Bannon audio surfaces: trump "is just going to say he's a winner."

You folks have always been you understand that?
Conservatives have been angry for over 150 years.....

This isn't the first time Conservatives were so-called "fed up" and tried to stage an insurrection to maintain power...I can trace that back to 1898...and the Wilmington insurrection....don't know what that is? Oh..that is when Conservatives like yourself, was "fed up" and staged a coup..and was successful...

"Conservatives in North Carolina don’t often bring up the Wilmington Massacre. Even many of those North Carolinians who are now aware of it are still reluctant to talk about it. Those who do sometimes stumble over words like insurrection and riot.

"The Democrats and most white citizens of the State feared a return to the corrupt and financially devastating rule of Republicans as had been experienced during reconstruction in the late 1860s."

But wait, before you make the mistake of getting caught up on Democrats vs Republicans instead of CONSERVATIVES vs LIBERALS....there is more...

"That passage was written by Bernhard Thuersam, who is a former chair both of the Cape Fear Museum board, and of the state chapter of the League of the South; and it clearly identifies 19th-century Republicans as liberals or “radicals,” and in his writing often identifies 19th-century Democrats simply as “Conservatives.”

In other words, Conservatives were pissed that they lost this election and then claimed "voter fraud" in places where there were primarily black voters -- just like Conservatives do today -- just know that Conservatives made the same claims back then too...don't believe me, well how about this other "insurrection" -- when Conservatives were "fed up"

"A pitched battle took place in the streets of New Orleans on September 14, 1874. In it, the Democratic-Conservative White League attacked the Republican Metropolitan Police for control of the city and to put an end to Reconstruction in Louisiana. Although the White League inflicted a stunning defeat on the Metropolitans and forcibly deposed Governor William Pitt Kellogg, its victory proved short-lived. President Ulysses S. Grant ordered the army to reinstate Kellogg three days later."

So much like the other insurrection, this one also happened under the guise of "election fraud" and being pissed that too many black people voted against them -- and so they used violence to try to overturn election results because, they were "angry and fed up" --- you see the reason I often cite ACTUAL US HISTORY so much is because it often repeats itself...especially to folks like you who are dedicated to either suppressing that history or flat out lying about while you folks pretend shit is unprecedented, I know it isn't -- there is always a common thread with Conservatives and their so-called "anger" and it always ends up with them rejecting Democracy in favor of mob rule fascism when things don't go their way...
Don't forget that the Tories of the Revolutionary War were the con-servatives of their time.
"Here's the thing: After then, Trump never has to go to a voter again. He's done his last election. Oh, he's gonna be off the chain. He's gonna be crazy."

King, indeed.

Is this what you want, Trump voters? Is this what you've been after all along?
Was Bannon drunk? This war on the English language is painful.
Absolutely. Infact more so. Do you see anything from the FBI or media about selling influence to China by the Biden family being investigated?
Yes......for awhile.....

Now, a cult would be something like being all Anti-China in rhetoric and then rushing in Chinese trademarks and not saying anything about it, because, cult....

I think if Hunter is proven to have committed a crime, he should go to prison...if it is proven that his father helped him commit the crime, he too should go to prison......only Trumpers have this issue with not wanting their so-called leaders held accountable if that leader is the one they worship...
Don't forget that the Tories of the Revolutionary War were the con-servatives of their time.
I often have to make this point with today's republican when they say "but but the Democrats" every time history is brought up.....

And it is mainly because if you study history, you will see that Conservatives have been against every emancipation or Civil Rights movement in history....going from the brutalization of Native Americans, to black folks, to women, to gays, etc.....
I heard the tape and I'm listening thinking: 20 years ago I would have been appalled. I would have said all the things you want me to say. And more.

Now? After Hillary? After the way you all tried to destroy Trump the entire time he was in office, Mac? Russian Collusion? Two impeachments? The pee tape? All of that.

Cry a river. Let it burn.
So you are saying he is justified in cheating and in trying to overthrow an election.

Just like Mac said. You dug into your bag of tricks until you found a way to square it.
Are you unaware of the total rot and corruption that exists in DC? Do you honestly think we have a system that does not exist solely for its own benefit there? And you expect us to be inflamed about what Bannon said about a guy who's been out of office for nearly two years?

Eyes on the prize Mac. That ain't it.
"the total rot and corruption"......such as?
Name the court case where evidence the election was stolen -- was successfully proven?

I mean, Trump raised over 250 million promising he would use it to prove election fraud -- why is it that he didn't spend a single dime on proving it??

Oh i know why, he doesn't have to prove anything to a cult member.....his existence is proof enough for undying blind worship....

But you know what I really think it is? I think you folks parrot the big lie for 2, just because you think it will piss off people who care about reality...and 2, because folks like you are so weak in character, that NOT admitting you were wrong about something, and a liberal was right -- is worth you looking like a moron...
Spot on
I know this won't matter, which is just mind-blowing, but here goes. The recording is only about 90 seconds.

To no surprise, it was planned all along that Trump would claim the election was rigged if he lost. And that's exactly what has happened. He even admits here that they knew the Dem vote totals would explode overnight because more of them voted by mail and those votes were counted last.

This is a con, and it was ready to go before the election even took place.

"What Trump is gonna do, is he's gonna declare victory. But that doesn't mean he's a winner. He's just gonna say he's a winner. The Democrats -- more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're gonna have a natural disadvantage, and Trump's gonna take advantage of it. That's our strategy.

"I'm the winner. I'm the King".

There it is. Absolute lies and absolute chaos. Ready to go, planned in advance, from a guy who admits he wants to bring down the system. Thoughts? Am I right, does this not matter?

And you still have NOTHING....
I didnt mention military absentee voting at all

Its very tightly controlled where a service member requests a ballot from the unit voting officer, fills it out, and returns it to the voting officer to be mailed

There is little chance of fraud unless the voting officer is a democrat who is willing to risk his career
I was a squadron voting officer......"very tightly con-trolled"? :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:
Yes......for awhile.....

Now, a cult would be something like being all Anti-China in rhetoric and then rushing in Chinese trademarks and not saying anything about it, because, cult....

I think if Hunter is proven to have committed a crime, he should go to prison...if it is proven that his father helped him commit the crime, he too should go to prison......only Trumpers have this issue with not wanting their so-called leaders held accountable if that leader is the one they worship...
The media has been calling the Hunter Biden stuff conspiracy theories and ignoring it.

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