Ban This Breed

These incidents happen far to often. This breed must be banned and anyone caught breeding them or fighting them must be imprisoned.

More government isn't the solution.

All dogs bite. Every single one of em. If someone says their dog doesn't bite, they're full of it, or just plain underinformed.

If a dog is trained to be aggressive, it will be aggressive, no matter the breed. A 15 pound mini poodle, for instance, could maim someone if it hasn't been socialized and obedience trained.

Laws can't change the morals of society. Society has to address its own moral problem and this will reflect on the laws (as well as reflect the way their pooch behaves). It cannot be the other way around, because government is force. And force is anti-moral. Because we want as little force as possible, we should strive for as little government as possible. Certainly we can't be anti-government, we need some government, but it must be as small as possible and it must be strictly limited. Limited for liberty!!

Individuals or groups of Individuals cannot and should not be expected to sacrifice their civil liberties in order to placate someone's personal fears. Property rights in particular, as this is the most fundamental of all. Property rights are the very foundaton for the rights to life and liberty themselves.
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these incidents happen far to often. This breed must be banned and anyone caught breeding them or fighting them must be imprisoned.

Graphic photos: Texas man disfigured by savage dog attack

The man, identified as Milton Sturges, 58, was out walking Wednesday when the dogs attacked. A neighbor who heard the man screaming called police, who, upon arrival, reportedly saw the man being mauled, local news station CBS 11 reported.


One officer struck the dogs -- believed to be adult pit bulls, one male and one female -- with a weapon. Eventually, they successfully pulled the dogs off the man.

Sturges was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.

“He lost both of his ears. His nose was partially torn off and his bottom lip was partially torn off,” Omar Sturges, Milton’s nephew, told the news station.
This is as ignorant as it is idiotic.

What government entity is supposed to enact the ‘ban’ – if you want a Federal ‘ban,’ that’s not going to happen; not at the state level, either.

You and others on the right need to stop trying to ‘ban’ everything you don’t like or understand and instead find viable solutions to actual problems.
They will not sell home insurance to anyone owning a pit bull in my city.
Your thread premise is ignorant nonsense – naïve, simplistic, sophomoric, and childish – in addition to being more rightwing authoritarian idiocy.

Setting aside the fact that no jurisdiction would enact such a ‘ban,’ the mechanics of your ‘ban’ would render it impossible to implement.

Are you actually advocating subjecting owners of the now ‘illegal’ dogs to criminal prosecution, placing a greater unnecessary burden on an already overwhelmed criminal justice system; how are you going to ‘round up’ all the ‘illegal’ dogs – what are you proposing to do with them; if you want them all destroyed, obviously you have no idea what it entails to destroy millions of dogs.

And although owners of private property declared to be ‘contraband’ aren't entitled to 5th Amendment Takings Clause due process rights, adversely effected dog owners will still contest the takings in court, needlessly overwhelming the civil court system.

The ignorance and stupidity of your thread premise illustrates again why Republicans and conservatives are incapable of sound, responsible governance and public policy.
these incidents happen far to often. This breed must be banned and anyone caught breeding them or fighting them must be imprisoned.

Graphic photos: Texas man disfigured by savage dog attack

The man, identified as Milton Sturges, 58, was out walking Wednesday when the dogs attacked. A neighbor who heard the man screaming called police, who, upon arrival, reportedly saw the man being mauled, local news station CBS 11 reported.


One officer struck the dogs -- believed to be adult pit bulls, one male and one female -- with a weapon. Eventually, they successfully pulled the dogs off the man.

Sturges was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.

“He lost both of his ears. His nose was partially torn off and his bottom lip was partially torn off,” Omar Sturges, Milton’s nephew, told the news station.
This is as ignorant as it is idiotic.

What government entity is supposed to enact the ‘ban’ – if you want a Federal ‘ban,’ that’s not going to happen; not at the state level, either.

You and others on the right need to stop trying to ‘ban’ everything you don’t like or understand and instead find viable solutions to actual problems.
They will not sell home insurance to anyone owning a pit bull in my city.
Your thread premise is ignorant nonsense – naïve, simplistic, sophomoric, and childish – in addition to being more rightwing authoritarian idiocy.

Setting aside the fact that no jurisdiction would enact such a ‘ban,’ the mechanics of your ‘ban’ would render it impossible to implement.

