Ballot Count Watcher Describes At Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving in Three Vehicles in Detroit in Dead of Night

A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that

WATCH: Ballot Count Watcher Describes At
Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving
in Three Vehicles in Detroit in Dead of Night

View attachment 411644

What is completely stupid is snowflakes attempting to claim that Democrats so desperate to remove Trumpfrom office that they would:

Illegally collude with foreign spies and the Russians to obtain Russian Intel Service propaganda and risk attempting a political coup...

Violate FISA Court laws and illegally spy on Americans, US Senators, USSC Justices, and Trump and his team....

Author fake evidence and attempt to submit it as REAL evidence during Impeachment hearings...

Perpetrate the 1st admitted politically partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crimes / evidence / witnesses

...are now claiming these same traitors would NEVER stoop to perpetrating the massive election fraud we are witnessing.

:p Bwuhahahaha....
@ 22:00....

A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that

You of all people, those wagons had camera men equipment from WXYZ a news station in Detroit.
I’d like to know how exactly she knows 130,000 ballots are for Biden....
. . . Good point. But isn't that a poll watchers job? Where ballots are coming from, whose counting them, how they are being tabulated, and who they are going for?

But why were ballots wheeled in at 4am? They should have been there, waiting to be counted already.

C'mon, wise up.
You idiot's need to calm down and think for once.
I am thinking. I’m also remembering how right wing Twitter conspiracies basically never amount to a hill of beans because they’re propagated by idiots who don’t bother to think for themselves.

Projection at it's finest. Surely an intelligent, clear thinking man such as your self at the very least agrees that this needs to be investgated?
Joe Biden and his campaign admitted / declared themselves that just over 70% of Mail-In ballots were going to Biden.

130,000 ballots here, 200,000 in another state,.....and not 1 vote 'found' for Trump. That's not only BS - it's mathematically impossible....just like over 100% of registered voters reportedly voted in double-digit precincts / states.
Projection at it's finest. Surely an intelligent, clear thinking man such as your self at the very least agrees that this needs to be investgated?
Not really. I don’t think every idiotic allegation by Twitter trolls needs to be investigated.
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that

WATCH: Ballot Count Watcher Describes At
Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving
in Three Vehicles in Detroit in Dead of Night

View attachment 411644

What is completely stupid is snowflakes attempting to claim that Democrats so desperate to remove Trumpfrom office that they would:

Illegally collude with foreign spies and the Russians to obtain Russian Intel Service propaganda and risk attempting a political coup...

Violate FISA Court laws and illegally spy on Americans, US Senators, USSC Justices, and Trump and his team....

Author fake evidence and attempt to submit it as REAL evidence during Impeachment hearings...

Perpetrate the 1st admitted politically partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crimes / evidence / witnesses

...are now claiming these same traitors would NEVER stoop to perpetrating the massive election fraud we are witnessing.

:p Bwuhahahaha....
@ 22:00....

Wow, that's a shame about the military votes. :(
Isn't it interesting that none of the fucking lefttardz are saying ANY fucking thing about "Russian Meddling" in the election this time?

If something fishy is going on, them calling out Russia, probably isn't what you think. U.S intel publicly said that "it was a quiet night, no cyber attacks of any kind' on election night. Now I'm always looking deeper into things, it's my analytical mind, maybe that's a question asked after every election, I don't know.

Putin in particular, being a former KGB agent, is shrewd, but also very bold. He plays head games with people, always feigning that he knows more than he does (even though spies know they can never be TOO certain, as disinformation is rampant everywhere), but, he's also a Wild Card. He would openly call out something such as "it's interesting that we are being called out for election meddling when we know that _______ and _____ activities were occurring in the state of ___________"

This boldness was on full display when Trump first met him and he was asked a question by a U.S media head about election interference. He denied it (as far as I recall), but then said loudly something to the effect "we are aware of Mrs. Clinton receiving $10M from (some guy on Russias most wanted list or something who they were searching for).

He was basically telling the U.S press core and their masters, "don't try this game or you will be sorry you did.".

Career politicians as far as I am concerned are all shady, shifty and untrustworthy. Even if they aren't, that's the assumption I always make.
Projection at it's finest. Surely an intelligent, clear thinking man such as your self at the very least agrees that this needs to be investgated?
Not really. I don’t think every idiotic allegation by Twitter trolls needs to be investigated.

