Baofeng UV5 radios, anyone use computer to program yours?


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2014
Off-grid Apache County, AZ
While these radios are cheap, they are useful and popular among ham operators. Probably one of the frustrating experiences is to try to program the darn thing with a computer. It seems like I get stuck downloading drivers and software from the slowest servers on the internet.
Anyone else use these little radios? Any tips ?
While these radios are cheap, they are useful and popular among ham operators. Probably one of the frustrating experiences is to try to program the darn thing with a computer. It seems like I get stuck downloading drivers and software from the slowest servers on the internet.
Anyone else use these little radios? Any tips ?
I have two Baofengs. I'm not sure what model they are but they are dual-band 2-meter/FMRS. I've been reading that it's not really legal to get these anymore and maybe not even to use them. The x-mit power is selectable 2w/5w. I do occasionally put it on low power and dial in one of the free radio frequencies that kid's walkie talkies use so I can communicate with my son when he's out and about.

I haven't used my computer to program my Baofengs. Mostly I use them for passive monitoring of the 2m band and for emergencies when a cellular is not an option.
I have two Baofengs. I'm not sure what model they are but they are dual-band 2-meter/FMRS. I've been reading that it's not really legal to get these anymore and maybe not even to use them. The x-mit power is selectable 2w/5w. I do occasionally put it on low power and dial in one of the free radio frequencies that kid's walkie talkies use so I can communicate with my son when he's out and about.

I haven't used my computer to program my Baofengs. Mostly I use them for passive monitoring of the 2m band and for emergencies when a cellular is not an option.
You are mistaken on many points.
First, these radios require an amateur radio license to transmit with. It is illegal to transmit with them on FMRS or GMRS frequencies as they are not FCC approved for that use on any power setting or frequency.
It is legal to listen with them on any frequency.
It is legal to sell or buy them in the USA.
There is an exception if life or property is threatened, any radio on any frequency can be used to call for help under those circumstances.
Using this radio on FMRS frequency to keep tabs on your kids is illegal. You probably won't get caught, but if you do the fines start at $1500 and go up from there.
As a licensed 'ham', if I make a radio from razor blades and welding rods I am legally able to use it on any frequency in my license range.
I recommend you get yourself an FMRS radio at Walmart to keep tabs on your son. It's way cheaper than getting caught doing what your doing.
Damn, first Baofeng thread I've seen here.

Baofeng is like Fight Club, you don't talk about Baofeng-ing due to the "hall monitors". ;)
They are very popular and widely used, although sometimes illegally. I'm not worried about "hall monitors". We have them amongst hams as well. It's how many people get caught. There is a whole segment of hams that get directional antennas and go looking for illegal transmissions.
You are mistaken on many points.
First, these radios require an amateur radio license to transmit with. It is illegal to transmit with them on FMRS or GMRS frequencies as they are not FCC approved for that use on any power setting or frequency.
It is legal to listen with them on any frequency.
It is legal to sell or buy them in the USA.
There is an exception if life or property is threatened, any radio on any frequency can be used to call for help under those circumstances.
Using this radio on FMRS frequency to keep tabs on your kids is illegal. You probably won't get caught, but if you do the fines start at $1500 and go up from there.
As a licensed 'ham', if I make a radio from razor blades and welding rods I am legally able to use it on any frequency in my license range.
I recommend you get yourself an FMRS radio at Walmart to keep tabs on your son. It's way cheaper than getting caught doing what your doing.
It sounds like I was only mistaken on one point, but thanks for the info. I've had two HAMs in the family, although has been deceased for some time. I actually inherited some old Heathkit gear from the 70's a while back.
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They are very popular and widely used, although sometimes illegally. I'm not worried about "hall monitors". We have them amongst hams as well. It's how many people get caught. There is a whole segment of hams that get directional antennas and go looking for illegal transmissions.
The .gov hates Baofeng for the obvious reasons and ham operators are the biggest bunch of snitches there are.

I had one who lived in a hollow below me and he swore up and down that a electric pole pole behind my house was causing him interference. He pecked on the door once and was whining about it, I told him to peddle that shit someplace else.

For years every now and again I would see a power company guy out in the back yard testing the line.

I'd walk up and say "that asshole ham in the hollow again?" and he'd say "yep". He was a huge PITA filing almost weekly complaints with them.

The old fart finally died a few years back and they took his tower down when the property changed hands.....Good riddance.
The .gov hates Baofeng for the obvious reasons and ham operators are the biggest bunch of snitches there are.

I had one who lived in a hollow below me and he swore up and down that a electric pole pole behind my house was causing him interference. He pecked on the door once and was whining about it, I told him to peddle that shit someplace else.

For years every now and again I would see a power company guy out in the back yard testing the line.

I'd walk up and say "that asshole ham in the hollow again?" and he'd say "yep". He was a huge PITA filing almost weekly complaints with them.

The old fart finally died a few years back and they took his tower down when the property changed hands.....Good riddance.
I've known some guys like that. In fact I learned from a guy like that.
Most of us are not like that.
Be careful out there.
Still looking for any tips on programming these things. I had two, and just picked up 3 more on ebay.
Even as a musician I don't get very computerized. I dont use "softsynths" and I record into a standalone 24-track recorder instead of a PC-audio interface like younger guys do.

You're obviously much more avid into the radio thing than I am.

I think I have the manual for my Baofengs. Are you lacking one or something? Maybe I can look up the info for you if I can find it.
Even as a musician I don't get very computerized. I dont use "softsynths" and I record into a standalone 24-track recorder instead of a PC-audio interface like younger guys do.

You're obviously much more avid into the radio thing than I am.

I think I have the manual for my Baofengs. Are you lacking one or something? Maybe I can look up the info for you if I can find it.
Well quite frankly, the manuals for these radios suck. I guess that is why ARRL can sell an entire course on how to use them.
I see the issue as there are several iterations of this radio, and each time I hook one up to my laptop I get directed to download another piece of software.
CHIRP software works on my older ones, but not on the newer models.
Well quite frankly, the manuals for these radios suck. I guess that is why ARRL can sell an entire course on how to use them.
I see the issue as there are several iterations of this radio, and each time I hook one up to my laptop I get directed to download another piece of software.
CHIRP software works on my older ones, but not on the newer models.
You jogged my memory. Yeah I remember the futility of the manual now. I think my two radios are the UV-82 model, like this:

Even as a musician I don't get very computerized. I dont use "softsynths" and I record into a standalone 24-track recorder instead of a PC-audio interface like younger guys do.

You're obviously much more avid into the radio thing than I am.

I think I have the manual for my Baofengs. Are you lacking one or something? Maybe I can look up the info for you if I can find it.
Well quite frankly, the manuals for these radios suck. I guess that is why ARRL can sell an entire course on how to use them.
I see the issue as there are several iterations of this radio, and each time I hook one up to my laptop I get directed to download another piece of software.
CHIRP software works on my older ones, but not on the newer models.
You jogged my memory. Yeah I remember the futility of the manual now. I think my two radios are the UV-82 model, like this:

View attachment 799483

It's a popular model, 2 and 5w output.Some were even 8w. It receives on the 70cm band very well. (440mHz )

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