Bar Refaeli to Roger Waters: Remove my photo from your performances


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli on Wednesday demanded of Pink Floyd front-man Roger Waters, a vocal supporter of Boycott Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, that he remove a glamorous shot of her from a video he uses in his performances, saying that Waters’s calls for a cultural boycott of the Jewish state should also include her.

Via Twitter, Refaeli (@BarRefaeli) told her 500,000+ followers in Hebrew: “Roger Waters, you should remove my picture from videos at your concerts. If you’re going to boycott, then go all the way.”


Yesterday, Waters, who recently raised the ire of the Jewish community by featuring a pig shaped balloon emblazoned with a Star of David at his concerts, formally called for his supporters and musician colleagues to join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement against Israel.

In an interview with The Algemeiner Tuesday, Simon Wiesenthal Center associate dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper said he was surprised by the timing of Waters’s latest call in light of the approximately 1,700 recent political-related deaths in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon and the current ongoing US-brokered peace talks.

“The fact that Roger Waters would call for a boycott against Israel, when Israelis and Palestinians are actually meeting today, shows a complete disconnect from reality, and probably really just a disinterest in even the headlines of today’s newspaper, and certainly, a fundamental bias; I guess you could call it a hatred,” Rabbi Cooper said.

Israeli Supermodel Bar Refaeli Tells BDS Supporter Roger Waters to Remove Her Photo From His Performances | Jewish & Israel News


Well done, Bar
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Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli on Wednesday demanded of Pink Floyd front-man Roger Waters, a vocal supporter of Boycott Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, that he remove a glamorous shot of her from a video he uses in his performances, saying that Waters’s calls for a cultural boycott of the Jewish state should also include her.

Via Twitter, Refaeli (@BarRefaeli) told her 500,000+ followers in Hebrew: “Roger Waters, you should remove my picture from videos at your concerts. If you’re going to boycott, then go all the way.”


Yesterday, Waters, who recently raised the ire of the Jewish community by featuring a pig shaped balloon emblazoned with a Star of David at his concerts, formally called for his supporters and musician colleagues to join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement against Israel.

In an interview with The Algemeiner Tuesday, Simon Wiesenthal Center associate dean Rabbi Abraham Cooper said he was surprised by the timing of Waters’s latest call in light of the approximately 1,700 recent political-related deaths in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon and the current ongoing US-brokered peace talks.

“The fact that Roger Waters would call for a boycott against Israel, when Israelis and Palestinians are actually meeting today, shows a complete disconnect from reality, and probably really just a disinterest in even the headlines of today’s newspaper, and certainly, a fundamental bias; I guess you could call it a hatred,” Rabbi Cooper said.

Israeli Supermodel Bar Refaeli Tells BDS Supporter Roger Waters to Remove Her Photo From His Performances | Jewish & Israel News


Well done, Bar

roger has his issues, though I love him as a performer/writer etc.( met him once too, spoke for almost 30 minutes, my brush with fame;)) ...I saw the wall 2 years ago and he still had Bush in his montages next to Mao and a few other choice historically 'bad' people...good for her though, she has that right....
How did he get permission to use her likeness in the first place?

a quote from his FB page about another recent accusation.

1). Your use of the adjective “ANTI-SEMITIC”.

First I direct you to an announcement by ‘The Anti Defamation League’ an American organization, who’s declared aim is to defend Jewish people and Judaism from attack. They recently said.

“While we wish that Mr. Waters would have avoided using the Star of David, we believe there is no anti-Semitic intent here.”

I should point out that in the show, I also use the Crucifix, the Crescent and Star, the Hammer and Sickle, the Shell Oil Logo and The McDonald’s Sign, a Dollar Sign and a Mercedes sign.

2). JEW-HATING? I have many very close Jewish friends, one of whom, interestingly enough, is the nephew of the late Simon Wiesenthal. I am proud of that association; Simon Wiesenthal was a great man. Also I have two grandsons who, I love more than life itself, their Mother, my daughter in law, is Jewish and so, in consequence, I’m told, are they.

3). NAZI? Not only did my father, 2nd Lieutenant Eric Fletcher Waters, die in Italy on February 18th 1944 fighting the Nazis, but I was brought up in post war England where I received the most thorough education on the subject of Nazism and where I was spared no horrific detail of the heinous crimes committed in the name of that most foul ideology. I remember my mother’s friends Claudette and Maria, I remember their tattoos, they where survivors, two of the lucky ones.
Of course, he didn't have any choice about his father, his DIL, etc, etc - all of those 'examples' do not vaccinate him against ever having any anti-Semitic words, thoughts, or acts.

I'm pretty sure the only people completely free of prejudice are the ones in graveyards.......
Of course, he didn't have any choice about his father, his DIL, etc, etc - all of those 'examples' do not vaccinate him against ever having any anti-Semitic words, thoughts, or acts.

I'm pretty sure the only people completely free of prejudice are the ones in graveyards.......

nor does boycotting Israel make him an anti-Semite. That's the point he is making. It's the same point that the critics of Israel have been trying to make for decades now. Rafaeli most likely gave or sold him permission to use her likeness and I apparently now regrets it.
I'm not touching this one. Pink Floyd is my all time favorite band. Let's get some good vibes going and everybody sing along now. A one a and a two and a three a:

I've got a little black book with my poems in
I've got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb
When I'm a good dog they sometimes throw me a bone
I got elastic bands keeping my shoes on
Got those swollen hand blues.
Got thirteen channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from
I've got electric light
And I've got second sight
I've got amazing powers of observation
roger has his issues

Like what?

I played Breath at the open mic a few hours ago. The courage of Waters, Jazz Fusion and World Music Master John McLaughlin, Stevie Wonder and other artists in resisting the racism of the zionist regime is infinite.
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Of course, he didn't have any choice about his father, his DIL, etc, etc - all of those 'examples' do not vaccinate him against ever having any anti-Semitic words, thoughts, or acts.

I'm pretty sure the only people completely free of prejudice are the ones in graveyards.......

nor does boycotting Israel make him an anti-Semite.

Drowing a star-of-david on a pig-baloon, does though.
of course, he didn't have any choice about his father, his dil, etc, etc - all of those 'examples' do not vaccinate him against ever having any anti-semitic words, thoughts, or acts.

I'm pretty sure the only people completely free of prejudice are the ones in graveyards.......

nor does boycotting israel make him an anti-semite.

drowing a star-of-david on a pig-baloon, does though.

why ? he has been displaying all manner of flying pigs for decades with everything from stars and stripes,maple leafs and union jacks..just an excuse to scream anti-semite because it might sound offensive to those who do not know that flying pigs are a rodger waters trade mark
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OK, fine - when Waters does a pig with the Islamic star-and-crescent, I'll believe the one with a Mogen Dovid was NOT intended as 'anti-semitic'.
Drowing a star-of-david on a pig-baloon, does though.

The "star of david" is an occult symbol that currently represents a racist, political regime. Nothing racist about pointing out racism.

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