Baltimore Riots - Mother slaps son for taking part in riots

Instead, assholes like we see on his board, blaming Obama. Stupid.
Pres. Obama and his former AG encouraged the animosity between black community and the police.

And the riots in Baltimore are the end result of his policy of racial division. ..... :cool:


You know maybe Obama saying something caused people to go nuts but I'm thinking that whats stronger than words is actions. And taking an action that results in someone having a severed spine is you know, a little more serious and probably caused more anger than words.

BTW the mall that was looted is 1 mile away from that school. I watched as the local news lady asked almost every 5 min "Where are the police? That place is usually swarming with police!"

I lie to you not. The schools closed and the police left. Those kids looted that mall for about 4 straight hours before the police left the "other" (White) mall, where there werent any kids in that area and then at nightfall, went back to the mall after it was torn down.

Now I dont play Chess but I understand the concept.
BTW the mall that was looted is 1 mile away from that school. I watched as the local news lady asked almost every 5 min "Where are the police? That place is usually swarming with police!"

I lie to you not. The schools closed and the police left. Those kids looted that mall for about 4 straight hours before the police left the "other" (White) mall, where there werent any kids in that area and then at nightfall, went back to the mall after it was torn down.

Now I dont play Chess but I understand the concept.

Police aren't going to risk their necks for insured property. Those stores will file insurance claims and be compensated for their losses.
There was more footage yesterday of parents making sure their kids were off the street when the outside agitators, both Black AND white starting damaging property.

Footage too of them begging for authorities to help them but of course, their pleas were ignored.

This mess was caused by the authorities and escalated by the authorities.

Democrat authorities. This is the 'progressive paradise' Democrats promised you.........:2up:.
I know nuttley is an idiot.
BTW the mall that was looted is 1 mile away from that school. I watched as the local news lady asked almost every 5 min "Where are the police? That place is usually swarming with police!"

I lie to you not. The schools closed and the police left. Those kids looted that mall for about 4 straight hours before the police left the "other" (White) mall, where there werent any kids in that area and then at nightfall, went back to the mall after it was torn down.

Now I dont play Chess but I understand the concept.

Police aren't going to risk their necks for insured property. Those stores will file insurance claims and be compensated for their losses.
I don't know about that after the mayor gave them permission to loot. The insurance companies could say the government allowed the rioters to loot, while tax payer police watched. Then we the tax payer will rebuild the city. This is what a liberal utopia looks like. Congratulations on your experiment, failed as all liberal policies do.
Instead, assholes like we see on his board, blaming Obama. Stupid.
Pres. Obama and his former AG encouraged the animosity between black community and the police.

And the riots in Baltimore are the end result of his policy of racial division. ..... :cool:


You know maybe Obama saying something caused people to go nuts but I'm thinking that whats stronger than words is actions. And taking an action that results in someone having a severed spine is you know, a little more serious and probably caused more anger than words.

Obama needs to play golf and stay out of it. He is a racist, and should stay out of a racial issues.
BTW the mall that was looted is 1 mile away from that school. I watched as the local news lady asked almost every 5 min "Where are the police? That place is usually swarming with police!"

I lie to you not. The schools closed and the police left. Those kids looted that mall for about 4 straight hours before the police left the "other" (White) mall, where there werent any kids in that area and then at nightfall, went back to the mall after it was torn down.

Now I dont play Chess but I understand the concept.

Police aren't going to risk their necks for insured property. Those stores will file insurance claims and be compensated for their losses.

Except they were risking their neck...just in the white areas where there was no activity...for 4 hours
I greatly applaud this black mammy for confronting her son and slapping him silly for trying to participate in the riot.

I only wish there were a hundred's more like her to stop this insane rioting. ...... :cool:

There are.

The kids and adults who live in that neighborhood are not the ones doing the rioting and looting.


Bullshit. The race riots are always excused with the "they're outsiders who dont live here" nonsense.

This was primarily done by black teens from Baltimore.

