Ban This Breed

Change vicious dogs to guns, and you post exactly like the biggest libtard joeB.

You are no conservative.

Yeah. Agreed. Willow Tree is not at all addressing the topic like a true conservative. It's kind of laughable that he's calling people libtards, too. It's childish, yet humorously ironic.

Bootlickers. Gosh love em. And it's always for the children, isn't it?
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Fuck the children. Right? Libtard.

Pretty much. The children aren't my business. Only my own children concern me.

So, kind of, yeah. Fuck you and your children, and everyone elses children, too. They're none of my business. They're your responsibility, not mine.

And I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your statist nose out of my childrens business. If I want any concern from you, I'll ask for it. When did anyone ask you to show public concern for their kids? That's the conservative view.
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They won’t. Dogs hate it when you mess with their food bowl, lol. Honestly, I would venture a guess that the dog would be pretty easy going if you tried to pick up that child.

You reminded me of a good point, some people just aren't dog people. I have met a bunch of stray, lost, or loose dogs (some angry), and haven't found one I couldn't talk to yet (not saying I have met every dog). A lot of times all it takes, is to stop, take a breath, and ask the dog in a calm voice, "Come on now, what are you doing?"

I did meet a big black lab one time in the yard that was one grumpy guy, growling and didn't want to be talked to. He wouldn't check up, kept backing up, growling and giving me the evil eye. Finally I noticed he was wearing a camo collar and figured he was probably a hunting dog. So, I got stern and said, "Heel". He stopped growling and looked at me odd, so I said, "You heard me, now heel". He grumbled all the way as he walked around me at sat down next to my left leg. Once he sat down, I told him he was a good boy, and he stayed there long enough for me to locate his owner calling friends on my phone.

A lot of times all you have to do is just talk to a dog.
Sometimes, the more scared you are, the more confused and anxious the dog can get.
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Fuck the children. Right? Libtard.

Pretty much. The children aren't my business. Only my own children concern me.

So, kind of, yeah. Fuck you and your children, and everyone elses, too. They're none of my business. They're your responsibility, not mine.

And I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your statist nose out of my childrens business. If I want any concern from you, I'll ask for it. When did anyone ask you to show public concern for their kids? That's the conservative view.
Fuck the children. Right? Libtard.

Pretty much. The children aren't my business. Only my own children concern me.

So, kind of, yeah. Fuck you and your children, and everyone elses children, too. They're none of my business. They're your responsibility, not mine.

And I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your statist nose out of my childrens business. If I want any concern from you, I'll ask for it. When did anyone ask you to show public concern for their kids? That's the conservative view.
so! Are we now allowed to attack family members on this forum? You libtarded pos!
They won’t. Dogs hate it when you mess with their food bowl, lol. Honestly, I would venture a guess that the dog would be pretty easy going if you tried to pick up that child.

You reminded me of a good point, some people just aren't dog people. I have met a bunch of stray, lost, or loose dogs (some angry), and haven't found one I couldn't talk to yet (not saying I have met every dog). A lot of times all it takes, is to stop, take a breath, and ask the dog in a calm voice, "Come on now, what are you doing?"

I did meet a big black lab one time in the yard that was one grumpy guy, growling and didn't want to be talked to. He wouldn't check up, kept backing up, growling and giving me the evil eye. Finally I noticed he was wearing a camo collar and figured he was probably a hunting dog. So, I got stern and said, "Heel". He stopped growling and looked at me odd, so I said, "You heard me, now heel". He grumbled all the way as he walked around me at sat down next to my left leg. Once he sat down, I told him he was a good boy, and he stayed there long enough for me to locate his owner calling friends on my phone.

A lot of times all you have to do is just talk to a dog.
Sometimes, the more scared you are, the more confused and anxious the dog can get.

I had my face ripped off by a German Shepherd when I was 2. This was a primo dog from primo blood bread for temperament and looks, all that stuff. That was back when Dobermans were the viscous dog flavor of the month.
so! Are we now allowed to attack family members on this forum? You libtarded pos!

You brought everyone's children into it, ya statist hack.

I feel it's my responsibility to tell you that I, for one, do not want you to concern yourself with mine, and did not ask you to demonstrate concern for mine. I'm capable of watching my own without you and the government. Next time, specify that your call for men with guns from the government is for all the childrens, except for Natty C's.


And take your arbitrary victim status card and shove it up your statist, bootlicking, ass. How do you like them apples?

You can't call out the children and then cry victim when someone says they don't give a flying shit about your children or anyone elses and that they take no responsinbility for anyone elses children. Nor can you cry victim when someone tells you to mind your own fukin business and don't worry about other people's kids.

It is just like a rabit statist to go on the attack and then turn around and cry victim status and appeal to authority because feels.

Go ahead and run to a mod. I'll tell them what I think about your silly shit, too.

And I'll say it again.
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so! Are we now allowed to attack family members on this forum? You libtarded pos!

