Bar under fire for banning tranny for using ladies' room

I doubt it. Most restrooms in these places are wheelchair accessible and have at least one stall that can accommodate a person in a wheelchair. But to have a separate restroom that is just for disabled people? Probably not. Besides he wouldn't wanted to use that one, anyway. He wanted to go in the ladies' room and was probably hoping it would bother someone. That's what I think.

Is the disabled stall in the men or ladies bathroom? It shouldn't matter to let them use that one. It wouldn't bother me.

Both bathrooms would have had a sit down stall of such a kind. Common sense is, if you gotta go, you gotta go! Or wait, that could be an opportunity to sue someone. If this tranny professes to be a he, use the mens, if hes a she, use the ladies room. For pete's sake we have more worrisome things in life to deal with, lol.

If the transgendered person identifies as female, they can use the female bathroom. I, for one, don't give a flying fuck where they piss or shit, so long as they don't do it on the floor.
Is the disabled stall in the men or ladies bathroom? It shouldn't matter to let them use that one. It wouldn't bother me.

Both bathrooms would have had a sit down stall of such a kind. Common sense is, if you gotta go, you gotta go! Or wait, that could be an opportunity to sue someone. If this tranny professes to be a he, use the mens, if hes a she, use the ladies room. For pete's sake we have more worrisome things in life to deal with, lol.

If the transgendered person identifies as female, they can use the female bathroom. I, for one, don't give a flying fuck where they piss or shit, so long as they don't do it on the floor.

Well, if "she" had to go that badly, it would have been in "her" best interest to simply comply and not start a disturbance, don't you agree?
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I don't believe she created a disturbance. The owner of the shop is the one who started it.
Is the disabled stall in the men or ladies bathroom? It shouldn't matter to let them use that one. It wouldn't bother me.

Both bathrooms would have had a sit down stall of such a kind. Common sense is, if you gotta go, you gotta go! Or wait, that could be an opportunity to sue someone. If this tranny professes to be a he, use the mens, if hes a she, use the ladies room. For pete's sake we have more worrisome things in life to deal with, lol.

If the transgendered person identifies as female, they can use the female bathroom. I, for one, don't give a flying fuck where they piss or shit, so long as they don't do it on the floor.

You understand that women at the bar didn't like the tranny, who is a man no matter what he believes he is, in the ladies' room? You understand that women complained to management about it. They checked his ID and it listed him as a man?

Just because you believe something doesn't make it true.

If that's the case, I want to be Alaska Native. They get totally free healthcare. I believe I am a Native, therefore I am. Right? Yeah, we'll see how that works.
Both bathrooms would have had a sit down stall of such a kind. Common sense is, if you gotta go, you gotta go! Or wait, that could be an opportunity to sue someone. If this tranny professes to be a he, use the mens, if hes a she, use the ladies room. For pete's sake we have more worrisome things in life to deal with, lol.

If the transgendered person identifies as female, they can use the female bathroom. I, for one, don't give a flying fuck where they piss or shit, so long as they don't do it on the floor.

You understand that women at the bar didn't like the tranny, who is a man no matter what he believes he is, in the ladies' room? You understand that women complained to management about it. They checked his ID and it listed him as a man?

Just because you believe something doesn't make it true.

If that's the case, I want to be Alaska Native. They get totally free healthcare. I believe I am a Native, therefore I am. Right? Yeah, we'll see how that works.

Have you been to a therapist and been diagnosed as being a Native? If so, fine. If not, STFU because that has nothing to do with transgender issues.
I don't think the guy was hurt very bad at all. I can't find an article anywhere that states he had a concussion, or any broken real injuries at all. Just his epilepsy came back and he started having seizures, which I suspect is a bunch of bull. Plus he can't sleep good now and is traumatized and afraid to go out. Whatever.

If you were beaten to a pulp, you would be traumatized, too.

WTF!!! He was NOT beaten to a pulp!
I don't think the guy was hurt very bad at all. I can't find an article anywhere that states he had a concussion, or any broken real injuries at all. Just his epilepsy came back and he started having seizures, which I suspect is a bunch of bull. Plus he can't sleep good now and is traumatized and afraid to go out. Whatever.

If you were beaten to a pulp, you would be traumatized, too.

WTF!!! He was NOT beaten to a pulp!

Evidence? I am not aware of the severity of his injuries.
If the transgendered person identifies as female, they can use the female bathroom. I, for one, don't give a flying fuck where they piss or shit, so long as they don't do it on the floor.

You understand that women at the bar didn't like the tranny, who is a man no matter what he believes he is, in the ladies' room? You understand that women complained to management about it. They checked his ID and it listed him as a man?

Just because you believe something doesn't make it true.

If that's the case, I want to be Alaska Native. They get totally free healthcare. I believe I am a Native, therefore I am. Right? Yeah, we'll see how that works.

Have you been to a therapist and been diagnosed as being a Native? If so, fine. If not, STFU because that has nothing to do with transgender issues.

