Baptist Pastor who attacked Kim Davis is not Christian

Yehoshua is the longer Hebrew versus the Aramaic form Yeshua. Joshua is the English form, and Jesus is mistranslated Greek. Yeshua was Yesu to his friends, who spoke Koine, as did he, as well as Hebrew, he being a Jew.

It's been a while since I took my classes, but I recall Joshua being described as an Anglicized version of the somewhat longer form of Yeshua. Whatever, the same name of the man that led Israel into the Promised land, and of the High Priest who led the rebuilding of the Temple was the name of the man that led ISrael into its promised kingdom as the Messiah, the fulfillment of botht he Messianic Conquoring King prophesises and of the Suffering Servant prophesies both at the same time .

As for Christianity, it is not monotheistic, hence nontrinitarian Christians.

Christianity is monotheistic, proving you don't understand the concept of the Trinity, and that is not the question I asked you.

Why cant you libtards answer the questions you get asked instead of the questions you prefer to answer?
The Trinity is utter crap.

Mark 15:34
"And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").

So who was Jesus crying out to, himself? BS...

It has an obvious answer if you knew what you were talking about. Three persons in one being, save for the short time that Christ was on Earth in the form of man.

What you think this is beyond the wisdom and ability of the Creator?
Because it's nonsense, a rationalization to get around the fact that Christianity is not monotheistic, that Jesus wasn't God (he sure as hell didn't think he was), he wasn't even the Messiah, the Jews are still waiting for that one.

So God the Father, sent Jesus, God the son, with the help of the Holy Spirit, the Divine Aspect of God, to redeem the sins of man by dying on the cross as a sacrifice to God the Father? Now some Algebra.

So God, sent God, with the help of God, to redeem the sins of man by dying on the cross as a sacrifice to God? Utter nonsense.

Total fucking nonsense, and it goes against all common-sense readings of the Synoptic Gospels in which Jesus is clearly not presenting himself as God but is seeking oneness with Him. Jesus says follow me and serve the Lord, come be a fisher of men, not worship me for I am God incarnate. When Jesus cries out to God as he's dying on the cross, he isn't crying out to himself, he's crying out to his God, who failed him and is letting him die like any other common man.

The Trinity is a lie, there is only one God for the Jews and the Muslims, but there are three for most Christians, and there shouldn't be.

Yehoshua is the longer Hebrew versus the Aramaic form Yeshua. Joshua is the English form, and Jesus is mistranslated Greek. Yeshua was Yesu to his friends, who spoke Koine, as did he, as well as Hebrew, he being a Jew.

It's been a while since I took my classes, but I recall Joshua being described as an Anglicized version of the somewhat longer form of Yeshua. Whatever, the same name of the man that led Israel into the Promised land, and of the High Priest who led the rebuilding of the Temple was the name of the man that led ISrael into its promised kingdom as the Messiah, the fulfillment of botht he Messianic Conquoring King prophesises and of the Suffering Servant prophesies both at the same time .

As for Christianity, it is not monotheistic, hence nontrinitarian Christians.

Christianity is monotheistic, proving you don't understand the concept of the Trinity, and that is not the question I asked you.

Why cant you libtards answer the questions you get asked instead of the questions you prefer to answer?
The Trinity is utter crap.

Mark 15:34
"And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").

So who was Jesus crying out to, himself? BS...

It has an obvious answer if you knew what you were talking about. Three persons in one being, save for the short time that Christ was on Earth in the form of man.

What you think this is beyond the wisdom and ability of the Creator?
Three persons in one being. Sounds like the Three Faces of Eve or Sybil.

Yehoshua is the longer Hebrew versus the Aramaic form Yeshua. Joshua is the English form, and Jesus is mistranslated Greek. Yeshua was Yesu to his friends, who spoke Koine, as did he, as well as Hebrew, he being a Jew.

It's been a while since I took my classes, but I recall Joshua being described as an Anglicized version of the somewhat longer form of Yeshua. Whatever, the same name of the man that led Israel into the Promised land, and of the High Priest who led the rebuilding of the Temple was the name of the man that led ISrael into its promised kingdom as the Messiah, the fulfillment of botht he Messianic Conquoring King prophesises and of the Suffering Servant prophesies both at the same time .

