CDZ Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Are the Most-Admired Man and Woman in America

I was off some. Apologies for being in a hurry awhile back. About 140 convictions, indictments, investigations, most pardoned by reagan's successor bush. Still holds true. The most corrupt administration and Iran Contra was considered an impeachable offense by Reagan's secty of state, George Schultz. Why do repubs criticize Obama's administration since they've only been convicted by fox news, ergo, right wing professional posters?

Reagan s Administration Was Among the Most Corrupt

The vast majority of those convicted of anything at all in the Reagan administration were investigated indicted tried and convicted by Ronald Reagan's own appointees in the United states Attorney's corps. We took care of business and Reagan was harder on public corruption than any President in modern times. As for your cited list, you can find more than that number in connection with Fast and Furious alone. It's just that Holder's DOJ does nothing -- even after holder himself has been held in contempt of Congress.
Holder Found In Contempt Of Congress The Two-Way NPR Ed Meese, the finest AG in the last century was never convicted of anything because he never did anything wrong.

Oh, and BTW, Reagan never sicced the IRS on his political enemies.

Obama makes more foreign policy mistakes in a week than Reagan did in his entire 8 years.
The fact that only forty percent of the respondents repeated an answer is not impressive. Sixty percent of the respondents did not even come up with a name that was nationally known. This survey is a definite fail.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Are the Most-Admired Man and Woman in America

There is nothing admirable about two people who is corrupt and dishonest. :cuckoo:
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I would name Angelina Jolie too! :2up:
I enjoy admiring Angelina Jolie!
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The current president of the USA, and the next president of the USA.

Cheerio from young allies and friends across the pond. Don't let the far right stop you from improving America!
"PRINCETON, N.J. -- Americans continue to name Hillary Clinton..."

d have to say that the only thing this proves is that someone in Princeton is totally out of touch with the rest of the country.
"PRINCETON, N.J. -- Americans continue to name Hillary Clinton..."

d have to say that the only thing this proves is that someone in Princeton is totally out of touch with the rest of the country.
The survey, the poll was taken around the country, not just in Princeton. Read the article cited in the OP.
Joseph Stalin was twice Time Magazine's Man of the Year.
The man of the year title, as Time Magazine has explained, has nothing to do with the person being admirable; it has to do with the person being most influential, in good and/or bad ways, over the year. Someone who has a lot of impact, not necessarily positive impact.
Princeton, NJ.

'nuff said.

I thought the same thing. Princeton = educated and liberal.

If this same poll were taken in an uneducated, RW area, the results would likely be very different.

Gallup is based in Princeton NJ but the people actually polled are nationwide.

FYI Gallup was fined for biased polling favoring the GOP.
Actually I tend to believe the poll, and it wounds my heart to say that. The American people elected the most unqualified, inexperienced, unvetted and clueless person this nation has ever elected to high office. And after he pretty much made a mess of things for four years, they passed over one of the most qualified, experienced and thoroughly vetted candidates we've ever offered and elected Barack Obama again.

And despite the fact that she cannot show one significant success EVER in her entire professional or political resume, Hillary Clinton leads the polls against all comers.

The American public is therefore so thoroughly dumbed down that they probably do admire a Barack Obama or a Hillary Clinton. They don't know why. But it doesn't matter because they embrace the politically correct ideology and have the right letter after their names.

We're screwed.

Where is your credible :link: proving that Obama was never "vetted" by the media?

Have you forgotten the exposure of Rev Wright? How about Bill Ayers? The controversy over the birth certificate? His Illinois Senate voting record?

What constitutes "vetting" if none of that counts?
They asked a bunch of extreme leftists what their opinion of Obama and Clinton was. The answer was predetermined by the people they asked.

Onus is on you to prove that claim.

