Baltimore riots, blame democrat policies of Mayor O' malley, running for president..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Baltimore....the reason there is such damage in that governing policies.....the one I point out all the time...undermining the this case...the next democrat to run for President against crime boss hilary is the former Mayor of Baltimore....Martin O'malley...who used the police not to keep the peace and keep people safe....but in typical democrat exploit blacks for his own personal gain....something democrats have done since slavery.....the modern democrats have simply changed tactics....

The Wire Creator Demolishes Baltimore Crime Myths Pushed by Martin O Malley - Breitbart

No, the Baltimore scenario Simon laid out in gripping detail is about how ambitious Democrat mayor Martin O’Malley created and encouraged an environment of lawlessness by the police. It’s about how O’Malley cynically manipulated crime statistics in order to pad his resume for his future political career, a strategy he continues to employ as he prepares his presidential run......

Simon’s essential thesis is that in order to bring down crime stats to pump up his future political ambitions, Democrat Martin O’Malley took actions that destroyed the quality of policing in Baltimore.

As an example, look at Simon’s assertion that under Mayor O’Malley, the police began to do massive sweeps for no other reason than to gin up arrest numbers.

They actually had police supervisors stationed with printed forms at the city jail – forms that said, essentially, you can go home now if you sign away any liability the city has for false arrest, or you can not sign the form and spend the weekend in jail until you see a court commissioner. And tens of thousands of people signed that form.
and of course....another point...gun control for democrats isn't about stopping criminals from using do we know that....if stopping criminals with guns was the goal...they wouldn't do this.......

To push down the numbers for certain types of crime, Simon says the Baltimore police under Mayor O’Malley simply erased inconvenient facts:

Guns disappeared from reports and armed robberies became larcenies. Deadly weapons were omitted from reports and aggravated assaults became common assaults.

if you want to stop gun crime....arrest and put lock up criminals who use guns.....but that isn't their concern....
Martin O'malley...who used the police not to keep the peace and keep people safe....but in typical democrat exploit blacks for his own personal gain....something democrats have done since slavery.....the modern democrats have simply changed tactics....
"Given the obsession with race shared by the Obama Administration and mainstream media, it’s notable that David Simon downplays the racial aspect of what went wrong in Baltimore. As he says he learned working on the book Homicide: Life on the Streets:

"The most brutal cops in our sector of the Western District were black. The guys who would really kick your ass without thinking twice were black officers. If I had to guess and put a name on it, I’d say that at some point, the drug war was as much a function of class and social control as it was of racism."

The Wire Creator Demolishes Baltimore Crime Myths Pushed by Martin O Malley - Breitbart

Over 30% of Baltimore workers were employed in manufacturing forty years ago and less than 7% are similarly employed today. Neither Democrat nor Republican mayors are responsible for those numbers.
Except Baltimore has been run by democrats since at least the 1960s.....
Except Baltimore has been run by democrats since at least the 1960s.....
How many manufacturing jobs did Democrat mayors ship to China since the 60s?

The democrat controlled unions and the democrat politicians with their policies of tax, fine and raise fees on anyone who owns a business sent jobs can't treat a business as if they are evil assholes...and then expect them to stick around while you plunder all of their profits.....and that is all democrats see in a open bank account to plunder....and now they have left..........
The democrat controlled unions and the democrat politicians with their policies of tax, fine and raise fees on anyone who owns a business sent jobs can't treat a business as if they are evil assholes...and then expect them to stick around while you plunder all of their profits.....and that is all democrats see in a open bank account to plunder....and now they have left..........
General Motors,Solo Cup, and the steel mill at Sparrows Point all made things and supplied jobs in the Baltimore area for decades; all have closed in the past 12 years.

Tell us exactly which Democrat politicians were responsible and how they did it. If you honestly believe rich Democrats are any worse for US workers than rich Republicans, you are badly mistaken.
The democrat controlled unions and the democrat politicians with their policies of tax, fine and raise fees on anyone who owns a business sent jobs can't treat a business as if they are evil assholes...and then expect them to stick around while you plunder all of their profits.....and that is all democrats see in a open bank account to plunder....and now they have left..........
General Motors,Solo Cup, and the steel mill at Sparrows Point all made things and supplied jobs in the Baltimore area for decades; all have closed in the past 12 years.

Tell us exactly which Democrat politicians were responsible and how they did it. If you honestly believe rich Democrats are any worse for US workers than rich Republicans, you are badly mistaken.
Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago. Who has run those cities for the past 50 years?
Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago. Who has run those cities for the past 50 years?
Democrats. How many of those politicians sat on the board of directors of the corporations that have outsourced thousands of middle class jobs across Maryland in the last decade?
"The state saw a faster pace of job reductions in the sector than all but seven other states and the District of Columbia in the past six years, according to a Baltimore Sun analysis comparing the most recent Labor Department figures with the period just before the recession.

"Maryland has lost 25,000 manufacturing jobs — nearly 20 percent of its base — since August 2007. It hasn't enjoyed even the partial rebound the United States as a whole saw after deep declines.

"The problem isn't new. Maryland has shed manufacturing jobs since the 1970s. Since 1990, it has lost more of them than all but four states and the District of Columbia, part of a deindustrialization that hit the entire Mid-Atlantic region harder than much of the country."

Md. manufacturing job losses outstrip most of U.S. - tribunedigital-baltimoresun
Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago. Who has run those cities for the past 50 years?
Democrats. How many of those politicians sat on the board of directors of the corporations that have outsourced thousands of middle class jobs across Maryland in the last decade?
"The state saw a faster pace of job reductions in the sector than all but seven other states and the District of Columbia in the past six years, according to a Baltimore Sun analysis comparing the most recent Labor Department figures with the period just before the recession.

"Maryland has lost 25,000 manufacturing jobs — nearly 20 percent of its base — since August 2007. It hasn't enjoyed even the partial rebound the United States as a whole saw after deep declines.

"The problem isn't new. Maryland has shed manufacturing jobs since the 1970s. Since 1990, it has lost more of them than all but four states and the District of Columbia, part of a deindustrialization that hit the entire Mid-Atlantic region harder than much of the country."

Md. manufacturing job losses outstrip most of U.S. - tribunedigital-baltimoresun

Hmmmm...who was Governor in 2007 to 2015....Martin O'malley....the guy who created the mess in Baltimore....
The democrat controlled unions and the democrat politicians with their policies of tax, fine and raise fees on anyone who owns a business sent jobs can't treat a business as if they are evil assholes...and then expect them to stick around while you plunder all of their profits.....and that is all democrats see in a open bank account to plunder....and now they have left..........
General Motors,Solo Cup, and the steel mill at Sparrows Point all made things and supplied jobs in the Baltimore area for decades; all have closed in the past 12 years.

Tell us exactly which Democrat politicians were responsible and how they did it. If you honestly believe rich Democrats are any worse for US workers than rich Republicans, you are badly mistaken.

Martin o'malley....Governor in 2007

Are you saying that the blacks did not commit the crimes....and the majority of African Americans vote 95% for democrats....and live in cities controlled by who....democrats.....baltimore anyone? Chicago anyone...? D.C. anyone?

Perhaps if they stopped voting for the political party that owned the slaves, created jim crow and the kkk and keep trying to deny them an good education, keeping them out of good schools, and today, trying to keep them in bad schools...perhaps their lives would improve......
Except Baltimore has been run by democrats since at least the 1960s.....
Do you really believe that if republicans run the city of Baltimore will make any different?

Seems to make a difference in 31 out of 50 states.....where people have elected Republicans......and filled state houses with republican state senators and congressmen......

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