border security" and slash the programs that help people, particularly Medicaid and food assistance.

So spiking interest rates, cuts to domestic spending programs, and a ballooning deficit that will give Republicans the excuse to make even deeper domestic spending cuts. That's the Republican dream.

Ballooning deficits? Spiking interest rates? It's the Republican way
I'll put it more succinctly.

It's the Washington way.
I can’t wait to see all of these new deficit reducing democrat hawks get in office and side with Paul and the other cost control Republicans.

That will happen the same time we get some deficit reducing Repubs hawks get in office, about the same time that pigs fly and raindrops become gumdrops.

The last deficit reducing person in office was a guy named Calvin Coolidge.
Actually it may happen next year. Follow me here. There are quite a few Republicans ready to cut spending because 20 trillion in debt is not good. Now you get some democrats in there wanting to make cuts not because they really care about the deficit but they hate anything Trump. Now the only question remains where are the cuts made? And I’m thinking they will make some cuts because finally there will be uniting factor for all of them although coming from different angles. And Trump walks off with the deficit reductions he promised.

I think you are dreaming. Do you think the folks on the right will agree to any defense cuts, especially considering Trump is calling for increased spending.

If you want to cut overall spending and you are also wanting to increase the part that is already 54% of what you can cut, how are you going to save anything? A 10% increase in spending on defense means you would have to cut everything else by twice that much to make up for the increase and get any actual overall decrease in spending.

It is never going to happen, too many sacred cows by each of the sides.
It's really fucking funny how both parties and their supporters act so concerned about debt and deficits when it's politically advantageous for them in other words when they are the miniority party but as soon as they are the majority it's spend, spend, spend and spend some more. Anyone who truly believes either party will do anything about debt and deficits or even cares about them is either very naive stupid or both.
I can’t wait to see all of these new deficit reducing democrat hawks get in office and side with Paul and the other cost control Republicans.

That will happen the same time we get some deficit reducing Repubs hawks get in office, about the same time that pigs fly and raindrops become gumdrops.

The last deficit reducing person in office was a guy named Calvin Coolidge.
Actually it may happen next year. Follow me here. There are quite a few Republicans ready to cut spending because 20 trillion in debt is not good. Now you get some democrats in there wanting to make cuts not because they really care about the deficit but they hate anything Trump. Now the only question remains where are the cuts made? And I’m thinking they will make some cuts because finally there will be uniting factor for all of them although coming from different angles. And Trump walks off with the deficit reductions he promised.

I think you are dreaming. Do you think the folks on the right will agree to any defense cuts, especially considering Trump is calling for increased spending.

If you want to cut overall spending and you are also wanting to increase the part that is already 54% of what you can cut, how are you going to save anything? A 10% increase in spending on defense means you would have to cut everything else by twice that much to make up for the increase and get any actual overall decrease in spending.

It is never going to happen, too many sacred cows by each of the sides.
Considering the National defense is the only real job of the federal government you would think this would be an easy call. I’m guessing the budget cutting Dems won’t see it that way. Unless Trump gives them a little something in return for cutting the real deficit driver entitlements.
I can’t wait to see all of these new deficit reducing democrat hawks get in office and side with Paul and the other cost control Republicans.

That will happen the same time we get some deficit reducing Repubs hawks get in office, about the same time that pigs fly and raindrops become gumdrops.

The last deficit reducing person in office was a guy named Calvin Coolidge.
Actually it may happen next year. Follow me here. There are quite a few Republicans ready to cut spending because 20 trillion in debt is not good. Now you get some democrats in there wanting to make cuts not because they really care about the deficit but they hate anything Trump. Now the only question remains where are the cuts made? And I’m thinking they will make some cuts because finally there will be uniting factor for all of them although coming from different angles. And Trump walks off with the deficit reductions he promised.

I think you are dreaming. Do you think the folks on the right will agree to any defense cuts, especially considering Trump is calling for increased spending.

If you want to cut overall spending and you are also wanting to increase the part that is already 54% of what you can cut, how are you going to save anything? A 10% increase in spending on defense means you would have to cut everything else by twice that much to make up for the increase and get any actual overall decrease in spending.

It is never going to happen, too many sacred cows by each of the sides.
Considering the National defense is the only real job of the federal government you would think this would be an easy call. I’m guessing the budget cutting Dems won’t see it that way. Unless Trump gives them a little something in return for cutting the real deficit driver entitlements.

We use our military for way more than defense.
I can’t wait to see all of these new deficit reducing democrat hawks get in office and side with Paul and the other cost control Republicans.

That will happen the same time we get some deficit reducing Repubs hawks get in office, about the same time that pigs fly and raindrops become gumdrops.

The last deficit reducing person in office was a guy named Calvin Coolidge.
Actually it may happen next year. Follow me here. There are quite a few Republicans ready to cut spending because 20 trillion in debt is not good. Now you get some democrats in there wanting to make cuts not because they really care about the deficit but they hate anything Trump. Now the only question remains where are the cuts made? And I’m thinking they will make some cuts because finally there will be uniting factor for all of them although coming from different angles. And Trump walks off with the deficit reductions he promised.

I think you are dreaming. Do you think the folks on the right will agree to any defense cuts, especially considering Trump is calling for increased spending.

If you want to cut overall spending and you are also wanting to increase the part that is already 54% of what you can cut, how are you going to save anything? A 10% increase in spending on defense means you would have to cut everything else by twice that much to make up for the increase and get any actual overall decrease in spending.

It is never going to happen, too many sacred cows by each of the sides.
Considering the National defense is the only real job of the federal government you would think this would be an easy call. I’m guessing the budget cutting Dems won’t see it that way. Unless Trump gives them a little something in return for cutting the real deficit driver entitlements.

So tell all of the residents in MO their Social Security and Medicare is going to be cut and lets see how that works out for you.

What we need is for the tax rates that the upper 5% were paying before the Republican tax scam was passed by only Republicans that voted for it to double,

Which is going to happen.

You may not believe it, but the Democrats running campaign ads on Republicans cutting their benefits to give Trump a tax cut is going to cost a lot of Republicans their seats.

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