As for Christianity, it is not monotheistic, hence nontrinitarian Christians.

Christianity is monotheistic, proving you don't understand the concept of the Trinity, and that is not the question I asked you.

Why cant you libtards answer the questions you get asked instead of the questions you prefer to answer?
The Trinity is utter crap.

Mark 15:34
"And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").

So who was Jesus crying out to, himself? BS...

It has an obvious answer if you knew what you were talking about. Three persons in one being, save for the short time that Christ was on Earth in the form of man.

What you think this is beyond the wisdom and ability of the Creator?
Three persons in one being. Sounds like the Three Faces of Eve or Sybil.
Another ignoramus chimes in.

But then again, honestly, probably 90% of Christians think of it that way, but it is wrong. So 90% of Christians are ignorant of what the Trinity is and means....what can I say?

Thankfully it is not a thing that is undermining to ones salvation.
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.
It's something that real Christians understand. Satan is the "accuser of the brethren", so this guy, pastor or not, clearly serves him.
What a crock of shit. In the NT it is clear that Christians can rebuke each other.

Your hubris is fun to watch.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.
It's something that real Christians understand. Satan is the "accuser of the brethren", so this guy, pastor or not, clearly serves him.
What a crock of shit. In the NT it is clear that Christians can rebuke each other.

Your hubris is fun to watch.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Christians don't rebuke those who are already penitent.

You stupidity is fun to watch.
No you are not wrong. Here is something else to chew on....if Kim Davis ran for County Clerk again, and because of honesty in politics (chuckle) declared if elected, she would enforce the law based on what her new religion and her god said to do.

She'd win by a landslide.
Not if everyone saw how she was going to enforce the law based on HER religion. No previously divorced...not dressed modestly? No papers for you....children out of wedlock? Nope. They may be the bible belt but they live normal lives.....not crazy ones.

They knew that about her when they elected her.
How wonderful is it that it is becoming IMPOSSIBLE to find a distinction between the Western Ideological Left and Islam?
The left and Islam? No, what is obvious is that the American Taliban and the real Taliban have only two things not in common, one is their God and the other is their actual belief in their holy book. Given ten minutes you guys would be throwing the homos off the nearest tall roof. Only liberals like me stand on your way...

No Christian wants to throw a homo off of the roof, but the real Taliban would cut their head off. You stand in their way and they would cut off your head as well.
I stand in their way the same way that I stand in yours. And they hate me as much as you do.

I don't hate you, merely hold you in contempt for being a fool.
Lassie gives 3 cheers to people dying in a mosque, but she clearly follows her Bible. After reading her postings, I'm convinced that only old white, racist, conservative, bigots are going to heaven. :)It's her job as a Christian tell others how to get there.
She's one of the best advertisers for people not to take religion seriously.

Like you do?
I'm not trying to make people follow any religious rules in our secular laws. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of secular law. Not christian sharia.

Where in the Constitution does it say anything about marriage? The law you refer too was made by the Supreme Court and making law by the SC is unconstitutional. God's laws do not compare to sharia law.

This is the second time I'm asking you to point out this law.

Supreme Court opinion on same sex marriage
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.

Lassie gives 3 cheers to people dying in a mosque, but she clearly follows her Bible. After reading her postings, I'm convinced that only old white, racist, conservative, bigots are going to heaven. :)It's her job as a Christian tell others how to get there.
She's one of the best advertisers for people not to take religion seriously.

Like you do?
I'm not trying to make people follow any religious rules in our secular laws. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of secular law. Not christian sharia.
There is no Sharia law for ?christians. That's the Muslim enemy. Oh wait. You think Christians are the enemy.
Christians are not the enemy, but anyone who tries to alter or ignore our nation's laws in place of THEIR interpretation of THEIR religion is not acting as a patriotic American, they are acting as does the Taliban. That is enemy like behavior since I swore an oath to defend the Constitution.
From what I can tell from his letter and the site he doesn't seem to know the Bible clearly...or he's not following it.

Lassie gives 3 cheers to people dying in a mosque, but she clearly follows her Bible. After reading her postings, I'm convinced that only old white, racist, conservative, bigots are going to heaven. :)It's her job as a Christian tell others how to get there.