Are you suggesting that all "female" transgenders have been to a therapist and been DIAGNOSED AS BEING A WOMAN???? Really, Noomi? That's ridiculous.
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I don't think the guy was hurt very bad at all. I can't find an article anywhere that states he had a concussion, or any broken real injuries at all. Just his epilepsy came back and he started having seizures, which I suspect is a bunch of bull. Plus he can't sleep good now and is traumatized and afraid to go out. Whatever.

It was still a vicious, violent attack. They jumped her, beat her, kicked her, dragged her by her hair, spit on her, punched an elderly woman who tried to help, left and came back to attack her again.
I don't think the guy was hurt very bad at all. I can't find an article anywhere that states he had a concussion, or any broken real injuries at all. Just his epilepsy came back and he started having seizures, which I suspect is a bunch of bull. Plus he can't sleep good now and is traumatized and afraid to go out. Whatever.

It was still a vicious, violent attack. They jumped her, beat her, kicked her, dragged her by her hair, spit on her, punched an elderly woman who tried to help, left and came back to attack her again.

I'm curious what happens if a woman, a real woman thinks a tranny is in there to rape her and kills the tranny in what she felt to be self defense? Will libs go all Trayvon martin on her? Will it make national headlines and pray that an example is made out of her? Or since she feared rape you will ignore it? What will you do?
You understand that women at the bar didn't like the tranny, who is a man no matter what he believes he is, in the ladies' room? You understand that women complained to management about it. They checked his ID and it listed him as a man?

Just because you believe something doesn't make it true.

If that's the case, I want to be Alaska Native. They get totally free healthcare. I believe I am a Native, therefore I am. Right? Yeah, we'll see how that works.

Have you been to a therapist and been diagnosed as being a Native? If so, fine. If not, STFU because that has nothing to do with transgender issues.

Are you suggesting that all "female" transgenders have been to a therapist and been DIAGNOSED AS BEING A WOMAN???? Really, Noomi? That's ridiculous.

Most would have been, otherwise they are not really transgendered, and are just ordinary folk who choose to dress as the opposite sex.
If the Creature has a pecker... no admittance to the Ladies' Room... it doesn't need to get any more complicated than that.
As I stated before, the LGBT community needs to see about some kind of fundraising efforts to provide financial assistant to individuals who feel they were born in the wrong body so they can have sex change surgery.

Get rid of the penis and then you can go in the ladies' room.
As I stated before, the LGBT community needs to see about some kind of fundraising efforts to provide financial assistant to individuals who feel they were born in the wrong body so they can have sex change surgery.

Get rid of the penis and then you can go in the ladies' room.

What a good idea! It's one that's crossed my mind before. In all of the fundraising done in the LGBT community, all of it is to done to support efforts to browbeat normals. Not a single organization exists to provide for surgery (which LGBTs think normals should pay for anyway), or mental health care or even a new wardrobe.
As I stated before, the LGBT community needs to see about some kind of fundraising efforts to provide financial assistant to individuals who feel they were born in the wrong body so they can have sex change surgery.

Get rid of the penis and then you can go in the ladies' room.

Problem is, they can create a perfectly functioning vagina, nor a functioning penis. Most trannies want working sex organs.
As I stated before, the LGBT community needs to see about some kind of fundraising efforts to provide financial assistant to individuals who feel they were born in the wrong body so they can have sex change surgery.

Get rid of the penis and then you can go in the ladies' room.

What a good idea! It's one that's crossed my mind before. In all of the fundraising done in the LGBT community, all of it is to done to support efforts to browbeat normals. Not a single organization exists to provide for surgery (which LGBTs think normals should pay for anyway), or mental health care or even a new wardrobe.

Given they are liberals they expect others to pay for things they want. Liberals are very generous with other people's money.
As I stated before, the LGBT community needs to see about some kind of fundraising efforts to provide financial assistant to individuals who feel they were born in the wrong body so they can have sex change surgery.

Get rid of the penis and then you can go in the ladies' room.

Problem is, they can create a perfectly functioning vagina, nor a functioning penis. Most trannies want working sex organs.

Several opt out of a sex change because (obviously) sexual stimulation is just not the same after a reconstruction. And well....sexual stimulation is much more important than your "identity" apparently. Even if you were assigned the wrong equipment by the manufacturer.
Here's a news tidbit from my hometown. Apparently women at a local watering hole complained about a transvestite using the ladies' room. When bouncers checked the transvestite's ID, he was listed as a male.

They asked him to leave and not come back.

The next day there is an uproar and the bar management is APOLOGIZING ????? and the transvestite is making a big show of protesting and talking about how traumatized he was by the event. Thinks he has a lawsuit, doesn't he, the fucker.

Why is the management at the bar apologizing? Men ARE allowed in the ladies' room now? So it's official? We can't do anything about it if the penises want to come into the ladies' room????

What do you think? Here's the link to the article:

Restroom politics - Anchorage Press: Anchorage Press News

There was a much shorter article in our main newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News, and I noticed they shut down the comments section. I suspect a lot of people feel exactly as I do about this, and strongly so.

restrooms need to start being labeled:



that way no one can say they are being "discriminated" against!

you got a dick.... you use that room over there.... if you dont... you use the one here.

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