Are you actually advocating subjecting owners of the now ‘illegal’ dogs to criminal prosecution, placing a greater unnecessary burden on an already overwhelmed criminal justice system; how are you going to ‘round up’ all the ‘illegal’ dogs – what are you proposing to do with them; if you want them all destroyed, obviously you have no idea what it entails to destroy millions of dogs.

And although owners of private property declared to be ‘contraband’ aren't entitled to 5th Amendment Takings Clause due process rights, adversely effected dog owners will still contest the takings in court, needlessly overwhelming the civil court system.

The ignorance and stupidity of your thread premise illustrates again why Republicans and conservatives are incapable of sound, responsible governance and public policy.
Again you make this about politics disregarding that several conservatives have disagreed with the OP's hysteria.
Have you had your shots?
You seem to be rabid and foaming at the mouth.
Your thread premise is ignorant nonsense – naïve, simplistic, sophomoric, and childish – in addition to being more rightwing authoritarian idiocy.

Willow Tree was obviously speaking from the heart. This is understandable. And it can be worked out without resorting to combative dialogue and political partisanship. There's not a nickel's worth of difference between the so-called right wing and the so-called left wing anyway. At least not at the federal and state government levels.

To make it a left wing/right wing discussion is what is naïve, simplistic, sophomoric, and childish.

I've read your postings. As have most others here. And your posting history is a firm indicator that you'd have the government kicking down someone' s door, because feels, a lot quicker than Willow Tree would.
Up around where I live, pit bulls are rare. Many of the communities demand that owners carry liability insurance on them for up to a million dollars each.
Please note:any time a dog attacks someone, it becomes a "pit bull."'s not, just a mutt.

In fact, there is no such thing as a ‘pit bull’ – there is no such ‘breed’ recognized by the AKC.

Because ‘pit bull’ is a type of dog, and not a ‘breed,’ the notion of making them ‘illegal’ to own is that much more problematic.

And since ‘pit bull’ is a conglomeration of mixed-breeds, lookalikes, and mutts, rather than an actual breed, garnering factual information and statistics justifying ‘banning’ such dogs is rendered impossible.
I’ve owned 4 Pits over the years, and have never had a mean one yet. My brother who swore he’d never have a large dog, because of his small daughter; hit one with his car one day. Distraught; he took it to the animal hospital. Payed over $2000 to get it the care it needed, and spent 3 months trying to find its owner. That was 4 years ago. The dog still lives with him to this day; and is his daughters best friend. Did I mention that it’s a Pit Bull...?
I’ve owned 4 Pits over the years, and have never had a mean one yet. My brother who swore he’d never have a large dog, because of his small daughter; hit one with his car one day. Distraught; he took it to the animal hospital. Payed over $2000 to get it the care it needed, and spent 3 months trying to find its owner. That was 4 years ago. The dog still lives with him to this day; and is his daughters best friend. Did I mention that it’s a Pit Bull...?

Irresponsible idiots
I’ve owned 4 Pits over the years, and have never had a mean one yet. My brother who swore he’d never have a large dog, because of his small daughter; hit one with his car one day. Distraught; he took it to the animal hospital. Payed over $2000 to get it the care it needed, and spent 3 months trying to find its owner. That was 4 years ago. The dog still lives with him to this day; and is his daughters best friend. Did I mention that it’s a Pit Bull...?

Irresponsible idiots
How so?
Strikes me as a person who cares for animals.
I’ve owned 4 Pits over the years, and have never had a mean one yet. My brother who swore he’d never have a large dog, because of his small daughter; hit one with his car one day. Distraught; he took it to the animal hospital. Payed over $2000 to get it the care it needed, and spent 3 months trying to find its owner. That was 4 years ago. The dog still lives with him to this day; and is his daughters best friend. Did I mention that it’s a Pit Bull...?

Irresponsible idiots
How so?
Strikes me as a person who cares for animals.

But not humans.
We should ban everything that might could possibly one day harm someone.

Haven't we already pretty much done that already?
Our chihuahua has a nasty nip.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr awww adorable :10:

No need to ban anything if people would stop being such irresponsible idiots that they cost people their lives.
Agitated Democrats are the humanoid equivalent of untrained pit bulls. Therefore they must be banned. Using the sort of methods liberals employ for baby humans and encourage for canine pit bulls.

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