Bannon audio surfaces: trump "is just going to say he's a winner."

By the time the hearings are finished...trump will be so damaged he will be a liability for the repubs.

Of course.

This is the purpose of the hearings.

Thank you for admitting it, Stalinist Pig.

Nancy Pelosi is ready to squirt more Kool Aid in your face.

If he announced he will run in 2024...the repubs will go nuts. They either hand him the nomination or he makes life HELL for the repub party.

They know it but are too cowardly to do anything about it. They will get what they deserve.

Too cowardly. Yes, we've heard that before. In other contexts as well.

Son, you're talking to the people who saved the world from fascism, THREE TIMES.

Let me explain how this works.

We don't get provoked by insignificant dumbass leftards who like to bleat about Trump on the internet.

We have actual combat experience, and Sun Tzu is still required reading in every combat school in the country.

We are not concerned with cheating in elections. That's been going for 200 years and it'll go in for the next 200. Lots of eyes are on it. That problem will resolve itself eventually, to the degree that people demand it.

We are VERY concerned with the unequal application of the law, which is an egregious violation of the Constitution at it's MOST basic level. That kind of fucktardry will not be allowed, AT ALL. We are at this moment ejecting leftard DA's all over the country, on both coasts and in the middle. It is a concerted, focused effort and it will be amplified in the weeks and months before the election.

The Democratic party machine shot itself in the foot, they're vulnerable and we have them nailed dead to rights on several issues that are SO disgusting that no one will pay attention to Trump anymore.

That's why the righties are letting you run with the Trump thing for the moment. They're giving you rope. Enough rope to hang yourselves ten times over
You know something, you're pretty damn stupid.

Try, concerned Patriots focused like a laser.

I told you mister, the Stalinists are leaving town. You can bleat about Trump all you want, I just don't care. I care about solving problems, not beating a dead horse.

Yeah, bozo brain, people like you are JUST NOW starting to realize this is serious. VERY damn serious.

I'll tell you what - no one's going to war for Donald Trump. No one cares, no one cares that much, about Trump.

But we WILL fight to get rid of Stalinists. That we will do.

And YOU dumbass motherfuckers will think it's all about Trump, which makes you pretty much the dumbest political fruitcakes in the last 700 years.

it is sort of cute how anyone that does not think Trump won the election is a Stalinists, yet then you say it is not about Trump.

You are just a barrel of monkeys
it is sort of cute how anyone that does not think Trump won the election is a Stalinists, yet then you say it is not about Trump.

You are just a barrel of monkeys
They just spit out words -- Stalinist, Marxist, Communist -- that they think make them sound informed.

Trumpster Tourette's.
it is sort of cute how anyone that does not think Trump won the election is a Stalinists,

No, the Stalinists are Stalinists.

Ever heard of a Venn diagram? Look it up.

yet then you say it is not about Trump.

That is correct. It's not about Trump.

You are just a barrel of monkeys

Thank you. I don't suppose you realize that was a tremendous compliment. Because my monkeys are ... well, you'll find out.
No, the Stalinists are Stalinists.

Ever heard of a Venn diagram? Look it up.

That is correct. It's not about Trump.

Thank you. I don't suppose you realize that was a tremendous compliment. Because my monkeys are ... well, you'll find out.

I am glad you took it as a compliment, because it is true, you are a lot of fun. Your new twist to parroting the same old party talking points is refreshing.
Kids today do not know what they are missing

This might surprise you, or even delight you :) They LOVE, and I mean LOVE, the games and toys we grew up with. Yeah. In my job I have a lot of leeway to play singing circle games (see avatar) and I teach them and make a lot of time for them because (insert a book here)....

Anyway, my students up to fifth grade, taller and bigger than me, beg to play these games we taught each other on the playground. And any simple toys I can put in their hands that are not devices...they are all over it.