Why don't you at least attempt to stay on topic, hag? Gawd you are annoying

The topic is fake Christians, and you are one of them.
Non Christians have no wherewithal to determine that. The topic is how real Christians know what real Christianity is and who the frauds are. It's called spiritual discernment, a Christian thing. You wouldn't understand.
You mean the self-delusions of cat-killers. Yes, we wouldn't understand.
Lassie gives 3 cheers to people dying in a mosque, but she clearly follows her Bible. After reading her postings, I'm convinced that only old white, racist, conservative, bigots are going to heaven. :)It's her job as a Christian tell others how to get there.
She's one of the best advertisers for people not to take religion seriously.

Like you do?
I'm not trying to make people follow any religious rules in our secular laws. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of secular law. Not christian sharia.
There is no Sharia law for ?christians. That's the Muslim enemy. Oh wait. You think Christians are the enemy.
Christians are not the enemy, but anyone who tries to alter or ignore our nation's laws in place of THEIR interpretation of THEIR religion is not acting as a patriotic American, they are acting as does the Taliban. That is enemy like behavior since I swore an oath to defend the Constitution.

“If you are among the many Americans — of whatever sexual orientation — who favor expanding same-sex marriage, by all means celebrate today’s decision,”Chief Justice Roberts wrote. “Celebrate the achievement of a desired goal. Celebrate the opportunity for a new expression of commitment to a partner. Celebrate the availability of new benefits. But do not celebrate the Constitution. It had nothing to do with it.”
She's one of the best advertisers for people not to take religion seriously.

Like you do?
I'm not trying to make people follow any religious rules in our secular laws. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of secular law. Not christian sharia.

Where in the Constitution does it say anything about marriage? The law you refer too was made by the Supreme Court and making law by the SC is unconstitutional. God's laws do not compare to sharia law.
The state provides a service for protection of property, inheritance, etc. That is the civil marriage license....if the state provides that service for one law-abiding, tax-paying group, they must provide it for all law-abiding, tax-paying groups. If not, why not?
The State will not allow Kim to issue a license to a man and his lover, a goat. Therefore, they cannot compell her to issue a marriage license to gays.
Such disappointment?
"Baptist Pastor who attacked Kim Davis is not Christian"


Even if true it in no way mitigates the accuracy of the observations.
From the first sentence that letter asserted its validity based on being written by a Christian pastor. It would be akin to someone weighing in on a Vietnam war issue and claiming their argument is more relevant because they were a Vietnam Vet, but then it turns out they lied. Their whole argument is destroyed.
In fact, accurate, factual, on-target criticism of Christianity by those not Christian are more objective and concise – indeed, one needn't be Christian to recognize the arrogance, ignorance, bigotry, and hypocrisy common to many Christians.

Yeah, you libtards are good at making great generic universal declarations like that that are absent specifics and any actual evidence. Then after hours even days of being corrected and shown to be the ignorant loud mouths you are you change the subject and fall into a nihilistic denial of any evidence significant enough to prove anything at all, even your own initial assertions.

Piss off.
Such anger at those different than yourself.
I'm not trying to make people follow any religious rules in our secular laws. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of secular law. Not christian sharia.

Where in the Constitution does it say anything about marriage? The law you refer too was made by the Supreme Court and making law by the SC is unconstitutional. God's laws do not compare to sharia law.
The state provides a service for protection of property, inheritance, etc. That is the civil marriage license....if the state provides that service for one law-abiding, tax-paying group, they must provide it for all law-abiding, tax-paying groups. If not, why not?
The State will not allow Kim to issue a license to a man and his lover, a goat. Therefore, they cannot compell her to issue a marriage license to gays.
Kim has options, so does the state, and so does the judge, like putting her behind bars again.
And we will assert that our Kim is a victim of political oppression. She will be a political prisoner. And Christian martyr for her beliefs.
OMIGOD! They killed her?????
I wonder how the catholics here feel when Jeri goes on about them not really being christians.

