Baltimore student passes 3 classes in four years, ranks near top half of class with 0.13 GPA

All of you clowns went to Private School?
Or just your kids?

I went to an all White Public School and received an education that allowed me to get an advanced degree in Engineering.

Back then Public Schools in the US were fine.

Then came desegregation and the Federal government's Department of Education. It didn't take very many years for the system to go to hell.

When my son's started school in the 1980s we sent them to private schools because the public schools were the ass.

My wife knew this to be a fact because she was a teacher. She said that in a decade she was forced to go from being a real teacher to babysitting dumbass minorities and making sure that the parents didn't bitch to administration about racism. She tried to help the students that really wanted to learn but the expectations for the students was pretty low. She was told point blank she couldn't fail any of the Negroes.

Must be a Regional thing
I taught in a very large very diverse HS in the early 90’. In the agricultural valley in CA.
I was NEVER told how to teach or grade a specific “group”. Never.

there are good teachers and some good schools. However, in totality the public school sytem in the US is a joke.

We can be better than that.

The voucher system is a great way to get back on the right track.

Explain to me how the voucher system will work

You would just be moving kids around and creating some worse schools

How does Transportation work?
For example, How do you transport students A,B,C from the same neighborhood to 3 different schools that are out of area Because they want to use their vouchers at schools X,Y and Z.

Can you address these please.

How do the vouchers work?


You pay in taxes and then you get that tax money back so that you can use it pay the tuition at at any school you want.

Of course because we live in a filthy ass welfare state you would get that voucher whether you paid taxes or not but that is another discussion.

I don't give a shit how you get to the school. That is your problem.

When our sons went to a private school there were no buses to pick them up but we always got them to school because we wanted them to get a good education.
5 year span says “No significant difference “
How is that a decline?
Compare that to the 70’ and 80’s.

No improvement in 5 years, significant decline over 50 years.

Hey, but teachers retire with 6 figure incomes, and that's what's really important.

I posted link from SAT and. NAEP that show improvement from the 80’s.

You just mention talking points.

Schools are definitely improved over the decadesof 70’ and 80’s. The data shows that.

Where is your data?
Of course you don’t have any.
Just a small sample to fit your agenda.

Dude, I READ your link, which you didn't.

Your source was fine, it just didn't say what you claimed.
All of you clowns went to Private School?
Or just your kids?

I went to an all White Public School and received an education that allowed me to get an advanced degree in Engineering.

Back then Public Schools in the US were fine.

Then came desegregation and the Federal government's Department of Education. It didn't take very many years for the system to go to hell.

When my son's started school in the 1980s we sent them to private schools because the public schools were the ass.

My wife knew this to be a fact because she was a teacher. She said that in a decade she was forced to go from being a real teacher to babysitting dumbass minorities and making sure that the parents didn't bitch to administration about racism. She tried to help the students that really wanted to learn but the expectations for the students was pretty low. She was told point blank she couldn't fail any of the Negroes.

Must be a Regional thing
I taught in a very large very diverse HS in the early 90’. In the agricultural valley in CA.
I was NEVER told how to teach or grade a specific “group”. Never.

there are good teachers and some good schools. However, in totality the public school sytem in the US is a joke.

We can be better than that.

The voucher system is a great way to get back on the right track.

Explain to me how the voucher system will work

You would just be moving kids around and creating some worse schools

How does Transportation work?
For example, How do you transport students A,B,C from the same neighborhood to 3 different schools that are out of area Because they want to use their vouchers at schools X,Y and Z.

Can you address these please.

How do the vouchers work?


You pay in taxes and then you get that tax money back so that you can use it pay the tuition at at any school you want.

Of course because we live in a filthy ass welfare state you would get that voucher whether you paid taxes or not but that is another discussion.

I don't give a shit how you get to the school. That is your problem.

