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Ban affirmative action. Support equality based on merit.

What is wrong with a merit standard?
That would be a caste system, dope.

What happened to the founding principle that all men are created equal?
we are created equal,, after that its up to us to fend for ourselves,,,
At what point does the equality cease?
I just told you,,
No. What you posted was nonsense.
only for you,,,
We wouldn't want to miss a generation of snivelling losers; it just wouldn't be the same if by then everyone had figured out that we're equally capable when given a chance.

I guess I fail to see how a person who went to the same college but had lower grades and lower test scores is just as capable of becoming a doctor as their academic peer who just happens to be a different color. In fact, the non-minority may have come from a less affluent household as well and may have had to work through college while the minority student is on a minority only scholarship. One may get into medical school while the other is forced to change their plans despite being more qualified by every meaningful measurement. That is the very definition of racism and that is exactly what AA does. You can spin it all you would like and talk about how diversity makes us better, yada, yada, yada, but the bottom line is that a person’s race is the prevailing factor in some of these decisions and that is flat out wrong.
AA is working. Minorities are getting educated and getting decent jobs, and in another generation you'll see the difference it makes. These things take time. Everyone deserves to contribute.

A poor kid from Arkansas is going to get into college, too, btw. It isn't just minority poor that the government is pushing toward college.

No, the poor kid from Arkansas will not benefit from AA. He may get some other assistance due to his economic situation, but not his race. The issue with AA is that it is race/gender based, which is flat out wrong. Just because someone is black doesn't mean they should get an extra benefit. I have a hard time seeing how a black kid of a wealthy business owner who attended a private school should get the added benefit of AA over the poor white kid from Arkansas. The same goes in reverse. Race and gender should NOT be a factor...not one bit.
Just because someone is black doesn't mean they should get an extra benefit.
That is the core of your flawed logic. Being considered for an opening that they must still qualify for is not “ an extra benefit” in any way.
In fact it is offering at the very least the exact same consideration and opportunity as others.
What is wrong with a merit standard?
That would be a caste system, dope.

What happened to the founding principle that all men are created equal?

What an insane answer. Those are the two opposite sides of the spectrum. Merit has the most movement, caste has the least.

You are arguing that non white/Asians are so horribly incompetent and inferior that they cannot compete on a merit standard. That is laughable and racist.

The only people who push for preferential treatment are supremacist bigots.
I argued no such thing, dope. That’s your damaged logic leading you to stupid conclusions.
That is the core of your flawed logic. Being considered for an opening that they must still qualify for is not “ an extra benefit” in any way.
In fact it is offering at the very least the exact same consideration and opportunity as others.
How do you know that people are not considered equally for a job? I have been an employer and a manager in small businesses and large corporations and have NEVER seen prejudice in hiring. Businesses WANT qualified individuals no matter what race, creed or color. The Silicon Valley corporation I worked for as a manager had a multi-national, multi-color, multi-ethnicity work force.

P.S. Hey HS why don't you try actually addressing my post instead of giving it a 'thumbs down?' Wassamatta? Can't really support your position? Get the fuck outta here.
Utter nonsense.
How is segregation by skin color and ethnicity (As with affirmative action) not racist? Your reply is a cop out.
There is no segregation in any way through AA.
Racism is based on the idea that one’s race is superior to others. That would be excluding candidates based on racial bias.
It is certainly an ani-racism policy if anything.
We should do away with preferences for skin color, gender, sexuality. That is discrimination. Those who support affirmative action support discrimination. Those who support discrimination are bigots and supremacists.

Hence, the supporters of affirmative action are bigots and supremacists, as if that isn't the most obvious insight since someone said the sun is hot..

Why are the Democrats so afraid of equality? The democrat party has never supported equality. It has supported

Affirmative action

What is wrong with a merit standard?

If you believe your own demographic is too inferior to stand up in an equal merit based society, does that not make you a bigot and supremacist?

The left cannot debate this issue.

They rather will respond with hate and card tosses...

So are you also going to get rid of "legacy" admissions to Ivy League Schools? The Old Boys/Girls network in corporate hiring? Nepotism? Fraternities and sororities, which serve as networking organizations upon graduation, and all of the various and assorted ways that our current system keeps it "all in the family", and excludes outsiders and minorities?

80% of the job market and other admissions is not based on "merit", but rather an a myriad systems of standards and norms which is designed to ensure that people like me who has connections through family and friends and seldom had to go through a job competition at all. It's not what you know, but WHO you know, and I know a LOT of people.

