Baltimore Riots - Mother slaps son for taking part in riots

What a nightmare last night. I hope it has settled down today.
There was more footage yesterday of parents making sure their kids were off the street when the outside agitators, both Black AND white starting damaging property.

Footage too of them begging for authorities to help them but of course, their pleas were ignored.

This mess was caused by the authorities and escalated by the authorities.
I greatly applaud this black mammy for confronting her son and slapping him silly for trying to participate in the riot.

I only wish there were a hundred's more like her to stop this insane rioting. ...... :cool:
I greatly applaud this black mammy for confronting her son and slapping him silly for trying to participate in the riot.

I only wish there were a hundred's more like her to stop this insane rioting. ...... :cool:

There are.

The kids and adults who live in that neighborhood are not the ones doing the rioting and looting.

There was more footage yesterday of parents making sure their kids were off the street when the outside agitators, both Black AND white starting damaging property.

Footage too of them begging for authorities to help them but of course, their pleas were ignored.

This mess was caused by the authorities and escalated by the authorities.
Baltimore schools closed....they don't want the liability of students ditching and joining the riots...puts it on the parents now.

Good point.
I greatly applaud this black mammy for confronting her son and slapping him silly for trying to participate in the riot.

I only wish there were a hundred's more like her to stop this insane rioting. ...... :cool:

There are.

The kids and adults who live in that neighborhood are not the ones doing the rioting and looting.


Bullshit. The race riots are always excused with the "they're outsiders who dont live here" nonsense.

This was primarily done by black teens from Baltimore.
I greatly applaud this black mammy for confronting her son and slapping him silly for trying to participate in the riot.

I only wish there were a hundred's more like her to stop this insane rioting. ...... :cool:

There are.

The kids and adults who live in that neighborhood are not the ones doing the rioting and looting.


Bullshit. The race riots are always excused with the "they're outsiders who dont live here" nonsense.

This was primarily done by black teens from Baltimore.

You know better. You're lying because it suits your sick, anti-America agenda.

And now the people who live in that neighborhood are cleaning up. Footage shows kids and adults alike, sweeping up rubble, repairing the damage done by outside agitators, both Black AND white.

And still no help from police or local politicians.

Instead, assholes like we see on his board, blaming Obama. Stupid.
I greatly applaud this black mammy for confronting her son and slapping him silly for trying to participate in the riot.

I only wish there were a hundred's more like her to stop this insane rioting. ...... :cool:

There are.

The kids and adults who live in that neighborhood are not the ones doing the rioting and looting.


Bullshit. The race riots are always excused with the "they're outsiders who dont live here" nonsense.

This was primarily done by black teens from Baltimore.

You know better. You're lying because it suits your sick, anti-America agenda.

And now the people who live in that neighborhood are cleaning up. Footage shows kids and adults alike, sweeping up rubble, repairing the damage done by outside agitators, both Black AND white.

And still no help from police or local politicians.

Instead, assholes like we see on his board, blaming Obama. Stupid.
The rioters were feral negroes out of control. And yes, it is Obama's fault as well as the negress mayor.
I live in Baltimore and they shut down the public transportation here. I had to walk to another station to find out that was closed too.

They let the kids out of school and they didnt have anyway to leave the areas. It was a bunch of young punks down there destroying shit and looting for no....well, an opportunist reason.

Those werent the protestors! There have been about 3 days of peaceful protests and then this kicks off and everyone wants to make it seem like this is all that happened.
Instead, assholes like we see on his board, blaming Obama. Stupid.
Pres. Obama and his former AG encouraged the animosity between black community and the police.

And the riots in Baltimore are the end result of his policy of racial division. ..... :cool:


They actually did just the opposite.

I greatly applaud this black mammy for confronting her son and slapping him silly for trying to participate in the riot.

I only wish there were a hundred's more like her to stop this insane rioting. ...... :cool:

There are.

The kids and adults who live in that neighborhood are not the ones doing the rioting and looting.


Bullshit. The race riots are always excused with the "they're outsiders who dont live here" nonsense.

This was primarily done by black teens from Baltimore.

You know better. You're lying because it suits your sick, anti-America agenda.

And now the people who live in that neighborhood are cleaning up. Footage shows kids and adults alike, sweeping up rubble, repairing the damage done by outside agitators, both Black AND white.

And still no help from police or local politicians.

Instead, assholes like we see on his board, blaming Obama. Stupid.
The rioters were feral negroes out of control. And yes, it is Obama's fault as well as the negress mayor.

Sunni Man

All you do is whine about poor little you and how your failures are the fault of the "feral Negros". Funniest is when you whine about white wimmen preferring Black men.

So, get off your fat ass, pretend to be a man, grow a pair.

Quit your constant boo-hoo-ing and take responsibility for your own impotence.

I greatly applaud this black mammy for confronting her son and slapping him silly for trying to participate in the riot.

I only wish there were a hundred's more like her to stop this insane rioting. ...... :cool:
"mammy"? I thought all of you people had been stuffed and put in museums by now.
There was more footage yesterday of parents making sure their kids were off the street when the outside agitators, both Black AND white starting damaging property.

Footage too of them begging for authorities to help them but of course, their pleas were ignored.

This mess was caused by the authorities and escalated by the authorities.

Democrat authorities. This is the 'progressive paradise' Democrats promised you.........:2up:.
I greatly applaud this black mammy for confronting her son and slapping him silly for trying to participate in the riot.

I only wish there were a hundred's more like her to stop this insane rioting. ...... :cool:

There are.

The kids and adults who live in that neighborhood are not the ones doing the rioting and looting.


Bull shit, the rioters and rock throwers were 12-18 year old kids, who have had the drum beat of "the man keeps you down" "don't trust the police" " fuck whitey" and now it explodes. yes that mom is doing the right thing, but what has she and the rest of the family and friends been putting in his mind all his life. These kids are acting out because of their youth and the way they were brought up.

you have a Democrat, black mayor, an all liberal political system and look at the mess.

no one can dispute that police are brutalizing people, and those that are need to be put away, but this is the hood, full of disenfranchised hoodrats, You and all of your social programs are to blame
I live in Baltimore and they shut down the public transportation here. I had to walk to another station to find out that was closed too.

They let the kids out of school and they didnt have anyway to leave the areas. It was a bunch of young punks down there destroying shit and looting for no....well, an opportunist reason.

Those werent the protestors! There have been about 3 days of peaceful protests and then this kicks off and everyone wants to make it seem like this is all that happened.

I'm glad I don't live there. If I did, I would take a week vacation with relatives in another state.

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