When our sons went to a private school there were no buses to pick them up but we always got them to school because we wanted them to get a good education.
5 year span says “No significant difference “
How is that a decline?
Compare that to the 70’ and 80’s.

No improvement in 5 years, significant decline over 50 years.

Hey, but teachers retire with 6 figure incomes, and that's what's really important.

I posted link from SAT and. NAEP that show improvement from the 80’s.

You just mention talking points.

Schools are definitely improved over the decadesof 70’ and 80’s. The data shows that.

Where is your data?
Of course you don’t have any.
Just a small sample to fit your agenda.

Dude, I READ your link, which you didn't.

Your source was fine, it just didn't say what you claimed.

You read one line.
So, how about you provide a link with data showing the decline in public education.

I know I will be waiting forever for your non existing link.
When was the last time you were actually in a school, liar?


Part of the toolkit includes a list of ways “white supremacy culture” allegedly “infiltrates math classrooms.” Those include “the focus is on getting the ‘right’ answer,” students being “required to ‘show their work,'” and other alleged manifestations.

“The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false, and teaching it is even much less so,” the document for the “Equitable Math” toolkit reads. “Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict.”


Why Math Is Racist | Power Line (

Our pulbik skoos

Do you really think that nonsense goes on in every math classroom in every public school? None of the math teachers at my school would (or could) waste time with such foolishness.

Working with students from

I think I have tried to educate you on this silly point before but you being an uneducated Moon Bat you don't absorb knowledge very easily.

Being the "best" public school in the country is nothing to brag about. You still graduated functionally illiterate dumasses.

The last time I checked the US public schools system was ranked about 20th in the world. This is with the stupid government putting in more money than anybody else.

Read the link, brainless.

Public school teachers are an endless stream of excuses for the shit that goes on in our abysmal institutions of cultural degradation.

How long have you worked as a public school teacher?
Baltimore has a ton of problems. Corrupt politicians. A corrupt justice system. Can we point out how many police officers have been arrested in Baltimore and make a bigger argument?

When you post a thread you are supposed to provide an argument. What is worse. ,013 GPA or someone unable to provide an argument?
I can understand how politicians can have an impact on education, but what does the justice system have to do with the issue ?

It's indicative of an overall problem in Baltimore. Baltimore cops have been arrested for quite a few issues and one was where they would simply produce the evidence against people. This only succeeds with the assistance of the entire system.
not true,, if a cop created/produced evidence in a car stop theres no way the prosecutor downstream could know anything about it,,,

The Baltimore police system was so corrupt that there is no way it gets that way without the entire system supporting it.
You mean like our corrupt swamp aka Washington DC especially in regards to congress.

I think I have tried to educate you on this silly point before but you being an uneducated Moon Bat you don't absorb knowledge very easily.

Being the "best" public school in the country is nothing to brag about. You still graduated functionally illiterate dumasses.

The last time I checked the US public schools system was ranked about 20th in the world. This is with the stupid government putting in more money than anybody else.
My math skills are about Middle School level
I can’t remember anything about math !!
Baltimore has a ton of problems. Corrupt politicians. A corrupt justice system. Can we point out how many police officers have been arrested in Baltimore and make a bigger argument?

When you post a thread you are supposed to provide an argument. What is worse. ,013 GPA or someone unable to provide an argument?
I can understand how politicians can have an impact on education, but what does the justice system have to do with the issue ?

It's indicative of an overall problem in Baltimore. Baltimore cops have been arrested for quite a few issues and one was where they would simply produce the evidence against people. This only succeeds with the assistance of the entire system.
not true,, if a cop created/produced evidence in a car stop theres no way the prosecutor downstream could know anything about it,,,

The Baltimore police system was so corrupt that there is no way it gets that way without the entire system supporting it.
You mean like our corrupt swamp aka Washington DC especially in regards to congress.

All of you clowns went to Private School?
Or just your kids?

I went to an all White Public School and received an education that allowed me to get an advanced degree in Engineering.