I can win at 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon all day long.
Are you telling me Ivanka and Jared got those jobs because of nepotism... I don't believe it...

Well she did a better job that trumpy bear... he was the world stooge... He didn't know US allies and just buddied up with enemies of US... The allies just said give them a ring when you get a real leader...
There is no segregation in any way through AA.
Racism is based on the idea that one’s race is superior to others. That would be excluding candidates based on racial bias.
It is certainly an ani-racism policy if anything.
If one race is considered for hiring over another that is RACIST and smacks of segregation. The exact same thing MLK tried to warn against. Yet here you are embracing it. You know what your problem is? You automatically consider people are racist, especially one skin color. You apparently judge folks by the color of their skin.
What is wrong with a merit standard?
That would be a caste system, dope.

What happened to the founding principle that all men are created equal?
You are obviously too stupid to grasp the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome.
Sure. Uh huh. It’s all rigged against the always superior white candidates in favor of the lesser qualified minorities.
Believe me. I get it.
There is no segregation in any way through AA.
Racism is based on the idea that one’s race is superior to others. That would be excluding candidates based on racial bias.
It is certainly an ani-racism policy if anything.

So, let me get this straight. You got 2 people and both are black so you you hire the one who is most qualified, right? But if the one who is most qualified is white instead and you hire the black person due to AA, you have in effect excluded the white guy based on nothing more than a racial bias, true? That is racism, pure and simple.
That is the core of your flawed logic. Being considered for an opening that they must still qualify for is not “ an extra benefit” in any way.
In fact it is offering at the very least the exact same consideration and opportunity as others.
How do you know that people are not considered equally for a job? I have been an employer and a manager in small businesses and large corporations and have NEVER seen prejudice in hiring. Businesses WANT qualified individuals no matter what race, creed or color. The Silicon Valley corporation I worked for as a manager had a multi-national, multi-color, multi-ethnicity work force.

P.S. Hey HS why don't you try actually addressing my post instead of giving it a 'thumbs down?' Wassamatta? Can't really support your position? Get the fuck outta here.
Your limited experience is not indicative of anything more than your experience.
There is no segregation in any way through AA.
Racism is based on the idea that one’s race is superior to others. That would be excluding candidates based on racial bias.
It is certainly an ani-racism policy if anything.
If one race is considered for hiring over another that is RACIST and smacks of segregation. The exact same thing MLK tried to warn against. Yet here you are embracing it. You know what your problem is? You automatically consider people are racist, especially one skin color. You apparently judge folks by the color of their skin.
Uff…:eusa_doh: English is your native language. No?

Segregation is the separation of races. Certainly, requiring the inclusion of minority candidates is not segregation. If anything it would be integration.
The good idea of a helping hand up was altered by libbies into perpetuating a failed lifestyle.

No it was not.

It was perverted by Republicans who refused to pass increases to the federal minimum wage for 40 years, into wage subsidies for large, highly profitable multinational corporations, so they could book record profits and pay records dividends their shareholders.
We know all too well your obsession that money and success are bad and criminality and poverty are aspirational.
There is no segregation in any way through AA.
Racism is based on the idea that one’s race is superior to others. That would be excluding candidates based on racial bias.
It is certainly an ani-racism policy if anything.

So, let me get this straight. You got 2 people and both are black so you you hire the one who is most qualified, right? But if the one who is most qualified is white instead and you hire the black person due to AA, you have in effect excluded the white guy based on nothing more than a racial bias, true? That is racism, pure and simple.
Looking specifically to hire diverse candidates is in no way racism. Just stop.
We should do away with preferences for skin color, gender, sexuality. That is discrimination. Those who support affirmative action support discrimination. Those who support discrimination are bigots and supremacists.

Hence, the supporters of affirmative action are bigots and supremacists, as if that isn't the most obvious insight since someone said the sun is hot..

Why are the Democrats so afraid of equality? The democrat party has never supported equality. It has supported

Affirmative action

What is wrong with a merit standard?

If you believe your own demographic is too inferior to stand up in an equal merit based society, does that not make you a bigot and supremacist?

The left cannot debate this issue.

They rather will respond with hate and card tosses...
You'll fit in great here, getting everything exactly ass backwards is a popular stance around here.
Did your parents have any children that weren't mentally challenged?
People fighting bigotry with programs that encourage minority hiring are not racist; they are trying to combat it, shortbus.
> People fighting bigotry with programs that encourage minority hiring are not racist; they are trying to combat it, shortbus.