You brought everyone's children into it, ya statist hack.

I feel it's my responsibility to tell you that I, for one, do not want you to concern tyourself with mine, and did not ask you to demonstrate concern for moine. Next time, specify tha tyour call for men wit hguns from thegovernment is for the childrens, except for Natty C's.


And take your arbitrary victim status card and shove it up your statist, bootlicking,m ass. How do you like them apples.

You can't call out the children and then cry victim when someone says they don't give a flying shit about your children or anyone elses. Nor can you cry victim when someone tells you to mind your own fukin busines and don't worry about other people's kids.

It is just like a rabit statist to go on the attack and then trn around and cry victim and appeal to authority.

Go ahead and run to a mod. I'll tell them what I think about your silly shit, too.
I brought children into it! You got personal and attacked my children you libtarded piece of shit!
so! Are we now allowed to attack family members on this forum? You libtarded pos!

You brought everyone's children into it, ya statist hack.

I feel it's my responsibility to tell you that I, for one, do not want you to concern tyourself with mine, and did not ask you to demonstrate concern for moine. Next time, specify tha tyour call for men wit hguns from thegovernment is for the childrens, except for Natty C's.


And take your arbitrary victim status card and shove it up your statist, bootlicking, ass. How do you like them apples.

You can't call out the children and then cry victim when someone says they don't give a flying shit about your children or anyone elses and that they take no responsinbility for anyone elses children. Nor can you cry victim when someone tells you to mind your own fukin business and don't worry about other people's kids.

It is just like a rabit statist to go on the attack and then turn around and cry victim and appeal to authority because feels.

Go ahead and run to a mod. I'll tell them what I think about your silly shit, too.
You uneducated pos what the fuck is a rabit? That something you sick your fucking pitbull on?
Fuck the children. Right? Libtard.

Pretty much. The children aren't my business. Only my own children concern me.

So, kind of, yeah. Fuck you and your children, and everyone elses children, too. They're none of my business. They're your responsibility, not mine.

And I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your statist nose out of my childrens business. If I want any concern from you, I'll ask for it. When did anyone ask you to show public concern for their kids? That's the conservative view.

Your attitude is not the American conservative attitude at all. Don’t lie to yourself. Being a self-centered douche bag who just screams “fuck everyone else!” all the time is not the American conservative point of view. It just means you’re an asshole. That is not a political position, it is a personal failing of yours.
I did run to a mod! It is against the rules to attack family. What they choose to do about that is strictly up to them.
I had my face ripped off by a German Shepherd when I was 2. This was a primo dog from primo blood bread for temperament and looks, all that stuff. That was back when Dobermans were the viscous dog flavor of the month.
Sorry to hear that.

I have a dog (not a pit bull) that will sit on the tool box while I am in the store and won't go anywhere (she has been trained to do that), people will come up and talk to her and everything. I wouldn't suggest trying to take anything out of the back of the truck though.

Maybe some fool will piss her off one day, and it'll be my loss.
Your attitude is not the American conservative attitude at all. Don’t lie to yourself. Being a self-centered douche bag who just screams “fuck everyone else!” all the time is not the American conservative point of view. It just means you’re an asshole. That is not a political position, it is a personal failing of yours.

I'm a fan of Individual liberty. Not statist collectivism and not a fan of the government coming and taking property because childrens.

Somebody has to tell it like it is. Your feelings are relatively meaningless in the equation.
I did run to a mod! It is against the rules to attack family. What they choose to do about that is strictly up to them.

Good. I sincerely look forward to expressing my view on it to whichever one wants to defend your horse pucky, if any.
You attacked my family you liberal pos! End of story!

Your words...

Fuck the children. Right? Libtard.

You brought everyone's children into this.

So, I'll say it again. Fuck you and your children, and everyone elses children. They're not my business. Don't make them my business. When you make everyone elses children, and yours for that matter, or mine by saying "Fuck the children,. Right?" I'm going to tell you to go hump yourself. I do not care about anyone elses children or yours.

Got it? Good.
We can talk in generality but we cannot attack family. You did that you liberal pos! Big man!
You attacked my family you liberal pos! End of story!

Here., Your words...

Fuck the children. Right? Libtard.

You brought everyone's children into this. That's what "Fuck the chilfren. Right?'' means. Correct?

So, I'll say it again. And again, I'll say it in kind, with the same language you chose to use, fuck you and your children, and everyone elses children. They're not my business. Don't make them my business just because you want to look for a reason for the government to take property from people. When you make everyone elses children, and yours for that matter, or mine by saying "Fuck the children,. Right?" germane to the topic, I'm going to tell you to go hump yourself. I do not care about anyone elses children or yours.And I did not ask for you to convern yourself with mine. So, againb, whenever you sday you want more government because it's for the childrens, say it's for all the childrens except Natty C's. Okay.

Got it? Good.
How about you stick a corncob up your ass? No one would fuck you. You are too goddamn ugly

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