Back then Public Schools in the US were fine.

Then came desegregation and the Federal government's Department of Education. It didn't take very many years for the system to go to hell.

When my son's started school in the 1980s we sent them to private schools because the public schools were the ass.

My wife knew this to be a fact because she was a teacher. She said that in a decade she was forced to go from being a real teacher to babysitting dumbass minorities and making sure that the parents didn't bitch to administration about racism. She tried to help the students that really wanted to learn but the expectations for the students was pretty low. She was told point blank she couldn't fail any of the Negroes.

Must be a Regional thing
I taught in a very large very diverse HS in the early 90’. In the agricultural valley in CA.
I was NEVER told how to teach or grade a specific “group”. Never.

there are good teachers and some good schools. However, in totality the public school sytem in the US is a joke.

We can be better than that.

The voucher system is a great way to get back on the right track.

Explain to me how the voucher system will work

You would just be moving kids around and creating some worse schools

How does Transportation work?
For example, How do you transport students A,B,C from the same neighborhood to 3 different schools that are out of area Because they want to use their vouchers at schools X,Y and Z.

Can you address these please.

How do the vouchers work?


You pay in taxes and then you get that tax money back so that you can use it pay the tuition at at any school you want.

Of course because we live in a filthy ass welfare state you would get that voucher whether you paid taxes or not but that is another discussion.

I don't give a shit how you get to the school. That is your problem.

When our sons went to a private school there were no buses to pick them up but we always got them to school because we wanted them to get a good education.
5 year span says “No significant difference “
How is that a decline?
Compare that to the 70’ and 80’s.

No improvement in 5 years, significant decline over 50 years.

Hey, but teachers retire with 6 figure incomes, and that's what's really important.

I posted link from SAT and. NAEP that show improvement from the 80’s.

You just mention talking points.

Schools are definitely improved over the decadesof 70’ and 80’s. The data shows that.

Where is your data?
Of course you don’t have any.
Just a small sample to fit your agenda.

You are confused Moon Bat

The American K–12 Decline | National Review

American education is stumbling, and education reform is running on fumes. Thirty-six years after A Nation at Risk, the searing report by the Reagan-era National Commission on Excellence in Education, achievement scores are flat or sinking. Upon the late-October release of 2019’s National Assessment results, Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the federal unit responsible for the assessment, stated, “Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest-performing students are doing worse. In fact, over the long term, in reading, the lowest-performing students — those readers who struggle the most — have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago.”

Nor is that the end of it. On October 30, the American College Testing program (ACT) reported, “A slight decline in college readiness is continuing in general, particularly longer-term downward trends in math and English, which were identified last year. In fact, the percentages of graduates meeting the ACT College Readiness Benchmarks in math and English are the lowest they’ve been in 15 years.” Among 1.8 million ACT test-takers in 2019 — about half the high-school graduating class — just 26 percent reached the “college-ready” benchmarks in all four subjects tested, while a woeful 36 percent met none of them.

One can find bits of encouraging news over the past several decades, but it takes some effort to see them, and every bright cloud has a dark lining. Yes, poor and minority kids are doing better in the early grades, especially in math, yet just 14 percent of black and 20 percent of Hispanic eighth-graders are identified as “proficient” in that subject. Yes, high-school-graduation rates are up, but corners are being cut all over, through ersatz “credit recovery” courses for kids who have failed; “bridge programs” — that’s the Maryland term — for those who can’t pass states’ end-of-course exams; and some outright fudging of grades, scores, and attendance records.

Meanwhile, the U.S. is being outpaced by dozens of other countries. In the most recent international assessment (2015), for example, we didn’t make it into the list of top ten countries in math or science or reading. While our economy has much else going for it, it’s hard to imagine how we won’t eventually be bested by nations where the work force is better educated and more skilled.

I think I have tried to educate you on this silly point before but you being an uneducated Moon Bat you don't absorb knowledge very easily.

