Bannon audio surfaces: trump "is just going to say he's a winner."

Meanwhile...speaking of Trump and trying to overturn the election........

Remember how WH officials were wondering why the Overstock CEO guy was in the room with Trump on the night before January 6th??

Well now we know it is because of the magical Russian pussy of Maria Butina.....even had the guy funneling money to her and everything...

Which is odd because she was also fucking Trump's wanna-be former campaign advisor Paul Erickson...the guy he had to later pardon for committing 1.2 million dollars in financial fraud....He is also the same guy who tried to approach the Trump campaign with setting up meetings with Russian officials....

She damn near put the NRA out of business........she is impressive....

Yeah, that's about the depth of how far I imagined your intellect goes. . . .

Trump was warned about the "Red Mirage". Bannon is talking about how they were going to take advantage of that mirage to create chaos.

What a pack of fucking assholes.
Provide me a link that this is what he was talking about. . . A link from Bannon's own talk show, own writing, admitting such.
Meanwhile...speaking of Trump and trying to overturn the election........

Remember how WH officials were wondering why the Overstock CEO guy was in the room with Trump on the night before January 6th??

Well now we know it is because of the magical Russian pussy of Maria Butina.....even had the guy funneling money to her and everything...

Which is odd because she was also fucking Trump's wanna-be former campaign advisor Paul Erickson...the guy he had to later pardon for committing 1.2 million dollars in financial fraud....He is also the same guy who tried to approach the Trump campaign with setting up meetings with Russian officials....

She damn near put the NRA out of business........she is impressive....

Can't shake a tree near Trump without a Russian falling out...
based on what, your feelings??

You do understand that civilian overseas vote the same way those in the military vote? As in, the exact same way...are you claiming that if you are not in a uniform, that vote isn't as "secure" as a solider voting the same exact way??

Maybe this is your military worship speaking more than any knowledge of were already corrected once on here about that....quit while you are ahead...
Without searching it I will guess that overseas ballots are s tiny percentage of the votes in a national election

The meat and potatoes of election fraud is domestic
Do you think forging fake election certificates and cooking up a scheme to send in fake electors to try to overturn an election is cheating??

Or do you think anything Republicans do is justified as long as you believe in your imagination that Democrats are doing it too if not worse?

I bet you told someone "facts don't care about your feelings" before without any self awareness...
All forms of cheating by either side is wrong

But repubs are lousy at it and easily caught
And, just as a gentle reminder...

WASHINGTON, July 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- After reviewing every claim of fraud and irregularities brought by Donald Trump and his supporters in all 64 cases challenging the 2020 election, a group of notable conservatives has reached the "unequivocal" conclusion that Trump's claims of election fraud are unsupported by evidence.

The group also examined all post-election reviews and audits in six battleground states. "Donald Trump and his supporters had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their case," Lost, Not Stolen: The Conservative Case Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election states.

The 72-page report is signed by retired federal appeals court judges Thomas B. Griffith, J. Michael Luttig and Michael W. McConnell, former Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson, Senators John Danforth and Gordon H. Smith, longtime Republican election lawyer Benjamin L. Ginsberg and veteran Republican congressional chief of staff David Hoppe.

Each has worked in Republican politics, been appointed to office by Republicans, or is otherwise associated with the GOP. Several have worked as Republican poll workers or assisted in election day operations monitoring voting. None has shifted to the Democratic Party.

Stop pretending like you didn’t have a picture of Obama hanging in your living room.

It’s fairly obvious.

I don't...

In fact, you don't have to fantasize about what is in my living room....

You are more than welcome to find a single comment or post on this message board where I called Obama God, savior, or anything remotely close to the sycophancy you morons display, daily...

Or do you think me constantly reminding you goofy muthafuckas how a guy wearing a tan suit made yall act like it was a national crisis?? Because I won't stop doing that....

O_.008.obma  (166).jpg

Or how you clutched your pearls about "Obama's crimes" even tho he had zero indictments in 8 years -- but Trump racking over 90 indictments in a span of months, that's, I won't stop reminding you of that either...neither will history...
O_.008.obma (4).jpg
And, just as a gentle reminder...

