Baltimore is setting a great example that all police in inner cities should emulate !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
for once I am going to agree and congratulate the liberal left and the black community for the advances that have been made in the city of Baltimore ! since the police have been forced to stop aggressive policing in Baltimore blacks no longer have to be worried about being racially targeted or profiled by the police !! the cops are backing off as they should !! if all inner city precincts would just follow their example America would be a much better place !
for once I am going to agree and congratulate the liberal left and the black community for the advances that have been made in the city of Baltimore ! since the police have been forced to stop aggressive policing in Baltimore blacks no longer have to be worried about being racially targeted or profiled by the police !! the cops are backing off as they should !! if all inner city precincts would just follow their example America would be a much better place !
Violent crime surges as arrests drop in Baltimore post-riots Fox News
I agree. Cops in America are standing down. Good for them. Its about time they said fuck it.
Every police force in the country should follow the Baltimore model. What the police in Baltimore are doing is treating black people just like they were white people in the suburbs. No proactive policing. If they get a call, they go out. No stopping people on suspicion, no breaking up street corner groups, no weapons searches. Just like in Scarsdale.
Every police force in the country should follow the Baltimore model. What the police in Baltimore are doing is treating black people just like they were white people in the suburbs. No proactive policing. If they get a call, they go out. No stopping people on suspicion, no breaking up street corner groups, no weapons searches. Just like in Scarsdale.
and the murder and violent crime rate has skyrocketed in the already crime ridden city of Baltimore !
I think the police should pull out of all inner cities and when a cop hating crime victim calls 911 they should give them sharptons or obamas phone number.
Every police force in the country should follow the Baltimore model. What the police in Baltimore are doing is treating black people just like they were white people in the suburbs. No proactive policing. If they get a call, they go out. No stopping people on suspicion, no breaking up street corner groups, no weapons searches. Just like in Scarsdale.

Not a lot of whites in Scarsdale gunning one another down in the streets. Could be because of the lack of armed criminals roaming around, hanging on street corners, etc. But I'm just guessing.
when the racist mayor of Baltimore was asked about the rise in crime she got angry at the reporter ......these people will never ever admit that they are the cause of their own problems ...that is why it is useless to try to help the black community .
for once I am going to agree and congratulate the liberal left and the black community for the advances that have been made in the city of Baltimore ! since the police have been forced to stop aggressive policing in Baltimore blacks no longer have to be worried about being racially targeted or profiled by the police !! the cops are backing off as they should !! if all inner city precincts would just follow their example America would be a much better place !
Violent crime surges as arrests drop in Baltimore post-riots Fox News
I've been saying ALL cops should go on strike for at least a week.

I don't like cops, but, they are a necessary evil.

I avoid them by acting right in public.

Easily done.
when the racist mayor of Baltimore was asked about the rise in crime she got angry at the reporter ......these people will never ever admit that they are the cause of their own problems ...that is why it is useless to try to help the black community .
If the mayor is really a racist would you feel that justifies your own racism?
when the racist mayor of Baltimore was asked about the rise in crime she got angry at the reporter ......these people will never ever admit that they are the cause of their own problems ...that is why it is useless to try to help the black community .
If the mayor is really a racist would you feel that justifies your own racism?
facts are not racist.
I agree. Cops in America are standing down. Good for them. Its about time they said fuck it.

We'll see how long it lasts once the criminals take over because the police aren't being allowed to do their jobs.

Hell. Every cop in America should hang it up and let all these idiots fend for themselves. If that happened you'd hear em all screaming like stuck pigs wanting to know where the cops are to save their asses.
for once I am going to agree and congratulate the liberal left and the black community for the advances that have been made in the city of Baltimore ! since the police have been forced to stop aggressive policing in Baltimore blacks no longer have to be worried about being racially targeted or profiled by the police !! the cops are backing off as they should !! if all inner city precincts would just follow their example America would be a much better place !

Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. You cite racial profiling and blacks being targeted.
Sure hope those blacks aren't criminals cause now there is no one to stop them.

Hope you live in the neighborhood they will be visiting.
I agree. Cops in America are standing down. Good for them. Its about time they said fuck it.

We'll see how long it lasts once the criminals take over because the police aren't being allowed to do their jobs.

Hell. Every cop in America should hang it up and let all these idiots fend for themselves. If that happened you'd hear em all screaming like stuck pigs wanting to know where the cops are to save their asses.
they would be screaming racism because the cops aren't policing enough ........just like they shout racism when the cops proactively police high crime areas ! there is no reasoning with these idiots. ex stop and frisk has been stopped in NYC and black crime is skyrocketing again .
I agree. Cops in America are standing down. Good for them. Its about time they said fuck it.

We'll see how long it lasts once the criminals take over because the police aren't being allowed to do their jobs.

Hell. Every cop in America should hang it up and let all these idiots fend for themselves. If that happened you'd hear em all screaming like stuck pigs wanting to know where the cops are to save their asses.
they would be screaming racism because the cops aren't policing enough ........just like they shout racism when the cops proactively police high crime areas ! there is no reasoning with these idiots. ex stop and frisk has been stopped in NYC and black crime is skyrocketing again .

A couple months when I was with Atlanta PD they tried putting mostly only black and hispanic officers in Zone 3...ATLs most violent and mostly minority area.

The logic was that a mostly minority police presence would create better community relations and help ease tension and crime.

The result? Cries of racism. They said APD was only sending black cops to the most dangerous assignment while white ones got the easier and safer ones.

Mission Impossible.
That word FORCE is becoming quite common from the libs/left/dems isn't it?
Baltimore is what it is. Nothing is going to help it but getting RID of 50 years of Democrats running it. You voted for them now lay in the bed they made for you

and ENJOY not having a police force to protect you. Call up Obama, I'm sure he'd run in there in the middle of a shoot out and save ya

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