Bannon audio surfaces: trump "is just going to say he's a winner."

Your president paying for his crackhead pedophile son to bang Russian hookers and launder money in Ukraine and China. That's one out of thousands.
I personally don't care if someone does drugs and have sex with hookers since I am not an uptight prude....

However, if Hunter committed crimes in the process -- deeper than drugs and hookers -- I think he should go to jail....
Trump said that COVID was going to go away in the spring of 2020. It didn't. Trump was constantly saying COVID would go away by itself, and as the election approached, COVID clearly wasn't going away.

People were clearly tired of Trumps poor response to COVID, and motivated to make a change.
Here's the thing, Postman. Nobody knew what was ahead of us with Covid at it's early stages. I can show you statements by Democrats across the board from Nancy Pelosi to Andrew Cuomo that Covid wasn't going to be something to be concerned about. Trump was no different.

Joe Biden on the other hand got to watch how Covid was being addressed...was given the vaccines and the ventilators that Trump pushed through in record time...and he declared that he would "shut down" the virus! Yet under Biden more Americans have died from Covid than died under Trump. So who REALLY had a poor response to Covid?
Here's the thing, Postman. Nobody knew what was ahead of us with Covid at it's early stages. I can show you statements by Democrats across the board from Nancy Pelosi to Andrew Cuomo that Covid wasn't going to be something to be concerned about. Trump was no different.

Joe Biden on the other hand got to watch how Covid was being addressed...was given the vaccines and the ventilators that Trump pushed through in record time...and he declared that he would "shut down" the virus! Yet under Biden more Americans have died from Covid than died under Trump. So who REALLY had a poor response to Covid?
Yes, Biden had the worst response.....

He should be impeached for it....what do you think? you think when Republicans retake the house, they will impeach Biden for a poor COVID response?? or are we sticking with impeaching him for inflation right now??
If there is one thing that the Jan 6 hearing has shown it's that THAT statement is bullshit. The only people in the Trump camp who "thought" that were the creatures from the Star Wars Bar Scene like Roody and the Krazy Kraken Lady

It's only there because Trump keeps shoveling that compost...but that's all it is
The Trump camp broke into two groups...the ones that didn't believe that election fraud could ever be proven and advised conceding the election and ones that thought they could prove voter fraud and advised using every legal strategy they could to fight Biden being certified.

That doesn't make the second group "insurrectionists" by the way! It simply means they weren't realistic.
What Republicans have to remember is while Joe Biden definitely is a child molesting pervert who feels all over little girls and can't remember what day it is, he did do better in the debates leading up to the election during the dempanic. Had Trump done better, I think he'd have it.

But I'm not worried, we got November 22 and 24. It's over for the dems. 9.1% inflation put Reagan in the white house for 8 years.
Yes, Biden had the worst response.....

He should be impeached for it....what do you think? you think when Republicans retake the house, they will impeach Biden for a poor COVID response?? or are we sticking with impeaching him for inflation right now??

He could be impeached for:

1. Failing to secure the US border
2. Failing to secure the US supply of oil, making us have to beg our enemies for oil.
3. Selling our strategic oil reserves to the Chinese, a company tied directly to his son, Hunter. This is treason.
4. Spending 75 BILLION DOLLARS of our taxpayer money on a proxy war with Russia of which none of these handouts were debated in congress.

There are so many reasons to hang that fucking child molesting pervert.
What Republicans have to remember is while Joe Biden definitely is a child molesting pervert who feels all over little girls and can't remember what day it is, he did do better in the debates leading up to the election during the dempanic. Had Trump done better, I think he'd have it.

But I'm not worried, we got November 22 and 24. It's over for the dems. 9.1% inflation put Reagan in the white house for 8 years.
That's actually a rare moment of honesty for a Trumper.

Power is all that matters. Nothing else.

We get it.
Here's the thing, Postman. Nobody knew what was ahead of us with Covid at it's early stages. I can show you statements by Democrats across the board from Nancy Pelosi to Andrew Cuomo that Covid wasn't going to be something to be concerned about. Trump was no different.

Joe Biden on the other hand got to watch how Covid was being addressed...was given the vaccines and the ventilators that Trump pushed through in record time...and he declared that he would "shut down" the virus! Yet under Biden more Americans have died from Covid than died under Trump. So who REALLY had a poor response to Covid?
Democrats across the board from Nancy Pelosi to Andrew Cuomo that Covid wasn't going to be something to be concerned about. Trump was no different.

Here is the other thing with that....

Trump was in a position to know MUCH MORE ABOUT COVID than Pelosi and Schumer..and he still opted to lie about it....a lot......catastrophic lies that Trumpers today will rather laugh off or straight up ignore...

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But at least Biden isn't pretending to be an expert and spitballing goofy shit like conspiracy theories, etc.....If Trump had done the same, history would have been kinder to him with regards to his Covid response
Yes, Biden had the worst response.....

