Baltimore rioter slapped by mom on CNN

Everyone is talking about how this woman is such a "great" mother for beating her son senseless for being out at the riots. But nobody is asking the right questions. Why was he out there in the first place? What kind of young man are you raising?

How can we condemn violence while praising violence against children?


Excuse me while I puke over the idiotic Goody Two-Shoes spin-doctoring on this one...

Kudos to that mother for going out to find her kid and getting his ass off the firing line...

And smacking him upside the head, as he so desperately needed at that moment...

When the blood is hot, "talk" simply won't do the job...

This mother weighed the relative merits of pointlessly trying to talk to her youngster while his adrenalin was flowing and while he was agitated and perhaps losing him to the rioting, or slapping him upside the head, getting his attention, getting his head out of his ass, and getting his ass back home again... and he is alive to tell the tale... the results speak for themselves... decisively.

Gutsy call... nicely done, young lady... nicely done... God bless.
The mother should be jailed for raising a feral savage who felt the need to riot and cause destruction. She is the base of the probem.
Everyone is talking about how this woman is such a "great" mother for beating her son senseless for being out at the riots. But nobody is asking the right questions. Why was he out there in the first place? What kind of young man are you raising?

How can we condemn violence while praising violence against children?


Excuse me while I puke over the idiotic Goody Two-Shoes spin-doctoring on this one...

Kudos to that mother for going out to find her kid and getting his ass off the firing line...

And smacking him upside the head, as he so desperately needed at that moment...

When the blood is hot, "talk" simply won't do the job...

This mother weighed the relative merits of pointlessly trying to talk to her youngster while his adrenalin was flowing and while he was agitated and perhaps losing him to the rioting, or slapping him upside the head, getting his attention, getting his head out of his ass, and getting his ass back home again... and he is alive to tell the tale... the results speak for themselves... decisively.

Gutsy call... nicely done, young lady... nicely done... God bless.
The mother should be jailed for raising a feral savage who felt the need to riot and cause destruction. She is the base of the probem.

A single mother is not an easy role to bear... regardless of circumstances or bad life-choices which led to such a state of affairs. Once locked in, one does what one can.

Personally, I perceive her aggressive pursuit of her son as one of the highest possible expressions of motherly love and concern, ignoring others about her at the time.

And, even if she was, indeed, largely irresponsible in much of her parenting (I don't know her, so I can't concede that), her actions serve to redeem her, at least in part.

Maybe we need to cut this particular lady a bit of slack and encourage more such parental concern, rather than simply dissing such folk automatically? I dunno.
It's pretty appalling how many people here support violence against children, and don't stop to wonder why our youth think it's okay to take to the streets and throw rocks at the police.

Give it a rest. She was afraid for her son's life. He was a big boy in a riot, I think he could take punishment from his momma.
She didn't do what she did thinking "gosh. I will be seen on TV!".

Wait, but you just said that you give her kudos because she did what she did while cameras were rolling and recording her actions. So make up your mind!

Except, you can't make up your mind. Because all your reactions and everything you're saying about this are purely emotional reactions. You can't be bothered to think it through.

Maybe all of her children are doing well in school and are hard workers... This guy may have gotten in with some bad apples and she is kicking the Bad right out of him.
Obviously he respects her or he would be hitting her back for embarrassing him.

That is one of the stupidest things I ever heard: he would hit her back if he didn't respect her? Seriously, that is what you think? He's walking away from her. He is NOT showing her any respect, he is just trying to get away from being beat on. That a child may not strike back physically is not an indication he or she respects the person giving the beating. They will just get back at the abusive parent in another way. Duh. What happens when you lose control with your children, including beating on them, is they lose all respect for you.
I'm betting Esmeralda has no kids.
I'm betting you're a stupid ass. And crazy to boot.
Missed this one. I'm betting you are lonely, paranoid, bitter and very much alone. Doesn't make you stupid but it sure makes you pretty much worthless to other people hence being alone, paranoid, bitter. Doesn't take crazy to see that. Truth hurts, sweetcakes.
I'm betting Esmeralda has no kids.
I'm betting you're a stupid ass. And crazy to boot.
Missed this one. I'm betting you are lonely, paranoid, bitter and very much alone. Doesn't make you stupid but it sure makes you pretty much worthless to other people hence being alone, paranoid, bitter. Doesn't take crazy to see that. Truth hurts, sweetcakes.
I think if the truth is going to hurt anyone, it is going to hurt you: you have just described yourself, not me. You: worthless, paranoid, bitter, stupid, etc. That's you, not me. You are projecting, very eroneously, onto me qualities that are actually yours, not mine, and are obvious to others who see it in your posting, much of it self descriptive of all your woes.

