Banker’s Insulting Waitress Tip Incites Class Warfare Between the 1% and the 99%

Okay, maybe I'm just being stupid, but where is the math wrong? I'll go ahead and do this in advance since I probably missed something...


here is the alleged receipt...

$133.54, multiplied by 1%, is $1.3354. Proper rounding dictates it be rounded up, to $1.34.

That is a clear photoshop..

Look at the 3's they're identical - so is the spacing.

That's not real...

You can clearly see the layering as well..

This is coming from the resident photoshop expert. Just look at that avatar! Bravo! :clap2:
Tips are meant as a reward for good service.

When the service is poor there logically should be no tip as to leave any is to encourage poor job performance.

But leaving no tip may lead the offending wait-person (wow, I'm just dripping PC!) to believe that it may have been an oversight.

In this instance $1.33 may have been too generous. More like $0.01 would have been more appropriate. When service is poor the cost of the meal is irrelevant. It's the value of the worker's performance that's the issue.

But please don't glue the penny to the table.

You've never waited tables have you. Tips are the salary, they get paid lower than minimum wage and live off the tips.

The guy is a douche and will get his, karma is a bitch.

They can and should refuse him service the next time he tries to eat there and embarrass him extensively in front of the people he's trying to impress.

If this is true, then for whatever reason this customer found the service so underwhelming that he wrote the note. Meaning that the restaurant lost a customer. It is never A customer that's lost. For every individual customer that decides the business isn't worth patronizing, it's five more customers lost because people do share information about restaurants with bad food and/or bad service.
If this is real, and if it happened as depicted, the guy who posted this is not going to work for Mr.1% very much longer.
If this is true, then for whatever reason this customer found the service so underwhelming that he wrote the note. Meaning that the restaurant lost a customer. It is never A customer that's lost. For every individual customer that decides the business isn't worth patronizing, it's five more customers lost because people do share information about restaurants with bad food and/or bad service.

Couldn't the guy just have been a giant douche, in general? Maybe he never did this before. Maybe he always does it. Who the fuck knows?
If this is real, and if it happened as depicted, the guy who posted this is not going to work for Mr.1% very much longer.

From the OP link......

The picture of the receipt was taken and uploaded to the blog Future Ex-Banker by a person who was dining with the anonymous banker
If this is real, and if it happened as depicted, the guy who posted this is not going to work for Mr.1% very much longer.

From the OP link......

The picture of the receipt was taken and uploaded to the blog Future Ex-Banker by a person who was dining with the anonymous banker

Right. He also called him 'boss'. So he knows he's not long for that job, assuming this is all legit.
If this is true, then for whatever reason this customer found the service so underwhelming that he wrote the note. Meaning that the restaurant lost a customer. It is never A customer that's lost. For every individual customer that decides the business isn't worth patronizing, it's five more customers lost because people do share information about restaurants with bad food and/or bad service.

Couldn't the guy just have been a giant douche, in general? Maybe he never did this before. Maybe he always does it. Who the fuck knows?

It sounds like he did. From the OP link..........

So proudly does he wear his 1% badge of honor that he tips exactly 1% every time he feels the server doesn't sufficiently bow down to his holiness."
If this is real, and if it happened as depicted, the guy who posted this is not going to work for Mr.1% very much longer.

From the OP link......

The picture of the receipt was taken and uploaded to the blog Future Ex-Banker by a person who was dining with the anonymous banker

Right. He also called him 'boss'. So he knows he's not long for that job, assuming this is all legit.

And I agree that this is a pretty big assumption.
Tips are meant as a reward for good service.

When the service is poor there logically should be no tip as to leave any is to encourage poor job performance.

But leaving no tip may lead the offending wait-person (wow, I'm just dripping PC!) to believe that it may have been an oversight.

In this instance $1.33 may have been too generous. More like $0.01 would have been more appropriate. When service is poor the cost of the meal is irrelevant. It's the value of the worker's performance that's the issue.

But please don't glue the penny to the table.
The service may depend on the kitchen staff, manager or others, If she ignored them, or brought out the wrong order, and doesn't correct the behavior, tell management. Leaving a tiny tip exhibits stinginess, nothing more.
here is the alleged receipt...

$133.54, multiplied by 1%, is $1.3354. Proper rounding dictates it be rounded up, to $1.34.

That is a clear photoshop..

Look at the 3's they're identical - so is the spacing.

That's not real...

You can clearly see the layering as well..

This is coming from the resident photoshop expert. Just look at that avatar! Bravo! :clap2:

That avatar is circa 2004/05...

So that was many moons ago......

I should create a new avatar, however I deleted my Photoshop because it took up too much space on my HD - not to mention I have a new computer anyways but have little desire to Photoshop anything.

When the economy was better I used to do all sorts of advertisements for businesses and stuff. I used to do album covers as well, "in house" advertising... I'm pretty damn sure I invented the idea of in house advertising (bar specials being played on the TV in a bar)...
That is a clear photoshop..

Look at the 3's they're identical - so is the spacing.

That's not real...

You can clearly see the layering as well..

This is coming from the resident photoshop expert. Just look at that avatar! Bravo! :clap2:

That avatar is circa 2004/05...

So that was many moons ago......

I should create a new avatar, however I deleted my Photoshop because it took up too much space on my HD - not to mention I have a new computer anyways but have little desire to Photoshop anything.

When the economy was better I used to do all sorts of advertisements for businesses and stuff. I used to do album covers as well, "in house" advertising... I'm pretty damn sure I invented the idea of in house advertising (bar specials being played on the TV in a bar)...

