Banker’s Insulting Waitress Tip Incites Class Warfare Between the 1% and the 99%

C... Mr. 1% got the math wrong! :rofl:

Okay, maybe I'm just being stupid, but where is the math wrong? I'll go ahead and do this in advance since I probably missed something...


here is the alleged receipt...

$133.54, multiplied by 1%, is $1.3354. Proper rounding dictates it be rounded up, to $1.34.


that's a bit nit picky, don't you think?
If I was the waitress he would have been wearing his leftovers out the door.

Just when you may have thought the ongoing battle between the 99% and the 1% was dying down, it may have been reignited. A wealthy banker left a $1.33 tip on a $133 lunch at the True Food Kitchen restaurant in Newport Beach, California.

To add insult to injury the word "tip" was circled on the receipt, and the banker wrote "get a real job" on the bill.

In Washington state, a waitress received a tip of no money and advice scrawled on the receipt that told her she could "stand to lose a few pounds."


A) if true who gives a fuck.

B) how the fuck do you know the man was a "wealthy banker"

C) this smells of bullshit..

Oh and if it matters a black family left me a $5.00 tip years ago when I was a server on a $290.00 check, then they tried to get their meal for free on top of that because the steak wasn't cooked to their liking (like it was my fucking fault the illegal alien cooks fucked up).

Not to mention the MAJORITY of restaurants (at least around here) automatically charge a 15 (and sometimes) 20% gratuity...

Oh and maybe the waitress in this case was just a bitch. Ever think about that???

Maybe she was just being an asshole because she has a misguided vendetta against she believes is the "enemy?"

I try to avoid restaurants that *automatically *add* on a gratuity cus then its not a tip its a restaurant charge and gives the server a reason NOT TO GIVE TIP TOP SERVICE CUS THEY ARE **ENTITLED ** to the tip .
i had a instance like that on a river cruise i took my wife on as a anniversary present .the server * if you could call her that totally screwed up the occasion

i complained to the head office got a 50% discount on another cruise it wasnt the same and i didnt get my fucking **service charge **back ....
Okay, maybe I'm just being stupid, but where is the math wrong? I'll go ahead and do this in advance since I probably missed something...


here is the alleged receipt...

$133.54, multiplied by 1%, is $1.3354. Proper rounding dictates it be rounded up, to $1.34.

That is a clear photoshop..

Look at the 3's they're identical - so is the spacing.

That's not real...

You can clearly see the layering as well..
that's all certainly possible. However, I'm looking at the quality of the image overall. You ever see a more perfectly cropped, focused, lit, cell phone image? No flash over exposure. Shadows are perfect.

It's TOO perfect, IMHO.
Why is the fact the bad tipper is allegedly a banker matter???

You see...

If we're going to use labels then I will use labels...

It doesn't to me. However, since it was a reported detail of the story, it's relevant to the story. Mentioning a family that tipped you poorly is black, is simply race baiting.

I think its relevant to my story considering black folks fucked me over on tips numerous times, while the majority of others tipped rather graciously..

So yeah, it's absolutely relevant and it's the truth and that is all that matters..

Besides how the FUCK is the notion the guy is a banker relevant in the story??? you see - because it's not....

Fact is - some people just don't tip well... Generally blacks don't tip well via my experience as a server...

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with me saying that either...

They must be serving ice tea in Hell. I genrally agree. Not that there are no exceptions but.......generally as a rule it's true.
If I was the waitress he would have been wearing his leftovers out the door.

Just when you may have thought the ongoing battle between the 99% and the 1% was dying down, it may have been reignited. A wealthy banker left a $1.33 tip on a $133 lunch at the True Food Kitchen restaurant in Newport Beach, California.

To add insult to injury the word "tip" was circled on the receipt, and the banker wrote "get a real job" on the bill.

In Washington state, a waitress received a tip of no money and advice scrawled on the receipt that told her she could "stand to lose a few pounds."


:lol: you're class warfare panties are showing.....:lol:

if you had hit me with leftovers I would have sued you for the dry cleaning bill and the ole Liberal weenie stand by- 'emotional distress' to make sure you eat kat food the rest of your life ( or you could just lives for years on the food stuck in that nasty beard).....
nyah nyah nyah....

Your post is nonsense. If someone is working as a waitress, she doesn't have anything to lose in a lawsuit. You can sue all you want, and she'll laugh at you. And then her boyfriend will catch your ass somewhere private, and whip you like a rented mule. Welcome to reality.
year. The IRS does not expect to be paid 8% of a server’s sales as tax – that would be akin to taxing the customer for their bill. What it means is that in the absence of documentation to show how much that server earned in tips the IRS is going to assume that they earned at least 8% of their food and beverage sales. So if a server sells $1,000 of food than the IRS is going to automatically assume that they took home $80 in tips that night. They’re going to treat that $80 as taxable income and depending on what tax bracket the server is in they might get 25% of the $80 which is $20. So when a customer tips 8% it isn’t all going to the government, it’s simply that all of it is going to be taxable automatically.

No, it isn't. You are taxed on what you claim, period. I waited tables and bartended before. They may assume 8% if you get audited, but someone with that low of income is rarely ever audited by the IRS.
that's all certainly possible. However, I'm looking at the quality of the image overall. You ever see a more perfectly cropped, focused, lit, cell phone image? No flash over exposure. Shadows are perfect.

It's TOO perfect, IMHO.
My thoughts exactly. The detail is too fine.

Not only that, it fits all the stereotypes. Fat-cat (male) banker, expensive restaurant, stiffing a poor (female) waitress ...

Convenient that the source blog is now gone as well.
If I was the waitress he would have been wearing his leftovers out the door.

