Ballot Count Watcher Describes At Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving in Three Vehicles in Detroit in Dead of Night

A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that
That’s cause trump slowed up the post office. Duh

Horseshit. That would mean rampant delays and disruption in postal services across random voting districts throughout the country. Burden is on you to show how and validate Trump colluding with USPS to target disruption in battleground states, especially heavy Democrat precincts in the battleground states. What we do have in these precincts are GOP poll watchers being denied access in addition to influx of votes arriving after the deadline. Prove otherwise.
Lie. if they let 100 democrat poll watchers they let 100 gop in. You want to send troublemakers in. And too many

Clearly, that was not the case in Detroit and Philadelphia. Not a lie. You are in denial.
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that
The same woman that saw Hunter and Joe get several millions in US currency from a Russian widow to launder.
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that
That’s cause trump slowed up the post office. Duh
Riiiiight....And 100% those "mail in" ballots went straight-ticket democrat.

Christ, even Saddam Hussein allowed his "opposition" 2%-3% of the vote.
were all of them biden votes or you make that up?

Watch the video's, SHE says every vote was for Joe.
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that
That’s cause trump slowed up the post office. Duh

Horseshit. That would mean rampant delays and disruption in postal services across random voting districts throughout the country. Burden is on you to show how and validate Trump colluding with USPS to target disruption in battleground states, especially heavy Democrat precincts in the battleground states. What we do have in these precincts are GOP poll watchers being denied access in addition to influx of votes arriving after the deadline. Prove otherwise.
Lie. if they let 100 democrat poll watchers they let 100 gop in. You want to send troublemakers in. And too many

Prove it, this source says no and she was there.
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that
That’s cause trump slowed up the post office. Duh
Riiiiight....And 100% those "mail in" ballots went straight-ticket democrat.

Christ, even Saddam Hussein allowed his "opposition" 2%-3% of the vote.
were all of them biden votes or you make that up?
100% were straight ticket democrat, Chumlee.

Even you cannot be such a dullard to fail to recognize that those ballots are illegitimate.
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that

WATCH: Ballot Count Watcher Describes At
Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving
in Three Vehicles in Detroit in Dead of Night

Nothing to see here Memes

What is completely stupid is snowflakes attempting to claim that Democrats so desperate to remove Trumpfrom office that they would:

Illegally collude with foreign spies and the Russians to obtain Russian Intel Service propaganda and risk attempting a political coup...

Violate FISA Court laws and illegally spy on Americans, US Senators, USSC Justices, and Trump and his team....

Author fake evidence and attempt to submit it as REAL evidence during Impeachment hearings...

Perpetrate the 1st admitted politically partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crimes / evidence / witnesses

...are now claiming these same traitors would NEVER stoop to perpetrating the massive election fraud we are witnessing.

:p Bwuhahahaha....
You idiot's need to calm down and think for once.
I am thinking. I’m also remembering how right wing Twitter conspiracies basically never amount to a hill of beans because they’re propagated by idiots who don’t bother to think for themselves.
Watch the videos. Progs will scream she is lying!!!!!
What do you think happened? Democrats invented those ballots? You know there are just as many republicans counting as there are democrats.

Now you know how we felt when jeb stole Florida for his bro

Wagon Rolling into Detroit Vote Counting Center in Early Morning
A new video provided to Texas Scorecard from a poll watcher in Detroit shows wagons, suitcases, and coolers moving in and out of a vote-counting center during the early morning.

In a video taken by Kellye SoRelle—a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump—a white van is seen parked in front of the location at 2:40 a.m. A box is taken out of the van and placed into a red wagon, which is then pulled inside the facility.

SoRelle is raising alarms that the box may have been a ballot box that arrived long after all ballots were expected to have been received at the counting facility. Other images appear to show suitcases and coolers moving in and out of the secure area where mail-in ballots were being counted during a shift change at 4 a.m. According to SoRelle, visitors were able to enter and leave the facility where the votes are being counted without any identification check.

The workers were apparently working in six-hour shifts, meaning they did not have a need for overnight luggage. WXYZ News in Detroit responded to the video, claiming at least one of the people filmed by SoRelle was wheeling in camera equipment.

Michigan is currently one of several states labeled too close to call, with allegations of potential voter fraud being leveled by President Donald Trump. On Monday afternoon, Trump’s campaign announced they would file suit to halt the counting of ballots in the state until the campaign could be given “meaningful access” to Michigan’s counting locations to observe the process, something campaign manager Bill Stephien says has not been afforded.

“As votes in Michigan continue to be counted, the presidential race in the state remains extremely tight, as we always knew it would be. President Trump’s campaign has not been provided with meaningful access to numerous counting locations to observe the opening of ballots and the counting process, as guaranteed by Michigan law,” said Stephien. ***Updated to reflect the statement from WXYZ.***

Watch the videos. Progs will scream she is lying!!!!!
What do you think happened? Democrats invented those ballots? You know there are just as many republicans counting as there are democrats.

Now you know how we felt when jeb stole Florida for his bro

You do realize that it is statiscally IMPOSSIBE that 130000 Dn ballots were delivered without a single Rump vote?
I take it you inspected all of them personally?
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that
That’s cause trump slowed up the post office. Duh

Horseshit. That would mean rampant delays and disruption in postal services across random voting districts throughout the country. Burden is on you to show how and validate Trump colluding with USPS to target disruption in battleground states, especially heavy Democrat precincts in the battleground states. What we do have in these precincts are GOP poll watchers being denied access in addition to influx of votes arriving after the deadline. Prove otherwise.
Lie. if they let 100 democrat poll watchers they let 100 gop in. You want to send troublemakers in. And too many

Prove it, this source says no and she was there.
She didn't see anything. She was repeating what she says she heard. That's hearsay.
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that

You of all people, those wagons had camera men equipment from WXYZ a news station in Detroit.
I’d like to know how exactly she knows 130,000 ballots are for Biden....
My question: is there a timestamp for those ballots when they were entered into the scanner and then the computer? Wouldn't that be the smoking gun? It should be possible to show hourly running totals based on when the ballot was electronically entered into the election system.
Watch the videos. Progs will scream she is lying!!!!!
What do you think happened? Democrats invented those ballots? You know there are just as many republicans counting as there are democrats.

Now you know how we felt when jeb stole Florida for his bro
Yes, I do think the democrats "invented those ballots" is consistent with their other like stunts.

AND FYI, I am tired of the stupid and I do mean stupid claim that Jeb stole Florida for baby Bush.......Bush won every count by every body----there were multiple counts and BUSH won them both before and after the election had already been decided. What is funny though is that everytime the dems touched the ballots--they got altered and the dems vote would get higher with each consecutive count---indicating that each time the ballots where touch even in groups of three people that alteast one group was altering the ballots for the dems. Following the election, the media counted the votes themselves---guess who still won florida---BABY BUSH.

Don't get me wrong I hate the BUSH's and think they are swamp chit------but let's stop with the lies about who won the election.
We LOVE Gateway Pundit! Never stop posting them (of course Conspiracy Theories or Rubber Room would be a better landing spot ;-)

Yeah, I don't really trust them either. . . So, before you fall back on Ad hom, look at what they are actually say, then GO TO THE ARGUMENT.



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