Ban This Breed

People who keep dogs for fighting will be and ARE sent to jail! THAT IS ILLEGAL!


Ignorant morons, scum of the scum!
The pics are precious.


(((( he is adorable! :smiliehug:)))

Dogs should NEVER NEVER NEVER be bred for fighting!

What's this??????????????? the freaking Roman Coliseum ???????????????


Silly lady, We're not fighting. :flirtysmile4:

(((( he is adorable! :smiliehug:)))

Dogs should NEVER NEVER NEVER be bred for fighting!

What's this??????????????? the freaking Roman Coliseum ???????????????


Silly lady, We're not fighting. :flirtysmile4:


I know you are not .....:)

I'm only talking about those monsters who do this horror to these beautiful dogs!

I'm talking about making them fight. That is against the Law.
Don’t Care, you still insulted the victim.
I bet you didn't know an African American trained his dogs to attack that other African American.
Don’t care either! You insulted the victim.
I insulted the entire AA culture for being so involved in such a cruel sport.
You insulted the victim and chose dogs over humans! Makes sense! Given what you libtards think of the unborn.
Do you not realize you are arguing against some conservatives and libertarians here?
You are the one sounding like a libtard with the bans.

It is pretty funny (and cringeworthy) to see him call actual libertarians and conservatives "libtards" while he is taking the statist/"liberal" position. Ban ban! ban! :redface:
I love pit bulls... I love them very much! with all my heart!

It all depends on how they're trained. We have two who are sweethearts. They will bite you if you come into the yard without permission.

But so will the german shepherd and the husky.

Yeah, everyone who owns one who has killed a person says the same thing. Oh but they're so sweet,

It isn't close. Pit Bulls are the most lethal breed in our country. Probably in the world.
So the people don't know how to train them or the goverment doesn't know how to decide who has them. Not everyone should have a dog - any kind of a dog.
It all depends on how they're trained. We have two who are sweethearts. They will bite you if you come into the yard without permission.

But so will the german shepherd and the husky.

If it had to do with the training of the dog, wouldn't all large dogs be equally lethal?

The Husky is also an aggressive dog accounting for about 5% of all dog attacks. Pitbulls about 55% and German Shepherds are included in the "all other" category.
I like most dogs and they usually like me. Small mutts that bark like crazy at everyone and some rescue dogs of unkown origin that are owned by women sometimes have issues. Why? Because they smell my testosterone or Patchouli or whatever and see me as a women's boyfriend might, a challenge for her attention. But the fact is dogs are breed to specialize in certain things. Training has nothing to do with it. Pit Bulls are programmed in their brains to bite and hold, and what might trigger that inbred behavior is not always explainable. Usually it is an animal or person they see as an easy target. Personally I always carry Mechanix gloves and a defensive weapon in the event of issues with unwanted attacks.
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Some breeds are more territorial than others. Some were bred to protect a flock and some were bred to protect the 'master.' Instinct influences what the dogs think their 'job' is. If one is ignorant of the fact of breeding then one is not competent to have such dogs.

Gee, do you think there might be a reason as to why not one in a thousand dogs used by the police, military, the DEA and many other government agencies? Especially when you consider all the surplus pit bulls there are around the country.

This graphic means nothing to me.
I argue that any issue with dogs is number one a human problem.
Hold the owner liable for irresponsibility. Not the animals fault regardless of breed.

The OP has generalized all owners and their pets into one convenient block. The premise fails.

The thing that maims the most family members is the family vehicle, not the pet. Typically that is human irresponsibility also.

Gee, do you think there might be a reason as to why not one in a thousand dogs used by the police, military, the DEA and many other government agencies? Especially when you consider all the surplus pit bulls there are around the country.

This graphic means nothing to me.
I argue that any issue with dogs is number one a human problem.
Hold the owner liable for irresponsibility. Not the animals fault regardless of breed.

The OP has generalized all owners and their pets into one convenient block. The premise fails.

The thing that maims the most family members is the family vehicle, not the pet. Typically that is human irresponsibility also.
You are a stupid person. We are not talking about cars. We are talking about pit bull dogs. You have a wandering stupid mind.

Gee, do you think there might be a reason as to why not one in a thousand dogs used by the police, military, the DEA and many other government agencies? Especially when you consider all the surplus pit bulls there are around the country.

This graphic means nothing to me.
I argue that any issue with dogs is number one a human problem.
Hold the owner liable for irresponsibility. Not the animals fault regardless of breed.

The OP has generalized all owners and their pets into one convenient block. The premise fails.

The thing that maims the most family members is the family vehicle, not the pet. Typically that is human irresponsibility also.
You are a stupid person. We are not talking about cars. We are talking about pit bull dogs. You have a wandering stupid mind.
Back for another verbal mauling?

You have been proven stupid when you resorted to calling everyone libtards. The thread premise is nonsense, and you have done nothing more than demonize and hyperventilate.

Gee, do you think there might be a reason as to why not one in a thousand dogs used by the police, military, the DEA and many other government agencies? Especially when you consider all the surplus pit bulls there are around the country.

This graphic means nothing to me.
I argue that any issue with dogs is number one a human problem.
Hold the owner liable for irresponsibility. Not the animals fault regardless of breed.

The OP has generalized all owners and their pets into one convenient block. The premise fails.

The thing that maims the most family members is the family vehicle, not the pet. Typically that is human irresponsibility also.
You are a stupid person. We are not talking about cars. We are talking about pit bull dogs. You have a wandering stupid mind.
Back for another verbal mauling?

You have been proven stupid when you resorted to calling everyone libtards. The thread premise is nonsense, and you have done nothing more than demonize and hyperventilate.
Maul away. The subject is pit bulls and not automobiles, chimps, or African Americans! Dumbass.

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