They're KIDS in other words and they are begging for their childhood. It makes my job often delightful in ways it wasn't before the smartphone. :)
The 72-page report is signed by retired federal appeals court judges Thomas B. Griffith, J. Michael Luttig ...former Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson, Senators John Danforth and Gordon H. Smith, longtime Republican election lawyer Benjamin L. Ginsberg.........
I have scanned this report. Will do a deeper dive over the weekend. What I've seen so far has been interesting. The Election Denier scheme is a fake that has sadly suckered the TDS'rs....Trump's Duped & Snookered.

For those who are interested you can download it here:

Sure, if you count the fraudulent votes.

Good poster Lenny, do this: See the link above? Go read that report.
It may make you seem a tad more credible on this venue. You may be taken seriously a tad more.
Your friend, C.


Trumpster Tourette's.

Now that is funny!!
A hat-tip. :thup:
This might surprise you, or even delight you :) They LOVE, and I mean LOVE, the games and toys we grew up with. Yeah. In my job I have a lot of leeway to play singing circle games (see avatar) and I teach them and make a lot of time for them because (insert a book here)....

Anyway, my students up to fifth grade, taller and bigger than me, beg to play these games we taught each other on the playground. And any simple toys I can put in their hands that are not devices...they are all over it.

They're KIDS in other words and they are begging for their childhood. It makes my job often delightful in ways it wasn't before the smartphone. :)

It does indeed delight me!

I am glad you took it as a compliment, because it is true, you are a lot of fun. Your new twist to parroting the same old party talking points is refreshing.

Well, if you say it's a new twist, then I guess my bosses are getting their money's worth. :p

I keep telling you, I'm an analyst. I'm not trying to be clever, there's a reason for the things I say.

See, this is like a Hatfield waltzing into the McCoy ranch and finally telling them the truth after 50 years of accusations. It doesn't matter WHAT Hatfield says, it won't be perceived as the truth.

So my best strategy is to be perfectly honest, that way I get accurate input. And sure, I say things from my own perspective too, I have a security background so I say stuff about that - and I can (and do) back up every word of it - but I use it for elicitation, not to be clever.

See, in politics, how you respond to things matters. And, in human institutions, which is what our political parties are, the response is broad, that is to say, Maxine Waters can be encouraging violence at the same time Biden is talking about peace and calm. Good politicians are like good actors, and if the director says "I need a stalking horse" then by golly the actor's going to say "I know how to do that".
Well, if you say it's a new twist, then I guess my bosses are getting their money's worth.

It is refreshing to see you admit you are being paid to post your junk. Most of us are just here for the entertainment value.

I keep telling you, I'm an analyst. I'm not trying to be clever, there's a reason for the things I say.

Cool, me too. But unlike you I go where the data leads instead of trying to make the data fit my preconceived notions.

See, this is like a Hatfield waltzing into the McCoy ranch and finally telling them the truth after 50 years of accusations. It doesn't matter WHAT Hatfield says, it won't be perceived as the truth.

The problem with this analogy is that you are a Hatfield in a Hatfield forum. What you post is not much different than what 75% of the people on here post.

So my best strategy is to be perfectly honest, that way I get accurate input. And sure, I say things from my own perspective too, I have a security background so I say stuff about that - and I can (and do) back up every word of it - but I use it for elicitation, not to be clever.

Yet, I have as yet to see you back up a single claim you make. Weird.
It is refreshing to see you admit you are being paid to post your junk. Most of us are just here for the entertainment value.

Oh, me too. This is very entertaining

Cool, me too. But unlike you I go where the data leads instead of trying to make the data fit my preconceived notions.

Says the one who's already convinced himself everything's a conspiracy.

The problem with this analogy is that you are a Hatfield in a Hatfield forum. What you post is not much different than what 75% of the people on here post.

That makes it wrong?

Yet, I have as yet to see you back up a single claim you make. Weird.

Yeah. Weird you haven't seen that. Since I do it every day.

But it's not my job to fill the gaps in your understanding, nor am I responsible for your ignorance. You can believe whatever you want, I'm not here to change your mind.

*caps for emphasis only.

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