Barack H Obama School of Business


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The time has come to establish a school of business where the ideas and principals of our accidental President can be taught. Our curriculum is geared toward exposing, immersing, indoctrinating young minds (or whatever's left of them by the time they get to us) in this amazing, transformational economic philosophy.

1. Businesses need to get with the times, computers and telephones and other "conveniences" do nothing more than decrease the number of hours the workers spend on tasks, they along with bank ATM's and airport kiosks must be eliminated. More hours = more wages = more wage = growing economy

2. When faced with a revenue shortfall, a business has two choices: how much to raise their prices and by how much. Focusing on the expense side of the ledger is foolhardy. Those expenses translate into someones wages (see #1 above)

3. There is no such thing as an entrepreneur. We succeed as a collective. The idea of an individual starting new enterprises went out with the first roads and bridges

4. When faced with a lesser than expected increase in revenues you must instill fear and panic on your organization: threaten their safety, threaten their children, threaten the safety of their children

5. Only take advise from people who have a similar worldview and experience. Remember, we can do better than being the #1 economy

6. Nothing is ever your fault. For example Ron Johnson the new CEO at JC Penny who is driving the company to ruin made a tragic mistake in not blaming his predecessor for he mess he inherited. Nothing says leadership like fingerpointing

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