He should be impeached for it....what do you think? you think when Republicans retake the house, they will impeach Biden for a poor COVID response?? or are we sticking with impeaching him for inflation right now??
How can we impeach Biden for "poor responses" to basically EVERYTHING when having him step down burdens the nation with Kamala Harris who's proven to be almost as bad at her job as Biden is at his even though she's not senile...just inept! Why would anyone want that?
Trump said that COVID was going to go away in the spring of 2020. It didn't. Trump was constantly saying COVID would go away by itself, and as the election approached, COVID clearly wasn't going away.

People were clearly tired of Trumps poor response to COVID, and motivated to make a change.

The irony of that point is that, initially, things were the opposite. Trump had the right impulse out of the gate, and sought to close travel to China. Of course, he was lambasted by Dems who accused him of racism or whatever, and were actually pretty dismissive of the pandemic early on. But that wasn't why Trump changed his approach.

What triggered Trump was the press. Once the fear machine kicked into high gear, Trump followed his instincts and called bullshit on their panic. It was a reasonable gamble. He's made a career of going against the press, and given that they always freak out about shit like covid, and it's almost always nothing to worry about, he figured he could score political points by contradicting them. But it was a gamble Trump lost. And Trump doesn't like to lose. So, when the pandemic proved far more serious than he'd bet on, he went into denial mode. Kinda like he did with the election.

Trump is never wrong and he never loses. If it looks like he's wrong, or it looks like he's lost, it's a conspiracy. Duh.
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Democrats across the board from Nancy Pelosi to Andrew Cuomo that Covid wasn't going to be something to be concerned about. Trump was no different.

Here is the other thing with that....

Trump was in a position to know MUCH MORE ABOUT COVID than Pelosi and Schumer..and he still opted to lie about it....a lot......catastrophic lies that Trumpers today will rather laugh off or straight up ignore...

View attachment 670168
But at least Biden isn't pretending to be an expert and spitballing goofy shit like conspiracy theories, etc.....If Trump had done the same, history would have been kinder to him with regards to his Covid response
Biden declared over and over again that HE would "shut down" Covid! So what has he done since being elected? He's been as bad at Covid as he has been with immigration, with energy, with inflation, with foreign affairs!
Biden basically portrayed himself as an "expert" at politics and now we know without a doubt that he's an idiot at everything! My biggest question at this point is how did a moron like Biden sit in our Senate for the better part of forty years?
What Republicans have to remember is while Joe Biden definitely is a child molesting pervert who feels all over little girls and can't remember what day it is, he did do better in the debates leading up to the election during the dempanic. Had Trump done better, I think he'd have it.

But I'm not worried, we got November 22 and 24. It's over for the dems. 9.1% inflation put Reagan in the white house for 8 years.
"Joe Biden definitely is a child molesting pervert"'ve reported your evidence to the authorities, right?
He could be impeached for:

1. Failing to secure the US border
2. Failing to secure the US supply of oil, making us have to beg our enemies for oil.
3. Selling our strategic oil reserves to the Chinese, a company tied directly to his son, Hunter. This is treason.

There are so many reasons to hang that fucking child molesting pervert.
So you want him impeached for shit that occurred under Trump...are you sure??

Because, the border wasn't "secure" under Trump either...just because he demonized brown people like you wanted doesn't mean he secured the fact, Trump pardoned people who were in large part responsible for undocumented workers coming here....the employers.....did that bother you? Nope..

Failing to secure the US supply of oil? Are you claiming that under Trump, he nationalized our oil supply, when did that happen?? Because that would be um, socialism....

By the way, selling our strategic oil reserves to the Chinese didn't do understand that right?? Those oil companies you love so much sold oil to China, not Biden...The US government doesn't control where or who oil companies sell to....but you are more than welcome to nationalize our oil supply...but, I'd ask you .....why do you hate free market capitalism bro?

And how come you didn't hate it when Trump ramped up oil sales to China -- is it because a thing you whined about Biden doing is different when your cult leader does it??

Anyhoo, whatever complaints you have about it hasn't stopped gas prices from dropping for nearly 30 straight days...

How can we impeach Biden for "poor responses" to basically EVERYTHING when having him step down burdens the nation with Kamala Harris who's proven to be almost as bad at her job as Biden is at his even though she's not senile...just inept! Why would anyone want that?
First, we should go back and understand what is the criteria for impeachment...."poor responses to everything" isn't one of them.....

Second...if you were really so certain that Biden needs to be impeached -- you wouldn't hesitate just because you hate Kamala more....

It's ok to admit you are full of shit bro...
That's not how it's done since the Civil War.
Soldiers have to request their ballots from their local election board.

How to Vote Absentee in the Military

Fill out the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) and send it to your election office.
Ok, you are correct about that

But the odds of fake ballots being counted is almost nil

If absentee ballots were outlawed is bad for the military but that psles beside stolen elections

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