You know better. You're lying because it suits your sick, anti-America agenda.

And now the people who live in that neighborhood are cleaning up. Footage shows kids and adults alike, sweeping up rubble, repairing the damage done by outside agitators, both Black AND white.

And still no help from police or local politicians.

Instead, assholes like we see on his board, blaming Obama. Stupid.
The rioters were feral negroes out of control. And yes, it is Obama's fault as well as the negress mayor.
And feral crackahs...
What is telling in the OP's video is that a mother is having to do a father's job.

But sadly in the inner cities the birth rate is around 90% to single mothers.

So father figures are in short supply. ...... :cool:
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That boy may actually grow up into a man because his mother cares.

I read a good piece by Heather McDonald yesterday. Here is a long quote which highlights how dysfunctional feral children are. The root cause of this violence is the lack of values and family structure to raise Boys into Men (enabled by the government's disastrous War to Create Feral Boys by Paying Girls to Have Babies out of Wedlock).

Long read from "Running With Predators", but well worth it. Imagine you or your children growing up in this environment.

In 2002, when Goffman began her acquaintance with Sixth Street, the half-brothers Chuck, Reggie, and Tim were 18, 15, and nine, respectively. All had different fathers by the same crack-addict mother, Miss Linda. Their Section 8–subsidized house reeked of vomit, alcohol, and urine; roaches and ants crawled over the inhabitants as well as the furniture; cat feces covered a kitchen corner. Chuck’s and Reggie’s arrest records had begun in their early teens; Tim would graduate from middle school to the juvenile courts when he turned 12. Fatherlessness is a virtually universal condition among the young men in Goffman’s tale, but gradations exist within it. Chuck’s father came around during his early years, which helps explain, says Chuck, “why [Chuck] knew right from wrong and his young brothers did not”—a poignant acknowledgment of the role of fathers in raising sons, even if its premise (that Chuck knows right from wrong) is questionable.

On Sixth Street, drug dealing is tantamount to a bourgeois occupation. Chuck complains that his middle brother, Reggie, lacks the patience for “making slow money selling drugs hand to hand.” Instead, Reggie favors armed robberies, to the admiration of his mother, Miss Linda. “He fearless,” she says. “A stone-cold gangster.” It would be a mistake, however, to think of drug dealing as a peaceful activity. Early on, a disgruntled supplier firebombs Chuck’s car. Chuck responds by shooting at the supplier’s home. In 2007, at the end of Goffman’s chronicle, Chuck is fatally shot in the head while standing outside a Chinese restaurant, one of three shootings that night in Philadelphia. The killer, Goffman writes, was “trying to make it at the bottom rung of a shrinking drug trade.”

Accompanying this drug-related violence is a more random violence that springs from dog-eat-dog exploitation and lack of impulse control. In an earlier incident, Goffman’s fourth main character, Mike, another crack dealer, is walking home one night with a large wad of cash from a dice game. An armed robber accosts him—presumably tipped off to Mike’s stash by the other players. Mike tries to pull his own gun but gets shot in the hip first. Several days later, Mike sees the gunman in a Buick and opens fire. Two days after that, Mike and his attacker drive past each other, guns blazing. Mike’s car takes seven bullets, and he starts wearing a bulletproof vest. During another dice game, a young thug from Sixth Street named Tino puts a gun to a fellow player’s head and demands his money. His target, Jay Jay, refuses, so Tino, who is high on PCP, kills him. Jay Jay’s fellow crew members take to driving up and down Sixth Street firing at residents. Chuck gets shot in the neck—this time, not fatally—and his friend Steve is hit in the thigh.

Ned, 43, supports himself in part by stealing credit cards and intercepting checks in the mail. When he and his girlfriend Jean, a crack addict, need money for property taxes, they lure a cousin of Reggie’s (Miss Linda’s second son) to their house with the promise of gossip about a former girlfriend. Waiting there is a man in a hoodie, who robs the cousin at gunpoint. The unintended punch line of the story: Ned and Jean also get income from working as foster-care parents, a fact that does not apparently give Goffman pause but that speaks volumes, sadly, about the quality of parenting in the area.