Just when you may have thought the ongoing battle between the 99% and the 1% was dying down, it may have been reignited. A wealthy banker left a $1.33 tip on a $133 lunch at the True Food Kitchen restaurant in Newport Beach, California.

To add insult to injury the word "tip" was circled on the receipt, and the banker wrote "get a real job" on the bill.

The author of the blog wrote, "mention the 99% in my boss' presence and feel his wrath. So proudly does he wear his 1% badge of honor that he tips exactly 1% every time he feels the server doesn't sufficiently bow down to his holiness."

In Washington state, a waitress received a tip of no money and advice scrawled on the receipt that told her she could "stand to lose a few pounds."


I'll bet you were waitress
If I was the waitress he would have been wearing his leftovers out the door.

Just when you may have thought the ongoing battle between the 99% and the 1% was dying down, it may have been reignited. A wealthy banker left a $1.33 tip on a $133 lunch at the True Food Kitchen restaurant in Newport Beach, California.

To add insult to injury the word "tip" was circled on the receipt, and the banker wrote "get a real job" on the bill.

In Washington state, a waitress received a tip of no money and advice scrawled on the receipt that told her she could "stand to lose a few pounds."


I'll bet you were waitress

Nah...he just likes to dress up as one.
Sorta makes him feel pretty.
If I was the waitress he would have been wearing his leftovers out the door.


:lol: you're class warfare panties are showing.....:lol:

if you had hit me with leftovers I would have sued you for the dry cleaning bill and the ole Liberal weenie stand by- 'emotional distress' to make sure you eat kat food the rest of your life ( or you could just lives for years on the food stuck in that nasty beard).....
nyah nyah nyah....

Your post is nonsense. If someone is working as a waitress, she doesn't have anything to lose in a lawsuit. You can sue all you want, and she'll laugh at you. And then her boyfriend will catch your ass somewhere private, and whip you like a rented mule. Welcome to reality.
Let's see, she'd lose her job, she'd get hit with some criminal charges relating to assault and battery, she'd have to pay her attorney for at least the civil suit, the judgment would fuck up her credit, which means she'd have a difficult time getting another job ...

Damn, you're ignorant.
If I was the waitress he would have been wearing his leftovers out the door.


A) if true who gives a fuck.

B) how the fuck do you know the man was a "wealthy banker"

C) this smells of bullshit..

Oh and if it matters a black family left me a $5.00 tip years ago when I was a server on a $290.00 check, then they tried to get their meal for free on top of that because the steak wasn't cooked to their liking (like it was my fucking fault the illegal alien cooks fucked up).

Not to mention the MAJORITY of restaurants (at least around here) automatically charge a 15 (and sometimes) 20% gratuity...

Oh and maybe the waitress in this case was just a bitch. Ever think about that???

Maybe she was just being an asshole because she has a misguided vendetta against she believes is the "enemy?"

I try to avoid restaurants that *automatically *add* on a gratuity cus then its not a tip its a restaurant charge and gives the server a reason NOT TO GIVE TIP TOP SERVICE CUS THEY ARE **ENTITLED ** to the tip .
i had a instance like that on a river cruise i took my wife on as a anniversary present .the server * if you could call her that totally screwed up the occasion

i complained to the head office got a 50% discount on another cruise it wasnt the same and i didnt get my fucking **service charge **back ....

I don't mind the mandatory gratuity.... I tip well unless the server is a total ass.

Serving is a difficult job (depending on the size of your section)... To make it worse a server can look like a total ass if the cook fucks the order up... The cooks never have to face the music, the servers do.
"mention the 99% in my boss' presence and feel his wrath. So proudly does he wear his 1% badge of honor that he tips exactly 1% every time he feels the server doesn't sufficiently bow down to his holiness."

DaGoose, I think you should write better fiction, maybe shave your legs too so you present better as a waitress
This is a hoax. People are quick to believe everything they see on the Internet.
It could have been a democrat. Didn't Hillary once not only refuse to leave a tip, but get up and walk out without paying at all.
here is the alleged receipt...

$133.54, multiplied by 1%, is $1.3354. Proper rounding dictates it be rounded up, to $1.34.

That is a clear photoshop..

Look at the 3's they're identical - so is the spacing.

That's not real...

You can clearly see the layering as well..
that's all certainly possible. However, I'm looking at the quality of the image overall. You ever see a more perfectly cropped, focused, lit, cell phone image? No flash over exposure. Shadows are perfect.

It's TOO perfect, IMHO.

It looks just too layered to me...

The biggest problem I have is - if real - why would anyone write such nonsense??

It seems like propaganda to me..

It could be "real" pic but phony receipt..
i have not idea if it's real or not. i'm just glad to know that if i ever need to have a photo expertly evaluated, i have a wealth of people here to rely on.
i have not idea if it's real or not. i'm just glad to know that if i ever need to have a photo expertly evaluated, i have a wealth of people here to rely on.

These days, especially in the digital era it's extremely difficult..

Sometimes chops are obvious, yet there are many people who are extremely talented and highly deceptive..
Tips are meant as a reward for good service.

When the service is poor there logically should be no tip as to leave any is to encourage poor job performance.

But leaving no tip may lead the offending wait-person (wow, I'm just dripping PC!) to believe that it may have been an oversight.

In this instance $1.33 may have been too generous. More like $0.01 would have been more appropriate. When service is poor the cost of the meal is irrelevant. It's the value of the worker's performance that's the issue.

But please don't glue the penny to the table.

You've never waited tables have you. Tips are the salary, they get paid lower than minimum wage and live off the tips.

The guy is a douche and will get his, karma is a bitch.

They can and should refuse him service the next time he tries to eat there and embarrass him extensively in front of the people he's trying to impress.
I just found a photo of the waitress


She's seems to be holding the receipt too
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