Ban on Gun Sales to Marijuana Card Holders

But medical marijuana is legal in some states so why should they be banned from buying a gun in those states? If people who are prescribed oxycontin can purchase guns in the same states?

Because we live in a world where central planners, progressives and other meddlers pick and choose who benefits and who pays for tax breaks, protected status, and yes, which chemicals and plants supposedly free citizens can put into their own bodies. They know what's best for everyone else, don't cha know...

The question isn't which "drug" is acceptable when purchasing a firearm, the question is why should anyone, especially government, have any involvement at all in what consenting adults put into their own bodies, or how they choose to defend themselves.
Paul Armentano, deputy director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said the idea that marijuana users were more prone to violence is a fallacy.

"Responsible adults who use cannabis in a manner that is compliant with the laws of their states ought to receive the same legal rights and protections as other citizens," he said.

Alex Kreit, a marijuana law expert at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, said the ruling was significant — but may not be the last time the 9th Circuit addresses medical marijuana and gun rights.

"It seems like the court did not foreclose the possibility of a challenge by actual medical marijuana users that they shouldn't be lumped with other drug users in terms of concerns about violence," he said.

US Court Upholds Ban on Gun Sales to Marijuana Card Holders

Are people who are prescribed oxycontin also banned from firearms?
That's dumb. I can't believe we're approaching 100 years of marijuana being banned entirely due blatant lies by a handful of powerful racists. 100 years, and some people haven't learned anything and are still completeley ignorant and terrified of it.
weed is banned cause of racism? LOL
was banned....late 30's i believe....
Paul Armentano, deputy director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said the idea that marijuana users were more prone to violence is a fallacy.

"Responsible adults who use cannabis in a manner that is compliant with the laws of their states ought to receive the same legal rights and protections as other citizens," he said.

Alex Kreit, a marijuana law expert at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, said the ruling was significant — but may not be the last time the 9th Circuit addresses medical marijuana and gun rights.

"It seems like the court did not foreclose the possibility of a challenge by actual medical marijuana users that they shouldn't be lumped with other drug users in terms of concerns about violence," he said.

US Court Upholds Ban on Gun Sales to Marijuana Card Holders

Are people who are prescribed oxycontin also banned from firearms?
That's dumb. I can't believe we're approaching 100 years of marijuana being banned entirely due blatant lies by a handful of powerful racists. 100 years, and some people haven't learned anything and are still completeley ignorant and terrified of it.
weed is banned cause of racism? LOL
was banned....late 30's i believe....
Due to lies, the most effective ones being the racist ones.
Ban on Gun Sales to Marijuana Card Holders
An excellent idea. A good start toot! Now, all you have to do is ban gun sales to those with a driver's license, who use the post office, those who go to church, people who make their purchases at shopping malls, and those who are enrolled in any sort of educational institution .... particularly kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools, high schools, colleges, and universities. Anything else? Oh yeah! You may just as well ban guns altogether.

Paul Armentano, deputy director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said the idea that marijuana users were more prone to violence is a fallacy.

"Responsible adults who use cannabis in a manner that is compliant with the laws of their states ought to receive the same legal rights and protections as other citizens," he said.

Alex Kreit, a marijuana law expert at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, said the ruling was significant — but may not be the last time the 9th Circuit addresses medical marijuana and gun rights.

"It seems like the court did not foreclose the possibility of a challenge by actual medical marijuana users that they shouldn't be lumped with other drug users in terms of concerns about violence," he said.

US Court Upholds Ban on Gun Sales to Marijuana Card Holders

Are people who are prescribed oxycontin also banned from firearms?
That's dumb. I can't believe we're approaching 100 years of marijuana being banned entirely due blatant lies by a handful of powerful racists. 100 years, and some people haven't learned anything and are still completeley ignorant and terrified of it.
weed is banned cause of racism? LOL
was banned....late 30's i believe....
Due to lies, the most effective ones being the racist ones.
well you can see the posters here who think "Reefer Madness" was a factual documentary....tipsy being one of them....
Paul Armentano, deputy director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said the idea that marijuana users were more prone to violence is a fallacy.

"Responsible adults who use cannabis in a manner that is compliant with the laws of their states ought to receive the same legal rights and protections as other citizens," he said.

Alex Kreit, a marijuana law expert at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, said the ruling was significant — but may not be the last time the 9th Circuit addresses medical marijuana and gun rights.

"It seems like the court did not foreclose the possibility of a challenge by actual medical marijuana users that they shouldn't be lumped with other drug users in terms of concerns about violence," he said.

US Court Upholds Ban on Gun Sales to Marijuana Card Holders

Are people who are prescribed oxycontin also banned from firearms?

The obvious conclusion here is Repubs in congress are all in on grabbing your guns!
Ban on Gun Sales to Marijuana Card Holders
An excellent idea. A good start toot! Now, all you have to do is ban gun sales to those with a driver's license, who use the post office, those who go to church, people who make their purchases at shopping malls, and those who are enrolled in any sort of educational institution .... particularly kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools, high schools, colleges, and universities. Anything else? Oh yeah! You may just as well ban guns altogether.


Feel free to lay on your back, spread your legs and allow the government of your own country to 'handle' that right for you. In America we will keep our rights.

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