Theft is constant among Sixth Street residents. Mike invited a man he met in prison to play video games at his mother’s house. The guest steals the stereo, DVD player, and two TVs. Anthony, another Sixth Street resident, was thrown out by his mother for stealing from her purse. He was turned in to the police by neighbors on a warrant, after stealing their shoes. When he stayed at Miss Linda’s, he grumbled that he couldn’t save money because she would steal from him while he slept. Mike gives Anthony crack to sell, but he could not shoot his fellow dealers when they stole from him, since his usual whereabouts at night were widely known, making him an easy target. As a result, he was not a very effective drug dealer.

The characters’ mishaps often resemble farce. Reggie, on the run for a drug crime, takes refuge in his mother’s house. Miss Linda had instructed him to leave before midnight, but he falls asleep. When a SWAT team arrives, Miss Linda persuades them not to go upstairs, and Reggie jumps out the bedroom window and flees into the alley, like Cherubino leaping from the Countess’s window in The Marriage of Figaro. Mike gives himself a birthday party, and the guests start stealing liquor bottles. He sets up sentry on the windowsill, gun on his lap, threatening to pistol-whip the next guy who takes a bottle. But he, too, falls asleep, and a guest lifts a wad of cash from his pocket.

After the police find Reggie cowering in a shed one day, he is sent to the county jail. He wallows in self-pity because his Sixth Street male friends are not visiting him or putting money into his commissary account. “Niggas ain’t riding right! Niggas ain’t got no respect,” he complains to Goffman. “When I come home, man, I’m not fucking with none of these niggas. Where the fuck they at? They think it’s going to be all love when I come home, like, what’s up, Reggie, welcome back and shit . . . but fuck those niggas, man, they ain’t riding for me. I got no rap for them when I touch.”

The residents’ chaotic sex lives generate further farcical situations—if one can overlook for a moment the consequences for their children. Virtually every male has a baby mom and a simultaneous collection of girlfriends; the females have children and their own series of boyfriends. After a prison term, Mike is sentenced to a halfway house in North Philly. He starts sleeping with a caseworker there named Tamara. Mike violates curfew and winds up back in prison. He tries to ensure that Tamara’s visits are on different days from those of Marie, the baby mom of his two children. One day, however, Tamara shows up unexpectedly, “ostensibly,” Goffman qualifies, to visit her inmate brother. Tamara sees Marie and Mike sitting across from each other and says hello. Marie sizes up the situation and announces loudly: “I ain’t drive five fucking hours for this shit.” Mike tries to quiet Marie down—like Don Giovanni trying to hush up Donna Elvira—but she retorts: “You fucked her, didn’t you.” Tamara announces loudly to her brother that she really likes Mike and hopes that he is not still messing with his baby mom, while Marie conspicuously plays with Mike’s hair. Mike starts talking loudly to cover up Tamara’s monologue to her brother while looking desperately at Goffman to rescue him. Marie stands up and leans in for a kiss, which Mike, cornered, supplies. Tamara ends up in tears.

But the sexual complications usually take on a more depressing aspect. At the hospital where Chuck has died after his head wound, his “on-again-off-again girlfriend,” Tanesha, shows up, but everyone wonders “where the hell Chuck’s baby-mom Brianna was.” Miss Linda asks Goffman to give the Pampers money, which the author had promised her, to Tanesha, who is looking after Chuck’s two daughters until Brianna can be located. This is not an arrangement likely to end well....

Running With the Predators by Heather Mac Donald City Journal Spring 2015
I wish they had a GoFundMe for the concerned mother in the OP's video so I could contribute a few dollars.

Because I'd bet the farm that some loony liberal lawyer is going try and sue the mother on her wanna-be rioter son's behalf for criminal endangerment or some other nonsense. ...... :cool:

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