WASHINGTON, July 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- After reviewing every claim of fraud and irregularities brought by Donald Trump and his supporters in all 64 cases challenging the 2020 election, a group of notable conservatives has reached the "unequivocal" conclusion that Trump's claims of election fraud are unsupported by evidence.

The group also examined all post-election reviews and audits in six battleground states. "Donald Trump and his supporters had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their case," Lost, Not Stolen: The Conservative Case Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election states.

The 72-page report is signed by retired federal appeals court judges Thomas B. Griffith, J. Michael Luttig and Michael W. McConnell, former Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson, Senators John Danforth and Gordon H. Smith, longtime Republican election lawyer Benjamin L. Ginsberg and veteran Republican congressional chief of staff David Hoppe.

Each has worked in Republican politics, been appointed to office by Republicans, or is otherwise associated with the GOP. Several have worked as Republican poll workers or assisted in election day operations monitoring voting. None has shifted to the Democratic Party.
I saw this and I can tell you that the Trumper reaction will be:

"Fake news, the report was done by RINOS, blah blah blah blah, cult"
No but I’m sure you can
So what you are saying is...

Republicans are lousy at cheating and that is why they are easily caught -- but you can't give a single of example of them how do you know they are easily caught??

But you also claim that Democrats are so good at cheating that they are not caught...... even tho according to your cult leader, the Democrats were which is it??

Do you ever stop to wonder how bad your arguments will be in any other realm??

Let's take sports for instance.....let's say you worshiped the Cincinnati Bengals..and even tho they lost the Super claim they really won because the other team cheated..and your proof that they cheated is that they didn't get caught cheating....sports fans will call you a moron.....the same applies to politics...
First, we should go back and understand what is the criteria for impeachment...."poor responses to everything" isn't one of them.....

Second...if you were really so certain that Biden needs to be impeached -- you wouldn't hesitate just because you hate Kamala more....

It's ok to admit you are full of shit bro...
Did the gist of my post escape you? My point was that I don't desire to impeach ANYONE if the result is a President Kamala Harris! She's almost as much of an idiot as Biden is and she's not senile.
Lefties always take every comment they dont like literally…but expect you to. Read the “ nuances” of lefty speak when the shoes is on the other foot. Such dishonest hacks they are.
Did the gist of my post escape you? My point was that I don't desire to impeach ANYONE if the result is a President Kamala Harris!
Did you ignore the fact that the party you cheerlead for is peddling outrage to morons like you by talking about impeaching Biden??

I mean GOP candidates are campaigning on impeaching Biden -- as if that plays well with the base of something...this moron was even talking about impeaching biden and Kamala, because why dumb asses won't mind being lied to....

Would this be the point where I point out that there is no reason to rehash the past when what's happening right now is so bad? I could care less about the last election because I'm realistic enough to know that election fraud is almost impossible to prove in numbers large enough to invalidate an election. My focus right now is to make sure that Democrats are removed from power so that they can no longer damage the country. That has nothing to do with Trump or Biden. It's simple common sense at this point. Two years of progressive policies have turned the US into a mess. I could care less if Trump returns to the White House as long as his policies...policies that worked are reinstated.
Obama used the FBI--once again, the president's new personal goon squad--to spy on Trump. And we're just supposed to say, oh hey this is cool, this is wonderful. We duly elected this guy but the Elites hate him, so us little people, we'll just take what we can get.

Are you for real? Buzz off.

By the time the hearings are finished...trump will be so damaged he will be a liability for the repubs. If he announced he will run in 2024...the repubs will go nuts. They either hand him the nomination or he makes life HELL for the repub party.

They know it but are too cowardly to do anything about it. They will get what they deserve.
“Donald Trump really hates the January 6 committee. Or, put another way, the former President cares – deeply – about the committee. He is obsessed – and can’t help himself. And that obsession is getting Trump into situations that could make his current problems surrounding January 6 even worse.

Witness Trump’s decision to place a call to a former White House staffer who was in contact with the committee.”

Trump is his own worst enemy – Trump is reckless, irresponsible, impulsive, and thoughtless; wholly unfit to hold any public office.
The Trump cult is a criminal conspiracy.

Everyone outside the cult already knew this.

But but but snowflake!


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