OldLady, you just said that hiring based upon race is not racist. Literally.

You don't fight racism by instituting racist policies.

Instead of an insult you deserve, I'll give you a compliment... Cute avatar. :)
Racism involves believing other groups are inferior to yours. It's not a racist policy to break centuries of bigotry by encouraging minorities get a chance.

Yes...it is. It is called racism no matter what the intent....and discriminating against people because people in the past with their same skin color did bad things is called racism....
In the past? Things are better; we are slowly convincing people that a black, a woman, a Latino, a Native American, can do an equally good job as the average white guy. But there are still plenty of people who don't see it and would still not give those people a chance to succeed or fail.
No, what people like you have done is convince people that minorities are getting ahead based upon the color of their skin or their gender, NOT their accomplishments or capabilities. There are facts to base that belief on, just look at the washout rates for minority students admitted to colleges under affirmative action programs. Scarce college slots are wasted on people who have no real chance of success. Promotions and jobs are the same way. Every woman or minority who is promoted is viewed by the other candidates as well as subordinates as getting promoted in spite of their performance not because of it. The bad ones get carried, the good ones have to work ten times as hard to disprove erroneous beliefs about their lack of competency. AA MIGHT have had a place when it was enacted, although I disagree, but when does it end? It existed my entire working life, will my great grandchildren be denied equal access to schools and jobs as well? You can’t use discrimination by further discrimination.
Whites have done what you claim here since the beginning of this country. Whites drop out of college too. Everything you say here is bullshit. When will whites like you drop the delusion? AA ends when whites stop practicing racism. White racial preference is an American tradition and it is so routine that whites like you either don't know that's what is happening or you know it and want to continue getting preferential treatment.

White and asian kids are not given an advantage getting into school. Black kids are. You think that is ok despite not taking anything else into account? A rich black kid from Beverly Hills with lesser qualifications could still benefit from AA, while a poor white kids from Arkansas could be left out. In what world is that the “right” thing to do?
Wrong. Asians are not shafted by AA. In fact as it pertains to their population, they are overrepresented. Understand this, schools take into account multiple factors in admitting students and test scores are just one. Test scores are so inconsequential that now over 900 colleges don't consider test scores or have made testing optional. Your racist argument always assumes that blacks aren't qualidied, which is wrong. What has been shown over the past few years is rampant cheating by bpth Asians and whites.

Rich black kids suffer from systemic racial discrimination and poor white kids don't. There is such a thing as unqualified whites and many of them are accepted on legacy. Ask G.W. Bush.

Test scores are so inconsequential that now over 900 colleges don't consider test scores or have made testing optional.


They did this to discriminate against Asians and to a lesser extent against whites.......blacks, because they are trapped in democrat party controlled schools....do horrible on standard tests...so the left wingers, instead of fixing democrat party controlled schools, simply do their best to throw out using test scores...you idiot.

They threw out test scores because of rampant cheating. An entire industry had grown up around coaching applicants for the SATS, or cheating on the SATS, that the scores themselves were meaningless and in no ways indicative of a candidate’s abilities or intellect.

American families current spend more money on their children’s education than any parents in the first world. Such a system gives much advantage to the children of the rich.
Agree. A good education is expensive, private schools. The sad thing is our public education is also expensive, but the corrupt Marxists in the union aren't interested in educating.
Uff…:eusa_doh: English is your native language. No?

Segregation is the separation of races. Certainly, requiring the inclusion of minority candidates is not segregation. If anything it would be integration.
Well you like to see separation of races in hiring practices, you support AA. You segregate candidates by race with the 'minority' moniker. Tell you what? Short people are a minority. Do you think white SHORT people should receive preferential treatment in hiring? How about white TALL people?
There is no segregation in any way through AA.
Racism is based on the idea that one’s race is superior to others. That would be excluding candidates based on racial bias.
It is certainly an ani-racism policy if anything.

So, let me get this straight. You got 2 people and both are black so you you hire the one who is most qualified, right? But if the one who is most qualified is white instead and you hire the black person due to AA, you have in effect excluded the white guy based on nothing more than a racial bias, true? That is racism, pure and simple.
Looking specifically to hire diverse candidates is in no way racism. Just stop.
It most certainly is racism. When I get on that airplane, I expect the pilots to be qualified because of their skill, not because of their skin color. Same with a surgeon. Idiot.

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