Bar under fire for banning tranny for using ladies' room

Here's a news tidbit from my hometown. Apparently women at a local watering hole complained about a transvestite using the ladies' room. When bouncers checked the transvestite's ID, he was listed as a male.

They asked him to leave and not come back.

The next day there is an uproar and the bar management is APOLOGIZING ????? and the transvestite is making a big show of protesting and talking about how traumatized he was by the event. Thinks he has a lawsuit, doesn't he, the fucker.

Why is the management at the bar apologizing? Men ARE allowed in the ladies' room now? So it's official? We can't do anything about it if the penises want to come into the ladies' room????

What do you think? Here's the link to the article:

Restroom politics - Anchorage Press: Anchorage Press News

There was a much shorter article in our main newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News, and I noticed they shut down the comments section. I suspect a lot of people feel exactly as I do about this, and strongly so.

restrooms need to start being labeled:



that way no one can say they are being "discriminated" against!

you got a dick.... you use that room over there.... if you dont... you use the one here.
Such labeling already exists... Men and Women ...and to the Devil with all this 'how they identify' bilge-water... :eusa_angel:

I am glad that there are no real problems facing the world -- so that we have the time and energy to chatter about such trivia.


I am glad that there are no real problems facing the world -- so that we have the time and energy to chatter about such trivia.

Not to worry... even the most studious and serious minds take a peek at the Freak Shows from time to time, to blow off some steam... which is exactly that that is... a Freak Show.
Here's a news tidbit from my hometown. Apparently women at a local watering hole complained about a transvestite using the ladies' room. When bouncers checked the transvestite's ID, he was listed as a male.

They asked him to leave and not come back.

The next day there is an uproar and the bar management is APOLOGIZING ????? and the transvestite is making a big show of protesting and talking about how traumatized he was by the event. Thinks he has a lawsuit, doesn't he, the fucker.

Why is the management at the bar apologizing? Men ARE allowed in the ladies' room now? So it's official? We can't do anything about it if the penises want to come into the ladies' room????

What do you think? Here's the link to the article:

Restroom politics - Anchorage Press: Anchorage Press News

There was a much shorter article in our main newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News, and I noticed they shut down the comments section. I suspect a lot of people feel exactly as I do about this, and strongly so.

restrooms need to start being labeled:



that way no one can say they are being "discriminated" against!

you got a dick.... you use that room over there.... if you dont... you use the one here.
Such labeling already exists... Men and Women ...and to the Devil with all this 'how they identify' bilge-water... :eusa_angel:

not quite.

you run into trouble when a man(dick) wants to be a woman(vagina) and will use the restroom that they "self identify" with.....

if you label the restrooms with by what parts you have... then no one can claim discrimination or sue.
This is why they apologized.

"Humpy’s is one of a handful of local businesses listed as sponsors of Pridefest, the celebration of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender culture that takes place each year in June"

So? That doesn't mean they should be forced to violate the privacy of their female clientele in favor of one twisted individual. If 'it' files a lawsuit, then perhaps the ladies who were "traumatized" by its invasion of their sanctuary.
Was there a disabled bathroom she could have used?

I doubt it. Most restrooms in these places are wheelchair accessible and have at least one stall that can accommodate a person in a wheelchair. But to have a separate restroom that is just for disabled people? Probably not. Besides he wouldn't wanted to use that one, anyway. He wanted to go in the ladies' room and was probably hoping it would bother someone. That's what I think.

Is the disabled stall in the men or ladies bathroom? It shouldn't matter to let them use that one. It wouldn't bother me.

Yeah, but it has come to our attention that you are not like other women.
^why not? I am more open minded than certain women here, who are more like dinosaurs than human beings.
Of course most women, here and otherwise, are concerned at the very least about the possibility of sexual predators using the carte blanche access granted a male in women's clothing to do women harm. The point is, just because some guy can dress up like his mommy doesn't make him a mommy.
Why aren't we trying to force the guys to be more accepting of other guys who are dressed up like women? Why aren't we forcing the issue of bullying someone because of their choice of clothing rather than trying to force the "weaker sex" to forgo their privacy and relative safety in a place where they feel vulnerable? Or here's an interesting question...why is this discussion always specific about letting some guy use the ladies room? Where is all the brou-ha-ha about women dressed like men being prohibited from going to the men's loo?

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