And you are back on ignore. I don't bother with ugly minded people like you. Don't you realize, I and everyone else, remember your behavior during the fueds last year. You can't hide that kind of temperment. You are pathetic, an evil minded, pathetic bigot and racist, and stupid with it. :bye1:
I'm betting Esmeralda has no kids.
I'm betting you're a stupid ass. And crazy to boot.
Missed this one. I'm betting you are lonely, paranoid, bitter and very much alone. Doesn't make you stupid but it sure makes you pretty much worthless to other people hence being alone, paranoid, bitter. Doesn't take crazy to see that. Truth hurts, sweetcakes.
I think if the truth is going to hurt anyone, it is going to hurt you: you have just described yourself, not me. You: worthless, paranoid, bitter, stupid, etc. That's you, not me. You are projecting, very eroneously, onto me qualities that are actually yours, not mine, and are obvious to others who see it in your posting, much of it self descriptive of all your woes.
lol. Poor Esmeralda. Tissue?
LMAO You are the one who has shed gallons of tears and indulged in buckets of self pity on these boards. What a pathetic individual you are. I'm done here. Try to abuse me as much as you want. You are on ignore now.

And be reminded: you started this current abuse, not me. Because you are the pathetic being you are.
LMAO You are the one who has shed gallons of tears and indulged in buckets of self pity on these boards. What a pathetic individual you are. I'm done here. Try to abuse me as much as you want. You are on ignore now.

And be reminded: you started this current abuse, not me. Because you are the pathetic being you are.
Maybe you should reread the thread. YOU started in on ME, missy. Don't start what you can't finish.
It's pretty appalling how many people here support violence against children, and don't stop to wonder why our youth think it's okay to take to the streets and throw rocks at the police.

It's pretty appalling that we actually have adults that think that establishing minimum behavior standards - and enforcing them - is bad for our children.
She didn't do what she did thinking "gosh. I will be seen on TV!".

Wait, but you just said that you give her kudos because she did what she did while cameras were rolling and recording her actions. So make up your mind!

Except, you can't make up your mind. Because all your reactions and everything you're saying about this are purely emotional reactions. You can't be bothered to think it through.

Maybe all of her children are doing well in school and are hard workers... This guy may have gotten in with some bad apples and she is kicking the Bad right out of him.
Obviously he respects her or he would be hitting her back for embarrassing him.

That is one of the stupidest things I ever heard: he would hit her back if he didn't respect her? Seriously, that is what you think? He's walking away from her. He is NOT showing her any respect, he is just trying to get away from being beat on. That a child may not strike back physically is not an indication he or she respects the person giving the beating. They will just get back at the abusive parent in another way. Duh. What happens when you lose control with your children, including beating on them, is they lose all respect for you.

Sorry -- you blew this one. I guess you haven't spent much time around 15-19 year old boys, huh? He showed her the ultimate respect.
Baltimore mom who slapped son He embarrassed himself -

Quote from the kid: "She didn't want me to get in trouble (with the) law. She didn't want me to be like another Freddie Gray," he said, referring to the 25-year-old man who died of a severe spinal injury after being arrested by Baltimore police.

"I was embarrassed a little bit, until she just started talking to me when we got home," he said. "(She was) just telling me she did it because she cared about me. And it wasn't to embarrass me, but because she cared."
Baltimore mom who slapped son He embarrassed himself -

Quote from the kid: "She didn't want me to get in trouble (with the) law. She didn't want me to be like another Freddie Gray," he said, referring to the 25-year-old man who died of a severe spinal injury after being arrested by Baltimore police.

"I was embarrassed a little bit, until she just started talking to me when we got home," he said. "(She was) just telling me she did it because she cared about me. And it wasn't to embarrass me, but because she cared."

A parent caring, what a concept. She cared that the child was in the middle riot, she was in fear of her child and his behavior, she applied tough love. He knows she cares, that is important, many kids feel their parents don't care and that leads to trouble.
Give it a rest. She was afraid for her son's life.

Was she afraid for his life? According to her interview, she was angry. There is a huge difference.

He was a big boy in a riot, I think he could take punishment from his momma.

Make up your mind, was he a "big boy" who could take care of himself, or was he a helpless child prompting witless fear from his mother?

Obviously her parenting has been, shall we say, less than adequate if he thinks going out to a riot is a good way to spend his afternoon.
It's pretty appalling how many people here support violence against children, and don't stop to wonder why our youth think it's okay to take to the streets and throw rocks at the police.

It's pretty appalling that we actually have adults that think that establishing minimum behavior standards - and enforcing them - is bad for our children.


Do you actually think that was an intelligent response? Yes, I think you do. You really are that stupid.
Sorry -- you blew this one. I guess you haven't spent much time around 15-19 year old boys, huh? He showed her the ultimate respect.


So you think that 15-19 boys either respect a person, or assault them? Really? That is so incredibly sexist it boggles my mind.

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