Of course you don't, the queston as rhetorical. You're no more than a politically bigoted Prog who supports doing ANYTHING to win. To you the ends jusify the means. If you procreate I hope you teach them to be better than you are.
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that

You of all people, those wagons had camera men equipment from WXYZ a news station in Detroit.
I’d like to know how exactly she knows 130,000 ballots are for Biden....
. . . Good point. But isn't that a poll watchers job? Where ballots are coming from, whose counting them, how they are being tabulated, and who they are going for?

But why were ballots wheeled in at 4am? They should have been there, waiting to be counted already.

C'mon, wise up.
Who says they were ballots?

Of course you don't, the queston as rhetorical. You're no more than a politically bigoted Prog who supports doing ANYTHING to win. To you the ends jusify the means. If you procreate I hope
It’s not because I’m bigoted, it’s because the right wing Twitter folk are often disconnected from reality and these lies and misinformation spread like wildfire without anyone thinking twice about where it came from.

Y’all would be taken more seriously if you didn’t have this history of nonsense.
Of course you don't, the queston as rhetorical. You're no more than a politically bigoted Prog who supports doing ANYTHING to win. To you the ends jusify the means. If you procreate I hope
It’s not because I’m bigoted, it’s because the right wing Twitter folk are often disconnected from reality and these lies and misinformation spread like wildfire without anyone thinking twice about where it came from.

Y’all would be taken more seriously if you didn’t have this history of nonsense.

You are absolutely a political bigot. This stuff is happening and it isn't convenient for you so you dismiss it. Is it true ? I have no idea but it DOES call for an investigation. The lawsuits have been filed so we'll see won't we?
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that

You of all people, those wagons had camera men equipment from WXYZ a news station in Detroit.
I’d like to know how exactly she knows 130,000 ballots are for Biden....
. . . Good point. But isn't that a poll watchers job? Where ballots are coming from, whose counting them, how they are being tabulated, and who they are going for?

But why were ballots wheeled in at 4am? They should have been there, waiting to be counted already.

C'mon, wise up.
Who says they were ballots?

The witness in the video, can you show that she is lying?
Of course you don't, the queston as rhetorical. You're no more than a politically bigoted Prog who supports doing ANYTHING to win. To you the ends jusify the means. If you procreate I hope
It’s not because I’m bigoted, it’s because the right wing Twitter folk are often disconnected from reality and these lies and misinformation spread like wildfire without anyone thinking twice about where it came from.

Y’all would be taken more seriously if you didn’t have this history of nonsense.

You are absolutely a political bigot. This stuff is happening and it isn't convenient for you so you dismiss it. Is it true ? I have no idea but it DOES call for an investigation. The lawsuits have been filed so we'll see won't we?
Sorry, but not every nutter on Twitter gets the right to demand an investigation.

To do so would be madness.
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that

You of all people, those wagons had camera men equipment from WXYZ a news station in Detroit.
I’d like to know how exactly she knows 130,000 ballots are for Biden....
. . . Good point. But isn't that a poll watchers job? Where ballots are coming from, whose counting them, how they are being tabulated, and who they are going for?

But why were ballots wheeled in at 4am? They should have been there, waiting to be counted already.

C'mon, wise up.
Who says they were ballots?

The witness in the video, can you show that she is lying?
Oh? What did she witness?
A woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
Her testimony corroborates videos and photos from Kellye SoRelle, a Texas lawyer and member of Lawyers for Trump, who filmed vehicles pull up and unload large coolers and suitcases onto wagons and roll them into the secure area.

In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, the woman says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots.
“As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,” she explained.

Imagine that
That’s cause trump slowed up the post office. Duh
And caused a statistical impossibility.
We LOVE Gateway Pundit! Never stop posting them (of course Conspiracy Theories or Rubber Room would be a better landing spot ;-)

Yeah, I don't really trust them either. . . So, before you fall back on Ad hom, look at what they are actually say, then GO TO THE ARGUMENT.


The video doesn't prove a damn thing. JESUS some of you people! :laugh2:
Watch the videos. Progs will scream she is lying!!!!!
What do you think happened? Democrats invented those ballots? You know there are just as many republicans counting as there are democrats.

Now you know how we felt when jeb stole Florida for his bro
Hmmm. Sounds like you're saying that was imaginary just like you're saying this is. Otherwise, there's no "knowing how it felt" to be upset over an imaginary thing (because we know Florida wasn't stolen in 2000. Multiple attempts to manufacture a different outcome after the fact failed).

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