Bannon audio surfaces: trump "is just going to say he's a winner."

I heard the tape and I'm listening thinking: 20 years ago I would have been appalled. I would have said all the things you want me to say. And more.

Now? After Hillary? After the way you all tried to destroy Trump the entire time he was in office, Mac? Russian Collusion? Two impeachments? The pee tape? All of that.

Cry a river. Let it burn.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.
I dont like it

But we dont do that in my state

Btw, do sny of those states still elect republicans?
I don't know if they ever did, or do now..... Republicans have an equal chance to vote, as do democrats

I've voted no excuse, absentee ballot, for more than 2 decades, and LOVE IT!

I love getting my ballot ahead of time, and getting the time at my leisure, to evaluate the contestants and referendum questions
Ok, you are correct about that

But the odds of fake ballots being counted is almost nil

If absentee ballots were outlawed is bad for the military but that psles beside stolen elections
You want to disenfrancise the military?
The Trump camp broke into two groups...the ones that didn't believe that election fraud could ever be proven and advised conceding the election and ones that thought they could prove voter fraud and advised using every legal strategy they could to fight Biden being certified.

That doesn't make the second group "insurrectionists" by the way! It simply means they weren't realistic.
They were NUTS who signed on and were given prominence BECAUSE they dishonestly claimed the election was stolen
So which is it:

Do these rubes STILL believe the election was rigged, even after hearing this?

Or do they not care, and are just using the "rigged" thing as an excuse to rip it all down, as Bannon has made clear he intends to do?
More so than in civilian voting districts
based on what, your feelings??

You do understand that civilian overseas vote the same way those in the military vote? As in, the exact same way...are you claiming that if you are not in a uniform, that vote isn't as "secure" as a solider voting the same exact way??

Maybe this is your military worship speaking more than any knowledge of were already corrected once on here about that....quit while you are ahead...
So which is it:

Do these rubes STILL believe the election was rigged, even after hearing this?

Or do they not care, and are just using the "rigged" thing as an excuse to rip it all down, as Bannon has made clear he intends to do?
We have moved on to how counting votes in the day time is good and counting votes at night time is evil....
based on what, your feelings??

You do understand that civilian overseas vote the same way those in the military vote? As in, the exact same way...are you claiming that if you are not in a uniform, that vote isn't as "secure" as a solider voting the same exact way??

Maybe this is your military worship speaking more than any knowledge of were already corrected once on here about that....quit while you are ahead...
You might as well try to pin down a pile of snot.
Trump was warned about the "Red Mirage". Bannon is talking about how they were going to take advantage of that mirage to create chaos.

What a pack of fucking assholes.
My guess is that Trump saw the trends in the late polls were directly opposite to the trends away from Hillary in 16, so and he doubled down on "they're stealing it ... don't vote mail in," because his brand name depends on him not being a "loser" at the game (and his supporters want to identify with a winner). And what might have been a very close election, wasn't close.

And now Trump is not only stuck with a narrative that only his faithful buy, but is factually being dismantled even more daily, and he's under pressure to run again ... at age 77, and if he won, he'd solidify his brand name for a generation for his kids, and possibly the history books are more important to him than them.
I just can't help thinking that this topic is in existence because Joe looks weak, helpless, old and frail in israel and middle east. he's shuffling cause he is unsure of his footing. this guy is on his last legs. How you gonna keep this charade up. Media won't touch it and they're glad he's out of the country because then they can take the focus off the devastation going on here. Is this what is going on hmm guys?? LOLOL
In theory perhaps

But democrats are the best cheaters ever
Do you think forging fake election certificates and cooking up a scheme to send in fake electors to try to overturn an election is cheating??

Or do you think anything Republicans do is justified as long as you believe in your imagination that Democrats are doing it too if not worse?

I bet you told someone "facts don't care about your feelings" before without any self awareness...
So which is it:

Do these rubes STILL believe the election was rigged, even after hearing this?

Or do they not care, and are just using the "rigged" thing as an excuse to rip it all down, as Bannon has made clear he intends to do?
It's very hard to admit one's been duped, conned.... Especially one and a half years in to the perpetrated scam, by a President they saw as savior and lord, figuratively speaking.

It would be hard for me to believe I was scammed by someone I respected, and for reasons unknown to me, they trusted and respected him. He knew that, and exploited them for his own devious use.

His helpers, should never hold office again, and do some time if found guilty. Just like all the president's men, under Nixon.

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