Ban happy liberals ban high percentage alcohol

I admit that HS chemistry was a long time ago, but I thought that ethanol above 185 proof was basically impossible. Anything above that will self-dilute by absorbing water from the air.
I don't agree with banning it, but... 190 proof? If you need 190 proof alcohol you have a problem.
I don't agree with banning it, but... 190 proof? If you need 190 proof alcohol you have a problem.
Yeah, I recall back in my youth, sometimes one of the guys would get a bottle of moonshine (190 proof), or 95% alcohol. We would take small shots, we were very careful not to drink too much. One night, a buddy downed a sizeable glass of the stuff, he had drunk beer beforehand. We were on the balcony, and he was completely out of his mind. He attempted to jump off a 6th floor balcony, it took four of us to hold him back, otherwise he 'd a been a goner for sure. That stuff messes you up big time.
Drinking that stuff straight will damage your esophogus. It is intensly hygroscopic, as someone has already noted. Not only that, best way in the world to die from alcohol poisoning.

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