Yeah I know and you produce some dope ass music.....I know about your talents already. I'm still amazed by those amazing photoshop skills.
As a waiter, working my way through school, I made 2.01 per hour plus tips. However the house required the waitstaff to pay up to 4% of their sales in Tip-pool to pay for the hostesses, bartenders and bus boys. I hear it's even higher now.

Without knowing more of the story it's hard to form an opinion here. Did the customer complain to the management about the level of service?

Okay I finally read it. Still not enough info but it sounds like the banker is just an asshole. Waited on plenty of them......Just take it in lugies (althought it was tempting).

humm, did African Americans tip you well?
I told you it looked too perfect...

Sorry, The Restaurant Receipt Left By That Nasty, Rich Banker Is A Photoshop Hoax
The restaurant receipt that a California banker purportedly used to denigrate a waitress--while also leaving her a one percent tip--was wildly “altered and exaggerated,” according to a spokesperson for the Newport Beach restaurant where the businessman supposedly dined earlier this month.

...and Mr. Nick saw the Photoshop...
In fact, a spokesperson for True Food Kitchen in Newport Beach told TSG that the eatery was able to locate the actual “merchant copy” of the February 16 credit card receipt and it reveals that the online version has been Photoshopped.

In response to e-mailed questions, spokesperson Jami Reagan reported that the original receipt does not contain the notation “Get A Real Job.” Nor does it have an arrow pointing to those words from the “Tip” line.

The amount on the actual receipt is $33.54, Reagan said, not $133.54 as seen on the altered receipt. And while the tip on the online receipt claims that the server was left $1.33 (or one percent of the bill), the actual tip was more than $7 on the $33.54 tab.
:lol: you're class warfare panties are showing.....:lol:

if you had hit me with leftovers I would have sued you for the dry cleaning bill and the ole Liberal weenie stand by- 'emotional distress' to make sure you eat kat food the rest of your life ( or you could just lives for years on the food stuck in that nasty beard).....
nyah nyah nyah....

Your post is nonsense. If someone is working as a waitress, she doesn't have anything to lose in a lawsuit. You can sue all you want, and she'll laugh at you. And then her boyfriend will catch your ass somewhere private, and whip you like a rented mule. Welcome to reality.
Let's see, she'd lose her job, she'd get hit with some criminal charges relating to assault and battery, she'd have to pay her attorney for at least the civil suit, the judgment would fuck up her credit, which means she'd have a difficult time getting another job ...

Damn, you're ignorant.[/QUOTE[/U]

Und der Katze sagt:

Oh, yeah, let's see: She MIGHT lose her job. Probably not, if she worked at the truck stop. She'd get a round of applause. A&B? Possibly. On the other hand, Mr. Asshole might not want to go to court, and be laughed at. And six people would show up as witnesses, to swear that Mr. Asshole provoked the waitress. Civil suit? Another case of more trouble than what it's worth. Besides, somebody (perhaps me) would defend her PRO BONO, and drag the case out for years. And Mr. Asshole would be paying his high-priced lawyer for all of those years. Fucked up credit? When you're at the low end of the socio-economic scale, BUNKY, you don't have any credit. And she could get another job the same day at another restaurant. Damn, but you're a dumb son of a bitch! How have you managed to stay alive all these years? Oh, well. Live long and prosper.
I told you it looked too perfect...

Sorry, The Restaurant Receipt Left By That Nasty, Rich Banker Is A Photoshop Hoax
The restaurant receipt that a California banker purportedly used to denigrate a waitress--while also leaving her a one percent tip--was wildly “altered and exaggerated,” according to a spokesperson for the Newport Beach restaurant where the businessman supposedly dined earlier this month.

...and Mr. Nick saw the Photoshop...
In fact, a spokesperson for True Food Kitchen in Newport Beach told TSG that the eatery was able to locate the actual “merchant copy” of the February 16 credit card receipt and it reveals that the online version has been Photoshopped.

In response to e-mailed questions, spokesperson Jami Reagan reported that the original receipt does not contain the notation “Get A Real Job.” Nor does it have an arrow pointing to those words from the “Tip” line.

The amount on the actual receipt is $33.54, Reagan said, not $133.54 as seen on the altered receipt. And while the tip on the online receipt claims that the server was left $1.33 (or one percent of the bill), the actual tip was more than $7 on the $33.54 tab.

It made a good story though. Thanks for checking it out and exposing it. :clap2:
I told you it looked too perfect...

Sorry, The Restaurant Receipt Left By That Nasty, Rich Banker Is A Photoshop Hoax
The restaurant receipt that a California banker purportedly used to denigrate a waitress--while also leaving her a one percent tip--was wildly “altered and exaggerated,” according to a spokesperson for the Newport Beach restaurant where the businessman supposedly dined earlier this month.

...and Mr. Nick saw the Photoshop...

In response to e-mailed questions, spokesperson Jami Reagan reported that the original receipt does not contain the notation “Get A Real Job.” Nor does it have an arrow pointing to those words from the “Tip” line.

The amount on the actual receipt is $33.54, Reagan said, not $133.54 as seen on the altered receipt. And while the tip on the online receipt claims that the server was left $1.33 (or one percent of the bill), the actual tip was more than $7 on the $33.54 tab.

It made a good story though. Thanks for checking it out and exposing it. :clap2:

The picture exposed it.

(see what I did there?)
you gotta be really stupid to try to pull this off. did they really think that the restaurant or credit card processing company didn't have the original processed amounts for such a current transaction? some people are really dumb.
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