Being the "best" public school in the country is nothing to brag about. You still graduated functionally illiterate dumasses.

The last time I checked the US public schools system was ranked about 20th in the world. This is with the stupid government putting in more money than anybody else.
Black school failure has been going on for years.

Well, Mr. Unkotare, why do our public schools "suck"? We see the data but that does not answer the question of "Why."

Are average SAT/ACT scores indicative of anything other than the self-selected group that elects to take them?

Do demographics play a role?

Is the lack of ordinary discipline (as compared with two generations ago) a factor?

Can a "good," conscientious student and a set of motivated parents obtain a "first rate" education, even in a "failing" school, by accessing AP or magnet programs, or otherwise? Or is it hopeless?

Do you support diverting public school funds to partially-pay for private and/or parochial school education - or charter schools - for those who want it?

Are you aware of any Charter Schools that seem to have "hit on something"?
This is a great example of why teacher unions suck and how Democrat leader kisses their asses..

Just a reminder that most teachers are Commie douche bags robbing your kids of an education.

California has the worst schools in the nation and the Democrat leadership that kisses the ass of the goddamn teacher's union are bound and determined to keep it that way.

UTLA Members Vote Overwhelmingly Not To Return To Classrooms Until Demands Are Met

UTLA Members Vote Overwhelmingly Not To Return To Classrooms Until Demands Are Met

According to Los Angeles Teachers union President Cecily Myart-Cruz on Friday night, 91% of the union’s members voted to stay out of classrooms until the union’s demands are met. A total of 24,850 UTLA members cast ballots, she said.

“That’s powerful,” Myart-Cruz said. “UTLA members have voted overwhelmingly to resist a premature and unsafe physical return to school sites.”

LA teachers union slams California schools plan as 'propagating structural racism'

“Some voices are being allowed to speak louder than others,” Myart-Cruz said. “We have to call out the privilege behind the largely white, wealthy parents driving the push for a rushed return.”

By the way, Florida public and private schools have been opened since last August with little or no problems. My second grade granddaughter (private school) has been going the entire time and is loving it. Florida is a right to work state so the filthy teacher unions have little or no power.
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Baltimore has a ton of problems. Corrupt politicians. A corrupt justice system. Can we point out how many police officers have been arrested in Baltimore and make a bigger argument?

When you post a thread you are supposed to provide an argument. What is worse. ,013 GPA or someone unable to provide an argument?

Yeah, go with that!

I did. Did you offer anything of substance in rebuttal? No.

Years ago I recognized Frank with these same (dis)abilities, thus I coined the term Idiot-Gram, that being a comment which lacks substance, is not thoughtful nor thought provoking. In a decade or so he has proved to be a dunce.
Baltimore has a ton of problems. Corrupt politicians. A corrupt justice system. Can we point out how many police officers have been arrested in Baltimore and make a bigger argument?

When you post a thread you are supposed to provide an argument. What is worse. ,013 GPA or someone unable to provide an argument?

^ Squid Ink Defense.

Can't respond to the OP? Leave a squirt of distracting words and attempt to flee!
Baltimore has a ton of problems. Corrupt politicians. A corrupt justice system. Can we point out how many police officers have been arrested in Baltimore and make a bigger argument?

When you post a thread you are supposed to provide an argument. What is worse. ,013 GPA or someone unable to provide an argument?

Worst of all are the people who enable this type of thing to happen by voting for DemoKKKrats, who actually WANT the schools they control to be this shitty. So, people like you.
Baltimore has a ton of problems. Corrupt politicians. A corrupt justice system. Can we point out how many police officers have been arrested in Baltimore and make a bigger argument?

When you post a thread you are supposed to provide an argument. What is worse. ,013 GPA or someone unable to provide an argument?

^ Squid Ink Defense.

Can't respond to the OP? Leave a squirt of distracting words and attempt to flee!

It directly addressed the issue.

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