Gallup is one of the oldest polling firms in the nation. You are alleging that they don't know how to do their job.
It shouldn't be surprising that a large subgroup find Obama and Hillary Clinton as their most admired Man and Woman. They are polarizing figures. There is most likely an equal or higher percentage of the population that dispise them. However, that is not what was surveyed.
It shouldn't be surprising that a large subgroup find Obama and Hillary Clinton as their most admired Man and Woman. They are polarizing figures. There is most likely an equal or higher percentage of the population that dispise them. However, that is not what was surveyed.
The people polled were not singled out for having one perspective or another about Obama and Clinton. If you are going to suggest or maintain that the poll singled out people who are a 'subgroup' who like Obama and Clinton, then please cite a link to that. It didn't happen, so you are essentially lying to suggest it did. They simply surveyed people across the country, a cross section of people, not singling out anyone for their specific views or political status.

You just can't accept the reality of the poll w/o pretending to yourself it was somehow rigged. Pathetic.
It shouldn't be surprising that a large subgroup find Obama and Hillary Clinton as their most admired Man and Woman. They are polarizing figures. There is most likely an equal or higher percentage of the population that dispise them. However, that is not what was surveyed.
The people polled were not singled out for having one perspective or another about Obama and Clinton. If you are going to suggest or maintain that the poll singled out people who are a 'subgroup' who like Obama and Clinton, then please cite a link to that. It didn't happen, so you are essentially lying to suggest it did. They simply surveyed people across the country, a cross section of people, not singling out anyone for their specific views or political status.

You just can't accept the reality of the poll w/o pretending to yourself it was somehow rigged. Pathetic.
I'm note suggesting that there was anything incorrect about the methodology of the poll. The only thing "singling out people" is the poll question itself. If 19% of the population worship Obama, of course they are going to pick Obama as their most admired man. That does not mean that there isn't another big chunk of the population that dispise Obama. A lot of people love Obama. A lot of people really dislike Obama (hate may be too strong of a word). People that dislike or hate Obama will be part of the 81% that do not pick him as their most admired man. Also, we don't know what part of the 81% that didn't pick Obama have a negative opinion of him from this poll because the survey did not have a question that would be useful for gathering that information.
It shouldn't be surprising that a large subgroup find Obama and Hillary Clinton as their most admired Man and Woman. They are polarizing figures. There is most likely an equal or higher percentage of the population that dispise them. However, that is not what was surveyed.
The people polled were not singled out for having one perspective or another about Obama and Clinton. If you are going to suggest or maintain that the poll singled out people who are a 'subgroup' who like Obama and Clinton, then please cite a link to that. It didn't happen, so you are essentially lying to suggest it did. They simply surveyed people across the country, a cross section of people, not singling out anyone for their specific views or political status.

You just can't accept the reality of the poll w/o pretending to yourself it was somehow rigged. Pathetic.
I'm note suggesting that there was anything incorrect about the methodology of the poll. The only thing "singling out people" is the poll question itself. If 19% of the population worship Obama, of course they are going to pick Obama as their most admired man. That does not mean that there isn't another big chunk of the population that dispise Obama. A lot of people love Obama. A lot of people really dislike Obama (hate may be too strong of a word). People that dislike or hate Obama will be part of the 81% that do not pick him as their most admired man. Also, we don't know what part of the 81% that didn't pick Obama have a negative opinion of him from this poll because the survey did not have a question that would be useful for gathering that information.
It was not a multiple choice question. Do you understand that? It was an open question to simply state which American you have read about or seen in the news or heard about you most admire. They were not fed the name of either Obama or Clinton. They were fed no names. It was an open question. You might bother to read the article before you decide on an opinion about the poll.

It was not a matter of 'picking' anyone AT ALL. They were not given a list of people to choose from. Read the article.
What this indicates is that the negativity we read toward Cinton and Obama on this board is not at all what the country as a whole thinks of them.

Because a whopping 12% picked Clinton and even more stunning 19% picked Obama? That's right around the number of people who have a positive view of Congress.
Oprah's on the list in the #2 spot with 8%.

Maybe she can be VP.

I'd vote for her over any Republican.

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