Jeri said the Pope is the anti-Christ. lol

This Pope? He doesn't have the power of the anti Christ. He's not the one.
Hey, go easy on my commie pope. He's just a little misguided.
As opposed to the last one, Pope Adolf I, patron saint of pedophile priests?

Yehoshua is the longer Hebrew versus the Aramaic form Yeshua. Joshua is the English form, and Jesus is mistranslated Greek. Yeshua was Yesu to his friends, who spoke Koine, as did he, as well as Hebrew, he being a Jew.

It's been a while since I took my classes, but I recall Joshua being described as an Anglicized version of the somewhat longer form of Yeshua. Whatever, the same name of the man that led Israel into the Promised land, and of the High Priest who led the rebuilding of the Temple was the name of the man that led ISrael into its promised kingdom as the Messiah, the fulfillment of botht he Messianic Conquoring King prophesises and of the Suffering Servant prophesies both at the same time .

As for Christianity, it is not monotheistic, hence nontrinitarian Christians.

Christianity is monotheistic, proving you don't understand the concept of the Trinity, and that is not the question I asked you.

Why cant you libtards answer the questions you get asked instead of the questions you prefer to answer?
The Trinity is utter crap.

Mark 15:34
"And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").

So who was Jesus crying out to, himself? BS...

It has an obvious answer if you knew what you were talking about. Three persons in one being, save for the short time that Christ was on Earth in the form of man.

What you think this is beyond the wisdom and ability of the Creator?
Three persons in one being. Sounds like the Three Faces of Eve or Sybil.
Or Janus.
She's one of the best advertisers for people not to take religion seriously.

Like you do?
I'm not trying to make people follow any religious rules in our secular laws. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of secular law. Not christian sharia.
There is no Sharia law for ?christians. That's the Muslim enemy. Oh wait. You think Christians are the enemy.
Christians are not the enemy, but anyone who tries to alter or ignore our nation's laws in place of THEIR interpretation of THEIR religion is not acting as a patriotic American, they are acting as does the Taliban. That is enemy like behavior since I swore an oath to defend the Constitution.

“If you are among the many Americans — of whatever sexual orientation — who favor expanding same-sex marriage, by all means celebrate today’s decision,”Chief Justice Roberts wrote. “Celebrate the achievement of a desired goal. Celebrate the opportunity for a new expression of commitment to a partner. Celebrate the availability of new benefits. But do not celebrate the Constitution. It had nothing to do with it.”
Yeah...that was his MINORITY opinion right there.
She's one of the best advertisers for people not to take religion seriously.

Like you do?
I'm not trying to make people follow any religious rules in our secular laws. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of secular law. Not christian sharia.

Where in the Constitution does it say anything about marriage? The law you refer too was made by the Supreme Court and making law by the SC is unconstitutional. God's laws do not compare to sharia law.

This is the second time I'm asking you to point out this law.

Supreme Court opinion on same sex marriage

Isn't Relativism hysterical, in every sense of the word?

They don't give a tinker's dam' about the law; consider the law which forbid sodomy, until the law is set aside by an irrational decree advanced by a vote of a 9 member, unelected legislature... THEN they become axiomatic proponents of 'We're a Nation of Laws'.

Understand Reader, Relativism is always destructive and never more so than when they use illegal means to alter the law, then demand, 'It's the LAW!'.

And that is because Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context and, as such, can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this perversion of reason; wherein relativism axiomatically rejects the very existence of objectivity; which is essential to truth, that we find that such precludes the means for Left-think to serve justice.

With truth being essential to trust and, both: truth and trust, being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality and, because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

And THAT is what is being demonstrated again, here, on this thread and throughout the nation as people begin to understand that Justice is simply no longer being served by the US Federal Government.

And THAT is why so many states are no busy writing law which rejects US Federal Authority.
"Baptist Pastor who attacked Kim Davis is not Christian"


Even if true it in no way mitigates the accuracy of the observations.
From the first sentence that letter asserted its validity based on being written by a Christian pastor. It would be akin to someone weighing in on a Vietnam war issue and claiming their argument is more relevant because they were a Vietnam Vet, but then it turns out they lied. Their whole argument is destroyed.
You're critical of Islam, you're not a Muslim, by your "reasoning" your criticism of Islam is not valid.

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